You're comparing actual games to a pron game
DC isn't a programmer.. he started making the game to learn some programming. Later on he managed to get some people to do coding for him. Got even a writer. I don't remember why they decided to remake the game(probably it was a spaghetti code after programmers changing). Anywho, the way his business model works is kinda weird. Technically the game is for free. He gets paid via patreon. Meaning it's donations, not kickstarter or whatever subscription. Basically he's getting paid for making the game, not for the game itself. Now think for a moment. Why would you rush to finish the game, if you get more money in the long run to prolong making it? Yeah, people would stop donating if you drag too long, but that clearly didn't happen yet. I guess he found a sweet spot between updates to last as long as possible. You say DC is lazy.. and who isn't?
Why do you say he's not incredible? If it wasn't, the game wouldn't be as popular.. btw.. just because you see 1 style in the game, doesn't mean he can't draw different styles..