Small personal thing, that i Know is off topic a bit but.
I feel like the pregnancy system/mechanic of the game should of been introduced for Roxxy's update. reason i say this is simple. There's no real consequences or reason to NOT also bang Crystal, her mom. The game gives the option, but in practice, nobody takes it cause there's no downside/consequence to it. It's just one less lover in game.
I feel like if the game had introduced pregnancy in her update, it could of been pretty good as like. Given her persoanlity, if Crytal gets knocked up by the MC, she will 100% brag about it to Roxxy which would piss Roxxy off a nd maybe cut her off from us for a bit or permantly, though that's extreme.
It would give us some incentive to not is all i'm saying. As it stands there's no real consequence for cheating in game. Cause every girls route is kinda self contained, minus the mom and Diane's. And don't matter/affect the others. Like how Eve doesn't care or get upset to see Roxxy kissing the MC at school if you did her route and all that.
But that's just my opinion. Wanted to voice it. It's really the ony direction/idea i think could be good. As the game has no real conseuqnces for anything you do beyond getting a scene or two or not. As it sadly dropped that, like it had with Mia and her mom or Eric's mom and the like.
I mean I highly doubt anyone would really like/want something like STD's in the game as a consequnce for sleeping around alot. I mean granted Crystal defiently looks the part to have one, but i am just saying this as an example. Feel free to disagree or agree with me.