I think it's pretty much self evident, that the NSFW gaming community is for the most part very undemanding when it comes to plots. Of course we'll never know for sure, but there's a high chance that the vast majority of players won't care at all about that specific issue, some will like the game(s) as they are, some will say that there's too much story in any case and only some will agree with your point.
Will people appreciate a good plot? Most of the time, sure. Will they reject a game because the incest isn't as on point as you say it should be? Very likely not. In fact one could even argue that incest is a topic where it's not the worst idea to stay a bit superficial, because like that you'll like keep those playing, who don't really like incest and who else may quit.
In the end the topic is misplaced here anyway, given that SS doesn't even offcially support incest and given that there won't be real/detailed incest content until they may bother once the game is take off patreon. We may have that discussion here hopefully a few years time...