
Jan 28, 2021
Yeah, they often go side by side though: someone complains, someone disagrees middle ground is found - drama ensues.
I guess my point is complaining doesn't necessarily involve disagreement. Unless we want to include arbitrary disagreements like the folks who say pineapple on pizza is a sin. I mean, if you don't like it you have a right to complain if it's on your slice but let me eat my Hawaiian in peace.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
I guess my point is complaining doesn't necessarily involve disagreement. Unless we want to include arbitrary disagreements like the folks who say pineapple on pizza is a sin. I mean, if you don't like it you have a right to complain if it's on your slice but let me eat my Hawaiian in peace.
And yet here we are. I didn't even complain and a small drama ensues. Just curious as to what caused the drama here ( and many other threads)? My take is someone complains too much, others disagree...lather rinse repeat...MANY pages later still no common ground/solution - drama. Never said you couldn't complain or are wrong to and - complaints often involve disagreement at many different levels/intensities.
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Jan 28, 2021
And yet here we are. I didn't even complain and a small drama ensues. Just curious as to what caused the drama here ( and many other threads)? My take is someone complains too much, others disagree...lather rinse repeat...MANY pages later still no common ground/solution - drama. Never said you couldn't complain or are wrong to and - complaints often involve disagreement at many different levels/intensies.
There's drama here? I just made a comment and from there a discussion ensued. Sorry if it seemed like some sort of drama occurred. To be clear my original comment had nothing to do with anything from you.

Edit: Now I'm confused. By "here" do you mean here here. As in with my comment or a more global "here" as in the site as a whole? Bah. It doesn't really matter I guess. At the end of the day all I'm saying is it surprises me how much drama there is here (f95zone). That's all.


Active Member
May 1, 2020
Humans being what they are, you're never going to find a forum without drama. This site makes it more acceptable to be a dick because it's a site about dicks. (Among other things.) When you're laying your fetishes bare, you're not really going to hold back any other part of your personality. If you're not ashamed of people knowing that you get off on watching your character get drugged and raped in a crypt by a goth dressed as a vampire, you're not going to be ashamed by people knowing that you're impatient and judgmental and have only basic literacy and logic and reasoning skills. This is the ultimate "come as you are" forum.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
Humans being what they are, you're never going to find a forum without drama. This site makes it more acceptable to be a dick because it's a site about dicks. (Among other things.) When you're laying your fetishes bare, you're not really going to hold back any other part of your personality. If you're not ashamed of people knowing that you get off on watching your character get drugged and raped in a crypt by a goth dressed as a vampire, you're not going to be ashamed by people knowing that you're impatient and judgmental and have only basic literacy and logic and reasoning skills. This is the ultimate "come as you are" forum.
That scenario is oddly specific...
Edit: Oh, shit that happened in the game. Wow, it's been so long. :LOL:
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Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Go touch some grass, there are better things to do than to defend some lazy, greedy deveploper everyday. I hope atleast you're getting paid for your "work" here else it's pathetic ngl.
Says the person who does nothing but come to a 'pirate' site to complain about free games and games that are 'pirated' to play for free - and gives positive reactions to other whingers. Please, pot - kettle - black.

It's strange, again, how people confuse stating facts as "defending" someone... what do some people have against facts?


Active Member
May 1, 2020
Go touch some grass, there are better things to do than to defend some lazy, greedy deveploper everyday. I hope atleast you're getting paid for your "work" here else it's pathetic ngl.
If raising more than $900 for LGBT charities counts as getting paid, then yes, I'm getting paid for my work modding this game. I'm also paid with the likes and hearts and positive feedback, and the knowledge that I'm making the world a better place, one orgasm at a time.

If you meant my work defending DC, I don't need any payment for that. As I've said many times, I don't, can't, and won't defend how long the Tech Update is taking. I only push back against the notion that he owes anyone anything in exchange for the money that they gave him voluntarily. I have no idea why anyone gives DC money, but I guess they have their reasons, and we should respect that. Other people giving him money doesn't entitle YOU to more frequent updates. If YOU have given him money and YOU feel ripped off, cancel your Patreon membership and ask for your money back. Don't complain about it in a forum that DC doesn't visit, where no one has any power to get the Tech Update finished or get you your money back. Find a more productive use of your time and stop wasting ours.


