
Active Member
May 26, 2019
So, I'll do this once because anyone coming to the defense of this game is not arguing in good faith.

- Creator makes $60k a month off this game from Patreon.
- Works on the art solo since launch Aug 2016 + staff for coding added the past year.
- Since launch in Aug 2016, made $1mil in 3 years. The update schedule 'stabilised' to how it is, every 3-5 months, 2 years ago. Taking longer despite making more money, 'not a grift' lol.

1) The creator has total control over how the money is spent. Pocketing it and taking longer to release updates is grifting the system.
2) I'm sure the $60k a month in Patreon money has nothing to do with it.
3) If we're talking 4-5 months between updates the past 2 years and the game released at 0.1 when the Patreon went up, that's an update every month for the first year then slowing to once every 4ish months once over $15k a month was rolling in. 'not grifting'
4) Artists stream for free all the time, what king of a justification even is this? Sharing your process with fans isn't a luxury, it's a smart way to connect with fans and get valuable feedback/constructive criticism FOR FREE.

If this isn't a grift, what has the creator done different since establishing the update schedule 2 years ago? The monthly has quadrupled, so if you can't update any faster... maybe start another game? Make use of the fans money instead of pocketing it with nothing to show for it.

Complaining is my kink, stop shaming.

It's 100% a grift, the update model hasn't changed in 2 years and the income since has quadrupled. The payment system is not at fault, the creator has the responsibility to spend the money and has chosen to simply pocket it all. This is up to the Patreon's to reward/punish, and clearly horny is getting in the way of punishment. Guess the creator doesn't have much of a conscience regarding the situation either. In this case, Patreon forcing audits would be the only solution.

1) And? That's not an excuse to pocket all the extra income since the update schedule was made firm 2 years ago.
2) All developers do this, and they don't expect anything extra for it.
3) That kind of time waste to replace an animator is 100% on the creator, you should expect better and not parrot that as a legit excuse.
4) Better than twitter, here's some other 18+ game devs you can look up and check yourself:
- Siren's Domain has two game's in development making ~4k each a month with staggered updates, providing an update every month combined. Does the art for one, employ's ScarletAnn for the other, both animated and gameplay all updates.
- Heaven Studios does one game making ~$3.5k a month, updates once every two months. Employs multiple artists, CG with lots of transitions and variations, new gameplay each update.
- Gunsmoke Games, known for Something Unlimited, makes $14k a month, update every two months. Solo effort for the art, extra staff for updating the game to a new engine whilst still providing new updates, sporadic animations but consistent CG and gamplay each update.

It also goes without saying all those devs up above provide bug fix updates and half-updates when content is delayed. Literally nothing different from this game, or any other game you can find on F95.

That gets to the crux of the issue. The creator of SS is doing nothing for all the extra money coming in, same way a pyramid scheme rewards the person at the top the most for doing absolutely nothing past starting the scheme in the first place.

Hopefully at some point Patreon will be required to audit projects so there is some semblance of transparency where the money is actually going, so runaway grift's like SS can be reigned in. Because based upon the response from some users here, Patreon's aren't likely to demand accountability for SS anytime soon.
It is not wrong what you wrote. I only think that the maker has the right to pocket as much money as he can. He need to live from it. If he can get rich from it even better. It is living a dream.

It is a fantastic game. But also a big game already. With to many characters and open stories to do the graphics only by one person makes the developmet far to slow.


Beside this, I saw Eve and I like the visual changes. I'm only sad that the 3 rappers are idiots, now. I thought they are friends of Eve.

