
Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Is the process tracker even working atm? For some reason it's last update was April 25th (using the link on the first post)
I doubt that it works correctly as it still shows the old bug tracker from the old update before it was updated to the current version bug tracker.
Always use this version instead.
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"I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Sep 20, 2017
That's truth, but just a part of it. Tell the whole picture. All REAL forum members can clearly see - that a lot of dudes were hired to make a "hidden PR" here. I doubt that all ppl who devote such a long posts about only good sides of the project and completly lost a chance to mention ANY kind of critic, even a constructive one - are just "free fans" or "beliving donaters".

Here's how it works.
- Oh, look, the programmers made their part for TOO LONG, maybe they can work faster or maybe better fast-working programmers could be hired to help\change the bad long-working programers?
- Oh no, how could you tell such a thing? The game have a nice art style, and they report the progress often and bla-bla-bla...
- But what about the bad programming?
- Forget about it. Let's just talk about good sides and take your attentiong from a real problem to any kind of "how dare you not to tell only good words about my favorite game, I'm such a fan here".

I bet that the payment of those "PR dudes" and other "fake fans" are much lower than a payment for good programmers, that's why PR dudes are hired and good coders are don't. I must admit that some ppl really belive in all that PR shit and started to copy it and protect just like "their own opinion". Poor dudes. Great never-ending-development plan.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
That's truth, but just a part of it. Tell the whole picture. All REAL forum members can clearly see - that a lot of dudes were hired to make a "hidden PR" here. I doubt that all ppl who devote such a long posts about only good sides of the project and completly lost a chance to mention ANY kind of critic, even a constructive one - are just "free fans" or "beliving donaters".

Here's how it works.
- Oh, look, the programmers made their part for TOO LONG, maybe they can work faster or maybe better fast-working programmers could be hired to help\change the bad long-working programers?
- Oh no, how could you tell such a thing? The game have a nice art style, and they report the progress often and bla-bla-bla...
- But what about the bad programming?
- Forget about it. Let's just talk about good sides and take your attentiong from a real problem to any kind of "how dare you not to tell only good words about my favorite game, I'm such a fan here".

I bet that the payment of those "PR dudes" and other "fake fans" are much lower than a payment for good programmers, that's why PR dudes are hired and good coders are don't. I must admit that some ppl really belive in all that PR shit and started to copy it and protect just like "their own opinion". Poor dudes. Great never-ending-development plan.
bro i get that a lot of people are devoting probably a bit too much time defending DC like their life is fucking depending on it on here but...seriously? paid hidden PR people on a shitty PIRACY forum for...what reason exactly? like wtf man i think you watch too many conspiracy videos


Dec 20, 2017
bro i get that a lot of people are devoting probably a bit too much time defending DC like their life is fucking depending on it on here but...seriously? paid hidden PR people on a shitty PIRACY forum for...what reason exactly? like wtf man i think you watch too many conspiracy videos
I'm a real forum member and I can clearly see that people are paid to defend DC. I also want to express my concerns about the red and green light I see on the sky every night, and that huge hairy dude that runs naked in the woods next to my place. Two men with black suit and black ties came to me to ask me to forget about it. I'm pretty sure they had a reptilian tongue.
Last edited:


Apr 15, 2019
Not being a follower on Discord, Are there two different artists working on SS? DC and someone else?
The reason I ask this is because of the different art styles between the main game and the animations.
The main game has 'crisp' lines on the characters, whereas the animations have a much softer almost pastel chalk style. Or is he mixing new with the old?
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining per se (although I prefer the crisp lines) I'm just curious.

2020-05-02 (2).png 2020-05-02 (6).png
Crisp Soft

PS: DC get off your FAT wallet and hire a second coder!

OMG A NEW VERSION OF DATING MY DAUGHTER IS OUT. Mr Dots games DOES NOT MILK his patrons. Like "other" Devs.


Apr 22, 2017
Not being a follower on Discord, Are there two different artists working on SS? DC and someone else?
DC outsources animations to someone else but I think he still makes several frames by himself
I think the second style is just better (aka easier) for animations


Active Member
Feb 8, 2020
Hey everyone I'm new here
Just wanted to post this to share my thoughts and opinion about recent stuff:
Before that feel free to criticize, mock or whatever you want to say for this post

First I found out about this game around March and I really enjoyed the story (yeah I enjoy stories in every type of video games) and the mechanics are good so I considered becoming a Patron.

However once I found out that the next update is close I told myself I will wait for release and then I will become a sub on DC's Patreon for the update and future stuff.

Yet we all know the update is being delayed till at least the time of this post.
I'm not complaining or even comparing him and his team to other devs, all I want to say that a delay is good but really long delay kinda kills the support line.

I checked their website and it said they are updating this game every 2 month on average but the last update was last year.

So unless after the upcoming update if we get 2 more within a month, they are not delivering stuff according their schedule which is bad. That's the main reason why video games gets pushed and the results are devastating for both players and devs.

Overall I want to say while the delay is somewhat considered acceptable (if we don't want buggy mess), it's best to remove any post related to updates if a delivery is not guaranteed (I know HYPING is a good Technic for getting supporters but not everyone likes to wait).

On example is that I'm Patron of 2 other developers and they stated that there will be updates according to their schedule (one every week and the other on 1st and 15th day of each month) and they deliver this as their plans.

Anyway I wish best for everyone and hopefully we get the update soon

Stay safe everyone


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Not being a follower on Discord, Are there two different artists working on SS? DC and someone else?
The reason I ask this is because of the different art styles between the main game and the animations.
The main game has 'crisp' lines on the characters, whereas the animations have a much softer almost pastel chalk style. Or is he mixing new with the old?
Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining per se (although I prefer the crisp lines) I'm just curious.

View attachment 642360 View attachment 642362
Crisp Soft

PS: DC get off your FAT wallet and hire a second coder!

OMG A NEW VERSION OF DATING MY DAUGHTER IS OUT. Mr Dots games DOES NOT MILK his patrons. Like "other" Devs.
Animations are done by someone else. But the ART is still drawn by DC. So no two different artists its all DC and the outsource guy.
And what fat wallet are you talking about? Split his patreon money that comes in monthly by 7 and then taxes. You will realize that the so called fat wallet is non existant anymore.

So unless after the upcoming update if we get 2 more within a month, they are not delivering stuff according their schedule which is bad. That's the main reason why video games gets pushed and the results are devastating for both players and devs.
Thats because on the last update the dude responsible for animations left mid work and was never heard of again by DC nor his team. The new guy had to pick up the pieces of the old guy and finished last update and now works on the current one. Yet DC said this solution is not optimal either for him. But i can always advice to go on picarto and ask him in stream if you wanna know stuff.

Also with 3 kids now and working from home i still think he does a great job all together.
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Aug 5, 2016
It seems like majority of the people on does not know what delay means. The update was never delayed because they never gave a release date when it’s supposed to be out.
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2020
DC'is true capitalist from USA , offcourse he will milk these horny virgins.

View attachment 642427 .
Man, really, there should be 10,000 posts exactly the same as yours, you are not adding anything, just more pollution here, do the following, go to these 10,000 posts and give us a like, we will all know that you think just like them.
No offenses ok, it’s already boring.


Nov 7, 2018
Is it true that Darkcookie will only release the game once it is paid on patreon? Because a few weeks ago the game was 99% and is taking a long time to be released and I looked at some previous pages and people are saying that the game will be released next Sunday.
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