Summertime sage have biggest white knight army, be ready for report spam. They accept milking.
How can you be milked if you have not contributed any money?
What are you adding to the conversation that has not been adequately represented in the thread?
Even if you were a contributor and quit then why would it matter to you if the so called stupid people still contribute?
What is the point in the milking debate other than trying somehow hurt the game creator( go ahead and peel off a 100 of his 3$ contributors and see if he notices or cares about your complaints)
You and the others are just preaching to a pirate site where the majority of people ARE NOT PAYING AND CAN"T BE MILKED LOL
The endless debate about milking serves no purpose it is frivolous. Clogs the thread up with garbage creating a 3k plus page monstrosity that is a pain in the ass to make any real use of.
There may be some "White Nights" as you say but I suspect most of the push back from people who post here are just tired of the endless whining and having to sift through all the bullshit to find useful content. Just an opinion from a nobody on the webz take it as you like.