I would love to see most of the naughty mod integrated to the vanilla game. :)


Jul 18, 2019
Thanks for the update, but when I just did yoga with Anna, I back to my room with fast travel and I go to the kitchen (I used incest patch and Diane was pregnant) appears this error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'characters/diane/buttons/character_diane_nightgown_water__pregnant_bump.png'>:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'characters/diane/buttons/character_diane_nightgown_water__pregnant_bump.png'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "scripts/core/user_interface/cellphone/labels.rpyc", line 13, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/entrance.rpyc", line 185, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/home.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/map/map.rpyc", line 15, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/bank/bank.rpyc", line 6, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/bank/bank.rpyc", line 6, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/kitchen/kitchen.rpyc", line 92, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/kitchen/dialogues.rpyc", line 1807, in script
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\", line 706, in execute
renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\", line 1336, in say
who(what, *args, **kwargs)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\", line 1139, in __call__
self.do_display(who, what, cb_args=self.cb_args, **display_args)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\", line 842, in do_display
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\", line 591, in display_say
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='say', type=type, roll_forward=roll_forward)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\", line 295, in interact
rv =, **kwargs)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 2699, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 3191, in interact_core
self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 2091, in draw_screen
File "render.pyx", line 546, in renpy.display.render.render_screen
File "render.pyx", line 247, in renpy.display.render.render
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 154, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 247, in renpy.display.render.render
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 154, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 247, in renpy.display.render.render
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 154, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 247, in renpy.display.render.render
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 675, in render
child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
File "render.pyx", line 154, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 247, in renpy.display.render.render
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 722, in render
surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
File "render.pyx", line 154, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 247, in renpy.display.render.render
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 763, in render
rv = super(Button, self).render(width, height, st, at)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 1127, in render
st, at)
File "render.pyx", line 154, in renpy.display.render.render
File "render.pyx", line 247, in renpy.display.render.render
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 584, in render
return cache.get(self, render=True)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 266, in get
surf = image.load()
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\", line 629, in load
surf = renpy.display.pgrender.load_image(renpy.loader.load(self.filename), self.filename)
File "G:\GameZ\Games\Renpy\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\", line 576, in load
raise IOError("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name)
IOError: Couldn't find file 'characters/diane/buttons/character_diane_nightgown_water__pregnant_bump.png'.

SummertimeSaga 0.19.1
Sat Oct 19 08:51:55 2019


New Member
Nov 21, 2018
anyone else get the bug where the guy T or whatever his name is doesnt appear at the tattoo parlor party odette throws?
keep going to odette she says to go downstairs, try to open the door to their house says i need to go upstairs, went to the garage and hes no where to be found. basically stuck

edit: and then upon updating to 19.1 all npcs have vanished from party, odette, grace, and no sign of the T guy, sad boy moment cause no save prior for like 20 days
Same thing here
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New Member
May 4, 2017
Lul i just helped erics mom with yoga shits and i got stuck af in the gym, when you try to leave it says bruh, it night gym closed, even though you just did the yoga lesson lmfao
and this wasn't the only time this happened, but i was high af and i forgot


Nov 6, 2017
I would like to point out for the "grift" complainer, yes the dev gets 61k a month
from his patreons, who can clearly see what he gets monthly by the way, and still
have ample opportunity to cancel at any time should they feel slighted or cheated.
Obviously 23k plus patreons believe it is worth the money to donate, which by the
way, works out to $2.61 per person, per month... oh the horror lol


Q / Motherlover
Mar 13, 2019
With Odette and Grace from this update, you can have sex and can they get pregnant?


Active Member
May 26, 2019
There is a continuity issue if you go to the mall early. After the first school day I checked the shop because of the computer part and the cinema. Direct after it started the Pink Cyclone event and the MC is thinking about getting the mask for Leia's cam shows. Not sure if someone is here to report this to the DC.


Feb 24, 2019
the changelog said something about accessing Debbie's bank account but how do i do that? the options for Accounts isn't clickable in my bank


New Member
Aug 15, 2017
It's been a long time that I wait for an update for Eve. I really wanted to see what the develloper would do with her...and i'm very very pleased ! This character is almost perfect ! Emotion is present and the storie is very good writed. And the choice you have to made at one moment ! No spoil but I think it's one a the best the develloper could create !

I have one regret, one point that for me, ruin a little the immersion, it's the end. I think the different scene (and pose) are a little rushed over., without real implication or character developpement. But its a small point when compared to the rest of the story so well...
4.00 star(s) 367 Votes