New Member
Jun 12, 2020
Says the person who does nothing but come to a 'pirate' site to complain about free games and games that are 'pirated' to play for free - and gives positive reactions to other whingers. Please, pot - kettle - black.

It's strange, again, how people confuse stating facts as "defending" someone... what do some people have against facts?
Lol, did you even see the comment I replied to or you just jumped to attack anyone who dare to say anything about the creator like you always do. It's truly pathetic to be that terminally online, defend some creator of a game that too on this site.

This sure is "Pirate site" for some games but there a whole lot of games and creators who post their games her first and are even active here. This is a great funnel for looking for supporters for their patreons. People have every right to make comments here since DC doesn't care or even here. So, why are your so mad about? Also I rarely come here.

As for your "facts", it's nothing than delusion. I mean the Patreons who still support, or who have supported him in the past, recognize and call out his lazy and greedy behavior but you're still blinded by it. I don't even need to compare him to other creator and consider the amount of money he gets per month, to make an observation of being wrong. Either you're deluded or you're getting paid to do that(I hope so, else you need to introspect). I honestly can't tell.
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Active Member
May 13, 2019
I guess my point is complaining doesn't necessarily involve disagreement. Unless we want to include arbitrary disagreements like the folks who say pineapple on pizza is a sin. I mean, if you don't like it you have a right to complain if it's on your slice but let me eat my Hawaiian in peace.
I belive people who are criticizing pineapple on Pizza are pretentious as hell and they haven't actually try it.
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Count Morado

Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
Lol, did you even see the comment I replied to or you just jumped to attack anyone who dare to say anything about the creator like you always do. It's truly pathetic to be that terminally online, defend some creator of a game that too on this site.

This sure is "Pirate site" for some games but there a whole lot of games and creators who post their games her first and are even active here. This is a great funnel for looking for supporters for their patreons. People have every right to make comments here since DC doesn't care or even here. So, why are your so mad about? Also I rarely come here.

As for your "facts", it's nothing than delusion. I mean the Patreons who still support, or who have supported him in the past, recognize and call out his lazy and greedy behavior but you're still blinded by it. I don't even need to compare him to other creator and consider the amount of money he gets per month, to make an observation of being wrong. Either you're deluded or you're getting paid to do that(I hope so, else you need to introspect). I honestly can't tell.
Thanks for proving my point. As Hamlet says, you "doth protest too much, me thinks." Have a lovely day.
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New Member
Jun 12, 2020
I only push back against the notion that he owes anyone anything in exchange for the money that they gave him voluntarily.
WTF are you even talking about. Patreon isn't a donation website. It's a membership platform, that provides business tools for content creators to run a subscription service. It helps creators and artists earn a monthly income by providing rewards and perks to their subscribers. So his current and old subscribers and supporters have every right to complain if they feel like they are being cheated on or not getting the benefits and still supporting him in the hope of things getting better(though I think they should just save their money and buy it when it comes out). Also there is nothing wrong in calling out lazy and greedy behavior of someone even if they're aren't the supporters on Patreon or not anymore since this thread is literally about the Game. Why are you so mad about it ?
But anyways, I am out.


Active Member
May 1, 2020
WTF are you even talking about. Patreon isn't a donation website. It's a membership platform, that provides business tools for content creators to run a subscription service. It helps creators and artists earn a monthly income by providing rewards and perks to their subscribers.
Sure, it's all of those things. None of those things make it GoFundMe or Indiegogo, in which money is donated in return for a specific return on investment. They've gotten what they were promised for their membership. Anything they get beyond that is gravy.

Also there is nothing wrong in calling out lazy and greedy behavior of someone even if they're aren't the supporters on Patreon or not anymore since this thread is literally about the Game.
Well, actually, there is. As should be abundantly clear by now, we don't like the thread being full of people whining about a problem that we have no power to fix. Negativity brings people down. Positivity lifts them up. We have enough problems without other people airing their grievances against someone who isn't here. If you need to vent, yell into a pillow. It will accomplish exactly as much, but it won't piss anyone else off.
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