
Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Hello and thank you for your patience.

Is the save file on the OP the end of v.18.6?

Edit: Nope, it just crashes the game. :(


Sep 19, 2017
Began to loose interest in this game :(:(:(
I looked up your review. Personally I think you are overreacting.

1) Saves almost always don't work. That isn't new. It sucks but it's not new and you shouldn't be shocked about it.

2) Lack of incest this patch. Well it is about Eve, of course not. Spoiler alert neither will next patch will be about the main story line then patch after that is Rhonda.

3) Here I understand your opinion about stretching the game out. If you only cared about incest, then you see DC adding Roxxy and Eve content as padding and stretching. You may only want main story and incest, but personally I am SOOO BORED with incest in every game over the years, so the Roxxy and Eve content are great and are making the game better for me. Do I want more main story? Yes but then again we will get that next patch which will probably be in 3 months.

4) About the lack of an ending... I think you are making assumptions from DC. He may or may not have the ending in sight. Just because he is writing emotional stories for side characters doesn't mean he does or doesn't have an ending in mind. If you are saying he should write an ending of the story before writing side characters, I think that is a legit opinion.

5) LOL DC is not going to abandon this game. Making games makes him money. If he is messed up he will write less and less content per update, but why give up completely? Best case scenario he writes an ending and makes a new game. If he abandons the game he will lose all street credibility and his next game will tank. It may take a while but this ride will end.


Jul 21, 2017
For the art this has always been a top 5 of mine, but damn, this starting over all of the time just sucks. Yes I know I can continue with Eve, but I do like to have the other girls completed also and you lose that by just working on the new stuff.

I wouldn't mind playing with the pre-school mom, I forget her name. :p
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
His comment still makes perfect sense even if it's just a scar and her chest size. She was made fun of by Roxxy and her friends in the bathroom because of her hair and her body size. It makes perfect sense for her to feel that way, I've seen that personally in real life. She even mentions it at the party on the rooftop, so it's definitely something she's embarrassed about.

There are many people out there in the real world who act just the way she does to their bodies, when they really have no reason to. How can you even say "not like this" or that it doesn't make sense, when it's actually something that happens to real people out there? Her personality in this update is probably more realistic than any other character in the game.

Both paths make sense in the way they were written.
Reminds me of an interview of Jason Alexander talking about his time on Seinfeld. Early on, he went up to Larry David and told him that a particular scene made no sense because no one would ever be in that situation and, even if they were, no human being on the planet could possibly react the way George was supposed to react to it.
Larry David was just confused, telling him that this thing had happened to him, and that's exactly how he'd reacted to it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
Reminds me of an interview of Jason Alexander talking about his time on Seinfeld. Early on, he went up to Larry David and told him that a particular scene made no sense because no one would ever be in that situation and, even if they were, no human being on the planet could possibly react the way George was supposed to react to it.
Larry David was just confused, telling him that this thing had happened to him, and that's exactly how he'd reacted to it.
Oh look. More people missing the entire point of what I said

But we’ve reached the point where they’re high fiving eachother, so it’s useless now.


New Member
May 19, 2017
Anyone else having issues with Roxxy's path?
Her mother has been arrested but escorting her to the trailer isn't triggering

Save file attached.

Looks to have been addressed in patch
Last edited:


Dec 7, 2017
anyone else get the bug where the guy T or whatever his name is doesnt appear at the tattoo parlor party odette throws?
keep going to odette she says to go downstairs, try to open the door to their house says i need to go upstairs, went to the garage and hes no where to be found. basically stuck

edit: and then upon updating to 19.1 all npcs have vanished from party, odette, grace, and no sign of the T guy, sad boy moment cause no save prior for like 20 days


New Member
May 19, 2017
Anyone else having issues with Roxxy's path?
Her mother has been arrested but escorting her to the trailer isn't triggering

Save file attached.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
So, I'll do this once because anyone coming to the defense of this game is not arguing in good faith.
What is this? It's like you're saying that no one else has a valid opinion or can talk about what you're saying even when you're flat out wrong/lying?

- Creator makes $60k a month off this game from Patreon.
Sure. As of yesterday monthly total hit $60K which is the first time they've come close to that amount. Through this development cycle for 19.0, all the previous months were low to mid $50Ks. Which is a shit ton of money, most everyone agrees.

- Works on the art solo since launch Aug 2016 + staff for coding added the past year.
They've had staff for dialogue, art, coding, with more than one person in these roles since at least version 10.0. This hasn't been a one man show for a very long time.

