
Aug 5, 2016
I think at some point, everyone involved will want to move on. Working on the same project for an extended amount of time is often counterproductive and leads to apathy and dimished returns.
There is nothing to suggest this going to happen


Active Member
May 29, 2018
I read your post, your post was wrong and a mess of incoherent nonsense, so I made a general, simple response to what little of it wasn't inane babbling.
ok you know what your a troll stop replying to me. you started this by saying I knew nothing and yet I gave you examples of how and why your wrong and the argument of how money doesn't mean shit in some cases.


Jul 28, 2017
Today I went to the stream and heard that there is a possibility to get this update in two parts, can anyone confirm it?


May 4, 2018
you know what would be cool if the dev made a special event if you get Odette, Eve and Grace pregnant all on the same day and yes if you visit the shop on the right day you can shag Odette on the bike in the morning Eve in the tent or here room depending where she is at in the afternoon and Grace in the evening I did and the next day I got a text from Eve about here being pregnant and the next day after that I got a text from Grace and the next day after that I got a text from Eve about Odette being pregnant :ROFLMAO:


Jul 15, 2018
I dont think you actually read what I wrote. It doesnt matter if the people complaining are backers or not. Spending OTHER people's money refers to the patrons in total, which would still apply because those complaining about the amount DC gets in donations are implying or outright stating he shouldnt make so much, or he should do more because he does get so much. That's STILL spending other people's money, as i EXTREMELY doubt one person (who is fucking whining about how much DC gets) is giving the entirety of what DC accrues.

SECOND, spending other people's money also refers to DC himself, as once the money is donated, it is HIS to allocate HOW HE WISHES. There is no, "I'm giving you 1 or 5 or 500 dollars to spend specifically in this manner I tell you to". You dont get to say, "HIRE ANOTHER ARTIST, NOW!" Nope. Doesn't work that way.

All your complaining and whining amounts to is you, WHO I DOUBT IS AN ACTUAL PATRON, mentally spending other people's money because you are upset at the rate in which you receive FREE fucking high quality content. You're basically throwing a tantrum because Dad won't give you more candy because he decided you dont need it right now. If I could make you emotional toddlers go take a nap I would.
you're right i didn't read what you wrote. i didn't even read this cause its a sorry excuse. DC needs to hurry his slow ass up


May 4, 2018
there are a few people in the game based after real people like Mayer Rump his wife daughter and his chief his maid is based after the maid from family guy and I know his gardener is but I can not for the life of me think who he is based after the gardener even make a comment about how long it takes the dev to get patches out it is the small things that make this game so great and also if you play this game on Christmas it changes the background of the town to a Christmas theme


Jul 18, 2018
there are a few people in the game based after real people like Mayer Rump his wife daughter and his chief his maid is based after the maid from family guy and I know his gardener is but I can not for the life of me think who he is based after the gardener even make a comment about how long it takes the dev to get patches out it is the small things that make this game so great and also if you play this game on Christmas it changes the background of the town to a Christmas theme
The gardener is based on the Ricardo Milos meme.
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