I think we pretty much disagree here. Branching matters when you want to have certain stories. I totally agree that you won't need branching if literally every girl in the game is a "bitch"/polyamorous and doesn't care if MC fucks 25 other chicks besides her or if you've got a very limited and very well balanced cast.
But if you want to have a larger cast and meaningful stories you'll need branches, or you'll end up with characters like for example Eve/Grace here or like Myrtle in What a Legend!, where you've got situations which are pretty stupid and where there's no real way out. Sure, many people wouldn't mind the cheap way out but I'm kinda happy that DC do didn't that, even though it likely means that Grace will probably stay as neglected as she is because of it.
Last but not least I'd just like to mentioned that SS wasn't supposed to be a harem game for the very first years until DC actually agreed to move a bit in that direction. But as far as I'm aware it ultimately won't be possible to get anything in one playthrough anyway, given how DC seems to imagine the prom. You'd always need ~9 different saves to get every prom ending.