Further going with this idea here is a possible general overveiw of scenes or moments she could have in game and the like and some ideas for story.
Dating a pregger could be nice indeed. though given that it was the product of abuse I'd say she would give up the baby for adoption since she'd want to start a new life with the good lover eventually. she's not someone who'd have an abortion so late but neither someone who'd raise a baby the product of trickery. just saying because perhaps the preggo gal once no longer pregnant...may want some nice looooong creampie sex with her good boyfriend. the reason being that she "Wants real love in the baby oven" also since she got tricked, may I suggest that she's VERY sex-shy to the point of refusing sexual contact...but only moderately shy for touches and actually appreciates it when the player gives her her very first orgasm out of gently playing with her bits?
in that same regard, I think her very first Sexual Orgasm should be extra special in that...to begin with, the player asks for a handjob before putting it inside her...so that he can last longer (an odd request as she'd expect him to want to cum inside her ASAP but instead he outright tells her that he wants their lovemaking to last), and thus because he can go for longer and since she really loves him by the point they finally make love...he'd lock his hands with her, and they'd kiss while she passively leglocks him and the two of them cum nicely and kiss in the afterglow, moving very slowly and focusing on caressing one another rather than "still having sex post-orgasm". something soft and nice.
it's not like she'd be a sex addict just because she'd get the right guy, but it's not like she'd be 100% asexual either. if anything, the fact the player would focus more on showing affection and treating her kindly than going for easy sex is kind of why she loves hanging up with him. 4 out of 5 encounters between him and her would not be directly sexual per say, and of those 4, 3 are directly related to him masturbating her or eating her out while just one is her giving him either a handjob or a BJ of her own initiative after noticing him backed up for the day. the sexual ones however go for longer than just a lunchbreak or the like but they'd feel great for both. of course, said sexual ones do carry the risk of giving her a bad reputation as her bullies might say "she's going to get herself fucked in the bathroom" and such. of course, the player could defend the GF directly or call the bullies out on their VERY REAL hussyness
What do you all think? It's just ideas of course.