
Well-Known Member
May 2, 2022
holly shit i just remembered this game from covid when i played it. buddy is still on the tech update...

i genuinely want to know the thought process of a patreon user that sees DC making upwards of a million dollars a year, doing fuck all, and goes "awh man, i better chip in as well!"

DC is literally becoming part of the 1%, why the fuck are people still giving him money for free :LOL:
money makes the world go round


Active Member
Game Developer
May 16, 2017
Honestly, you remind me why I do not like most American porn.

Fortunately there are those million Japanese ladies who know what hole to use and how to not shave it :)
Personal preference I guess, people have lots of different kinks they like that other people don't


Nov 11, 2016
Not really. The "In progress" task are rewiring the remaining teachers. However the past few monthly updates and most of what I usually see in the past 24 hour changes are all over the place. A lot of on the fly bug fixes and whatever internally seems to be the biggest priority at the moment.
Can you see in the tasks who is holding who back? Is it coding, waiting for scenes/paths to be posed or is posing wiaiting for coding to be done. As far as i understood, writing is mostly done and they are just waiting until some preceding tasks are done. Same for art.

I remember DC mentioning that he does not want to proceed on the art of the next update yet (even though he already did some) but to me, DC and writing could already proceed on the next udpate, instead of keep on improving. He has been desperatly looking for things to do on stream. But those extra improvment tasks could come with every update anyway.

I'm happy if I see a message from you, asyou have more insights in the actual tasks. So I hope you post some update from time to time ;)


May 1, 2017
Can you see in the tasks who is holding who back? Is it coding, waiting for scenes/paths to be posed or is posing wiaiting for coding to be done. As far as i understood, writing is mostly done and they are just waiting until some preceding tasks are done. Same for art.

I remember DC mentioning that he does not want to proceed on the art of the next update yet (even though he already did some) but to me, DC and writing could already proceed on the next udpate, instead of keep on improving. He has been desperatly looking for things to do on stream. But those extra improvment tasks could come with every update anyway.

I'm happy if I see a message from you, asyou have more insights in the actual tasks. So I hope you post some update from time to time ;)
Right now the biggest bottleneck is Stray/Coding that said there are bottlenecks within bottlenecks. Case in point the posers and QA are all part time so they can only work on the game a few hours a day if they have any time at all.
They're also all over the world being from across the U.S., UK, Russia and New Zealand, so coordinating the team isn't easy with all the different time zones, work schedules and family lives.
Also the way the game's built as it was explained by one of the posers once that there's a lot of dovetailing wherein it goes pose> review> fix> coding> review> fix> back to posing and repeat.
So at any time you have a guy who works 3-5 hours a night handing off work to a QA tester who might not wake up for another 6 hours who's also part time, who will then either A: toss it back to the poser for fixing or B: toss it to the coder and hope he's not to busy unfucking the code to be able to work on it at which point when he's done it goes back and maybe the poser isn't now to busy working on his next task to be able to work on it again.

Now if you're thinking "Gee that production pipeline's fucked they should fix that.". Well unfortunately the only one who can fix it would rather doodle than lead his team, a man who fully believes that because this system has worked for years there is no reason to change it and yes this is how things have always been done. It was just far less noticeable because One: They always had less work. Two: The team wasn't as big and so the system never had its gaping flaws exposed.

The reason DC & Sploosh haven't been working much on upcoming stuff is that they know they need Stray to reel them in and remind them of what they can and can't do in the game which is a massive problem with them where they'll cook up insane plotlines and scenes only for Stray to point out they can't make it happen with what they have, in fact a large reason for the rebuild was the feature creep was straining the game to it's very limits it simply wasn't built to handle the rig system, achievements and pregnancy system. That last one apparently was a massive issue with the coder at the time it was added so fed up of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole that he just grabbed the metaphorical sledgehammer and brute forced it which as you can imagine causes all sorts of issues with the code later on.


Jun 24, 2017
Right now the biggest bottleneck is Stray/Coding that said there are bottlenecks within bottlenecks. Case in point the posers and QA are all part time so they can only work on the game a few hours a day if they have any time at all.
They're also all over the world being from across the U.S., UK, Russia and New Zealand, so coordinating the team isn't easy with all the different time zones, work schedules and family lives.
Also the way the game's built as it was explained by one of the posers once that there's a lot of dovetailing wherein it goes pose> review> fix> coding> review> fix> back to posing and repeat.
So at any time you have a guy who works 3-5 hours a night handing off work to a QA tester who might not wake up for another 6 hours who's also part time, who will then either A: toss it back to the poser for fixing or B: toss it to the coder and hope he's not to busy unfucking the code to be able to work on it at which point when he's done it goes back and maybe the poser isn't now to busy working on his next task to be able to work on it again.

Now if you're thinking "Gee that production pipeline's fucked they should fix that.". Well unfortunately the only one who can fix it would rather doodle than lead his team, a man who fully believes that because this system has worked for years there is no reason to change it and yes this is how things have always been done. It was just far less noticeable because One: They always had less work. Two: The team wasn't as big and so the system never had its gaping flaws exposed.

