So funny
No, nobody's
obligated to do anything outside of TOS/contract. No, I'm not entitled to anything. No I wasn't talking about him drawing faster either. I don't see anyone asking him to draw faster or "divorce his wife and work 24/7"

. This is all YOU my guy.
As for the rest you're saying it's okay to do nothing more than simply collect the money because you
technically can and because you
technically don't have to do anything more once you hit the goals.
Speaking of life. Not everyone shares your "do the bare minimum" mentality in real life. You
know that. You know
exactly why and how this works irl. That's why you bring up TOS and resort to technicality.
If you don't then I suggest you try it out. Do the bare minimum at your job and hit them with technicalities about your contract, see how that works out. Or just go up to people and do it in conversations.
DC also doesn't just work for "fun", it's his job. he's getting paid by patrons. Someone compared this to a museum, sure let's go with that. Some pay the museum to have art on display and others can go for free. If the museum gets a shitload of new donations and doesn't expand the gallery, whether or not it's coming out of your pocket, going "wait wtf are you doing with the money?" is a fair question to ask and if the museum goes "well we're not obligated as per the agreement and we always wanted a small museum so it's going to the director than organizes the pieces..." people will then look at the museum director weird. Sure he can
technically do that but that's not the issue is it? Sure you're not paying and patrons can pull out but that's not the point here is it?
People are just saying "hey why not use the money that was donated to the project FOR the project". And IMO this is fair whether or not you donate. As to whether we are entitled to an answer idk but the point remains that it's a fair question.
And again I don't think this isn't something to go apeshit about, saying "it's free" in most cases where people go "I WANT UPDAT NOW" makes sense.
Feel free to reply. Actually naaaah just don't reply.