- May 5, 2019
- 91
- 88
Fax no printer.Judith is one of the best girls in the game with the best tits and she has gotten no love for years. No only her but we haven't seen any more development of Diane's story or the milking business. Imagine getting Judith to come out of her shell by bringing her to Diane and having auntie turn the label of "cow" from harmful insult by school bullies into a term of female empowerment and getting Judith to join the milk company as a producer. Not just her but every well endowed girl. Your sister could be talked into being milked for a cam show. Your mom could be dragged in by Diane as a new threesome option. Odette/the principal/the nun? especially the nun, imagine tying her to a milk station and breeding her.....
The core mechanic that hasn't been touched on at all is Diane's milk business. Its the key to solving all the money related troubles for everyone's storyline in the entire town. How do you get Your mother out of debt and save the house from being taken by the bank? increase the milk business. How do you get enough money to make your gold digging sister fall in love with you and buy the beach house to impress her and all the other girls? milk business. How do you defeat the Russian gangsters and unseat mayor Rump and take over the whole town? become a milk tycoon and use the Pizza store owners Italian mob connections to bring their mafia into the town to protect the milk business and several other business in exchange for a % of the revenue. You could save and take control of every business in the entire town from the stores in the mall to the tattoo parlor and the pizza shop. Then you unlock the achievement "Breastmilk Tycoon"
I can only dream.......