
Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
The new Debie shower scene doesn't work, she talked to MC and when she tried to enter, the screen went black and didn't work after that. I also can't get the French dictionary from the library, even if I click on it, it doesn't go to the inventory. Do we go back to the old one with each new version a new game?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
For all I know, the state of the game programming was a complete spaghetti mess and adding anything would be a journey to redo the game over again
if only this were the first time they've 'fixed' it, but they've done it countless of times before and every time the claim was that "after we get this tech update done, it'll be much faster and easier to add new content". but that never happened, none of the up to 2 years long tech updates made ANY difference, and none of the several remaking of art changed the art in a significant way. it's simply been at least 6 years of busy work with nothing to show for it.

nothing explains the lack of progress except that they have NOT been working for most of the time over last 6 years. and with 70k donations per month that gets people more than a little bit frustrated.

one more thing about the quality of code some people here obsess about: IT DOESN'T MATTER, it's a god damn renpy game! if you can click yourself to a different location and the characters show on top, YOU'RE DONE! doesn't matter how bad your code is, if you can operate a handful of readymade renpy functionalities there's no reason to overcomplicate it. it's not banking software, it's not a massively parallel server software nor an operating system. it's god damn renpy.


Active Member
May 11, 2018
From changelog for 21.0.0 wip5003 said:
Updated crowd art for various locations, mainly around the college.
OHMFG FINALLY! I was waited for THIS all that GOD DAMN TIME!
(spoiler: fuck this sheit, I'm out.)

You may tell me, that the devil in details. Fine: They were consumed by details for faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too long.
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