The reason DC & Sploosh haven't been working much on upcoming stuff is that they know they need Stray to reel them in and remind them of what they can and can't do in the game which is a massive problem with them where they'll cook up insane plotlines and scenes only for Stray to point out they can't make it happen with what they have, in fact a large reason for the rebuild was the feature creep was straining the game to it's very limits it simply wasn't built to handle the rig system, achievements and pregnancy system. That last one apparently was a massive issue with the coder at the time it was added so fed up of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole that he just grabbed the metaphorical sledgehammer and brute forced it which as you can imagine causes all sorts of issues with the code later on.
Not even joking when I say this but you are literally the only useful person here to write exactly whats going on. Unlike some people who just spam the same repeated statements over and over again and then think its "helpful".



Jul 28, 2017
Right now the biggest bottleneck is Stray/Coding that said there are bottlenecks within bottlenecks. Case in point the posers and QA are all part time so they can only work on the game a few hours a day if they have any time at all.
They're also all over the world being from across the U.S., UK, Russia and New Zealand, so coordinating the team isn't easy with all the different time zones, work schedules and family lives.
Also the way the game's built as it was explained by one of the posers once that there's a lot of dovetailing wherein it goes pose> review> fix> coding> review> fix> back to posing and repeat.
So at any time you have a guy who works 3-5 hours a night handing off work to a QA tester who might not wake up for another 6 hours who's also part time, who will then either A: toss it back to the poser for fixing or B: toss it to the coder and hope he's not to busy unfucking the code to be able to work on it at which point when he's done it goes back and maybe the poser isn't now to busy working on his next task to be able to work on it again.

Now if you're thinking "Gee that production pipeline's fucked they should fix that.". Well unfortunately the only one who can fix it would rather doodle than lead his team, a man who fully believes that because this system has worked for years there is no reason to change it and yes this is how things have always been done. It was just far less noticeable because One: They always had less work. Two: The team wasn't as big and so the system never had its gaping flaws exposed.

The reason DC & Sploosh haven't been working much on upcoming stuff is that they know they need Stray to reel them in and remind them of what they can and can't do in the game which is a massive problem with them where they'll cook up insane plotlines and scenes only for Stray to point out they can't make it happen with what they have, in fact a large reason for the rebuild was the feature creep was straining the game to it's very limits it simply wasn't built to handle the rig system, achievements and pregnancy system. That last one apparently was a massive issue with the coder at the time it was added so fed up of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole that he just grabbed the metaphorical sledgehammer and brute forced it which as you can imagine causes all sorts of issues with the code later on.
As always, thank you for your service. Do you know if there's been any discussions going on about switching engines to something that can reasonably handle all the various systems they've been adding? I've always wondered how they managed to get an engine primarily designed for linear VNs to do so many different things. It's probably waaaay too late in the current cycle to do something like that (and might trigger a general revolt on their Patreon), but the proposed dating system has to be looming over Stray's head like the Sword of Damocles.


May 1, 2017
As always, thank you for your service. Do you know if there's been any discussions going on about switching engines to something that can reasonably handle all the various systems they've been adding? I've always wondered how they managed to get an engine primarily designed for linear VNs to do so many different things. It's probably waaaay too late in the current cycle to do something like that (and might trigger a general revolt on their Patreon), but the proposed dating system has to be looming over Stray's head like the Sword of Damocles.
That is what the rebuild is for not only rebuilding it to handle the current bullshit it was being forced to do but to theoretically also handle the proposed UI and dating updates as well, it's been thrown around by multiple sources on Discord that Stray's tweaking or out right replacing upwards of 90% of the code.


Feb 6, 2023
it's interesting how people are foolish and still paying for product they not get, dev openly scaming people and takin their salary for doing nothing, buddy doing some stream 1 hour long, paint some shit and that's it, people are satisfied lmao
Last edited:
Mar 1, 2023
What I really wonder is what other celebrity cameos we will see in the future
The funniest shit is that he added Trump when he was still running for president. Now he's been president, left and now he's gonna run again. Meaning in the meantime the reference went from relevant to dated to relevant again and the game still nowhere near from being finished lmao.


Aug 15, 2021
it's interesting how people are foolish and still paying for product they not get, dev openly scaming people and takin their salary for doing nothing, buddy doing some stream 1 hour long, pain some shit and that's it, people are satisfied lmao
I get what you're saying and i agree but you're saying what 75% of this thread already said bro
all it leads to the same snarky replies from the same meatriding extraordinaires and the same replies agreeing
It leads nowhere, ive seen in other patreon milkers own comments of in patreon only posts, complaining to the artists and nothing changes, just a bunch of generic responses. So all we can do is wait until Patreon somehow creates a anti milking rule (very unlikely) or just wait till DC stops being lazy.
Hell even if you somehow revolted and caused DC's money get cut in half they'd probably still take forever
just try to play other porn games.
I'm waiting till the Judith Update (R.I.P I'll be in my 30s lol) before i play again.
I haven't played since 2018 so by the time I play again i wont much memory of the story lmao (I have shitty memory)
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