There is so much cancer on this board. Every time I come here, its people complaining about how much money they make without updates. What is this, 4chan?
And you complaining about criticism? Just get It over with,accept the fact we on this planet have different opinions.
I would Say that the cancer is people whiteknighting DC, when he is a grown man and doesn't need you to defend him.
And JFYI when people involve their money in a game, they have the right to call out the BS.
Like Steam games EA, where people call out when a game has been abandoned, or has 1-2 lackluster updates a year (more than DC) and these games are far more complicated than an erotic VN with some simplistic minigames.
At least these devs have the decency to make you pay once and every update is free afterwards.
You are just like the ex XBOX One reveal announcer that dared to say the customer Is to adapt to the company and not the opposite.
That guy that replied to customer outrage of the console requiring Always online by saying "we have a product for those who don't have an internet connection, the xbox 360"
What happened to this guy? He was fired.
A company Is to make products for the customer, not the opposite and if the customer isn't happy, he has any right to complain.