- Since launch in Aug 2016, made $1mil in 3 years.
Yeah they've collected Patreon "fees" of a million $ since launch. As per above, this is a lot of money.

The update schedule 'stabilised' to how it is, every 3-5 months, 2 years ago. Taking longer despite making more money, 'not a grift' lol.
This is certainly misrepresentation on your part. Releases 11.0 and 11.6 took 9 weeks, 12.1 and 12.6 took 11 weeks, 13.1 took 8 weeks, and 14.1 and 14.3 took 9 weeks. All of these releases were half the size or less than the ones we have gotten since, and were worse in quality (mostly due to improved animations, but there were other improvements). When they started working on 15.0 they announced they were going to make the development cycles twice as long, but at the same time release twice as much content. This was obvious right off the bat, as the teacher update was massive compared to previous individual updates. Can you tell me how working at the same pace, yet more efficient, is grifting?

1) The creator has total control over how the money is spent. Pocketing it and taking longer to release updates is grifting the system.
I don't know if you misread my comment or are being willfully obtuse with your response. I said Patreon creators have no control on how much money comes in, I didn't say anything about not how they spend it. There's no caps on Patreon donations as far as I know. What are you expecting from them? "Oh, we've reached 2000 Patreons now, we don't want your money anymore."

It's like they are street buskers playing music in a subway, they just take whatever money people are dropping in their bucket and keep on playing their music. The only difference is the scale.

2) I'm sure the $60k a month in Patreon money has nothing to do with it.
It was free Month 1 when they made $343, and it's been free every month since, so it's pretty clear that how much money they are given each month had nothing to do with them releasing it for free.

3) If we're talking 4-5 months between updates the past 2 years and the game released at 0.1 when the Patreon went up, that's an update every month for the first year then slowing to once every 4ish months once over $15k a month was rolling in. 'not grifting'
Again, see my comment above. They've increased the length of time between releases, but also increased the amount of content. In the end, we're getting the same ratio of content as before, and arguably better quality.

4) Artists stream for free all the time, what king of a justification even is this? Sharing your process with fans isn't a luxury, it's a smart way to connect with fans and get valuable feedback/constructive criticism FOR FREE.
When I said you could literally watch the artist work, it was a reference to the transparency of the work process. You can literally see the speed at which he works, and by virtue of him doing it most days of the week, you can see that it's not like DC is sitting around twiddling his thumbs.

If this isn't a grift, what has the creator done different since establishing the update schedule 2 years ago? The monthly has quadrupled, so if you can't update any faster... maybe start another game? Make use of the fans money instead of pocketing it with nothing to show for it.
That doesn't make any sense. Just because the month $ have increased, it doesn't mean he can draw any faster. Sure the dialogue writer, the posers and the coders can work on other games, but how is that useful when there's no art for the game.

It's 100% a grift, the update model hasn't changed in 2 years and the income since has quadrupled. The payment system is not at fault, the creator has the responsibility to spend the money and has chosen to simply pocket it all. This is up to the Patreon's to reward/punish, and clearly horny is getting in the way of punishment. Guess the creator doesn't have much of a conscience regarding the situation either. In this case, Patreon forcing audits would be the only solution.
What's this responsibility you refer to? They had a bunch of "stretch goals" and as far as I know when each of the levels was met, they hired at least one new person:

$10,000 goal (Music and coding)
$15,000 goal (Extra Help Lvl 1)
$20,000 goal (Extra Help Lvl 2)
$25,000 goal (Extra Help Lvl 3)

DC also even followed through of the $30,000 goal which was to do one of his streams nude. He did it one night while wearing a rubber horse head.

That gets to the crux of the issue. The creator of SS is doing nothing for all the extra money coming in, same way a pyramid scheme rewards the person at the top the most for doing absolutely nothing past starting the scheme in the first place.
FFS, you clearly don't understand what a pyramid scheme is. Each layer in a pyramid scheme makes money off the larger base below it. Outside of DC, who is making money off SS besides him and his EEs? I sure as fuck am not making money off the game. Are you?

Hopefully at some point Patreon will be required to audit projects so there is some semblance of transparency where the money is actually going, so runaway grift's like SS can be reigned in. Because based upon the response from some users here, Patreon's aren't likely to demand accountability for SS anytime soon.
After they cleaned up the incest, they aren't breaking any Patreon rules, so why on Earth would Patreon audit them?? Here's Patreon's TOS link, feel free to bring up any items that SS is not adhering to.
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