Jun 14, 2018
Well, this update explains why I play the game once per ~8 versions. No idea how they that amount of cash with that amount of content. I get it, art is fine but there are other games with good art, that doesn't make so much money while they have a better story and more content with each update. I think the software company that I work for, doesn't make that much money per month.


Dec 6, 2016
Yeah I know you're right. but what I wanted to say is that the "old" characters both main and secondary (example for the story of Mia would operate Helen, Angelica. for the story of Mrs Johnson we would have Anna, Erik, June etc ...) are set aside "to make dust" in favor of new ones.
Then I misread your intent. That's fair criticism of the game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
Going by the changelog, it seems they fixed that dialogue where you're pretty much forced to lie to Eve about your virginity. Hope they further tweak her route, specifically with reducing the dick size and removing that BJ scene. I prefer my traps with tinier dicks, and I think that scene was mandatory to progess -- although I could just be misremembering that latter point.
May 2, 2020
Lol. No it didn't. It was worked on congruent with the update that preceded it. Watching DC's livestreams is a chore but he drops bits an pieces about his schedule that make most of this stuff make sense. He ought to just release more progress reports.
The code is actually always the bottleneck to these updates, so the art, at least the art that they show on streams, can become disjointed with the rest of the game development. For instance, DC is already working on the Rhonda update in the streams despite still having .20.5 to release in the meantime. Consuela's update was released ~2 months after the Eve update.
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