By the way... this is what a
4/3 to 16/9 tech update at Disney looks like
View attachment 3402625
View attachment 3402624
It's easier to crop than to add new image elements.
...its like DarkCookie would do this
View attachment 3402738
View attachment 3402739
I don't know how you see it, but I would prefer if he filled and enhanced the images instead of just cutting something away.
As I could see from the post below, my post was/is a bit misleading.
To avoid misunderstandings. It wasn't meant that DarkCookie would simply crop the images ..
just because of several comments about why the tech update was taking so long and
that there wouldn't be any new content anyway, I wanted to show a little what the differences would be.
Cropping = faster update but worse quality
Enhance, add drawings = significantly more work, slower update, but better quality.
I worked in media design and it takes a lot of time and work to edit ~1600 images - plus additional drawings for new locations and storyline.