Collection Video Sumthingextra69 Collection [2025-02-17] [SuMthinDiFrnt]

4.50 star(s) 2 Votes


Oct 14, 2020
F*ck off. I'm not an idiot. How do you define better? I define better as a software that allows the animator more control through the graph editor and delivers superior realism through things like dynamic reflections, better maps and textures and the ability to render more realistic graphics. You're not an animator so sh*t the f*ck up. It's not my fault he can't get the most out of the software and it's also not my fault you've never used either and you have no frame of reference anyway. Just another anonymous keyboard warrior talking out of his ass about things he barely understands. I used Blender when I did a game design course. It's a complex software which is why people struggle to learn it. It can do more than SFM hands down. There's no comparison.
I talk based on reality of this forum right? Why you so mad do i talk that every his video is ugly? No right, I talk based on the majority of the people here right. I become sum patreon for 7-8 months in 2018 that the golden Age of sum video. If you bragging so much for the Complexity of the software go ahead maybe you can be the other artist. Show your video then. Read carefully dude, we talk here about why the blender is changing the sum style that all. Yess I dont understand blender but i talk like majority right? Why you blame me then for what?
Apr 26, 2021
I talk based on reality of this forum right? Why you so mad do i talk that every his video is ugly? No right, I talk based on the majority of the people here right. I become sum patreon for 7-8 months in 2018 that the golden Age of sum video. If you bragging so much for the Complexity of the software go ahead maybe you can be the other artist. Show your video then. Read carefully dude, we talk here about why the blender is changing the sum style that all. Yess I dont understand blender but i talk like majority right? Why you blame me then for what?
Nobody agree's with you that a canned animation tool like SFM is a better software for animation and graphics than Blender and nobody currently working in gaming or VFX would agree with you either. I've never said anything contrary to the opinion that most of this guys work in Blender hasn't been that great. All I have ever said is it's not the software doing that. You called me a moron for saying that Blender is a superior software to SFM. No sir it is you who is the moron for having any kind of opinion on any software you have never used and you should admit to that. I'm not going to produce 3D computer animated porn for you just to make a point pal. I might dabble with Blender again in the future if I could get the motivation to do so though. There's plenty of NSFW animators doing amazing things with blender and if you did your homework you would realise that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Pewposterous's and GB's work from a tech stand point. All made in Blender.
Apr 26, 2021
If you spend time and energy getting upset on a thread about Sumthindifrnt then you've already put in more effort than he does in his current animations.

100% I'm not personally upset with him though. Kaiba1911 I'm sure will also tell you this. Animation takes a really long time. Things go wrong with it all the time when you're working in CGI also which makes it frustrating. It's not always fun so if you're working a second job often the last thing you want to do is sit down and continue with it in your free time. You can go back and read my posts. I've been saying his work looks weird because of the body proportions, camera angle choices and unrealistic deformations he's been using. I've never attacked him personally and called him lazy and greedy like many people here have because I respect what goes into the work. It's also the case that he relies on donations and has never ripped anyone off by taking commission money and not delivering a product. People are free not to pay. He doesn't owe people anything. Like I've said to everyone. If you don't like him anymore then all you have to do is stop following his work and unsubscribe from his Patreon.


Active Member
Apr 21, 2018
Kaiba1911 makes some excellent works, the last one for example I love it although I have not been able to see it in its full version, I do not understand how there is not a thread about his work in this forum...
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Jun 14, 2018
Kaiba1911 makes some excellent works, the last one for example I love it although I have not been able to see it in its full version, I do not understand how there is not a thread about his work in this forum...
He said he doesn't want a thread or forum, but I agree, he's works are brilliant, like Sum's old skool SFM works...but this isn't thread to talk about it on


Oct 14, 2020
Nobody agree's with you that a canned animation tool like SFM is a better software for animation and graphics than Blender and nobody currently working in gaming or VFX would agree with you either. I've never said anything contrary to the opinion that most of this guys work in Blender hasn't been that great. All I have ever said is it's not the software doing that. You called me a moron for saying that Blender is a superior software to SFM. No sir it is you who is the moron for having any kind of opinion on any software you have never used and you should admit to that. I'm not going to produce 3D computer animated porn for you just to make a point pal. I might dabble with Blender again in the future if I could get the motivation to do so though. There's plenty of NSFW animators doing amazing things with blender and if you did your homework you would realise that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Pewposterous's and GB's work from a tech stand point. All made in Blender.
First of all, I've never badmouthed about Blender and SFM software. I asked why if sum career at SFM was better but goes to blender, that all. even a lot of fans complain right? second, I'm not saying you are moron, only you are saying that you are moron yourself. Third, I'm talking based on the fact that many fans here say that sum better return to SFM because Sum made a lot of content with SFM without any problems, right? every piece of his work is standard 3d porn, and we want to sum back like that old days. Fourth, I think that you don't understand the main problem here which is why the sum performance is decreasing, we talk about how long sum don't give solid content for the pass these months. Which is very disturbing, sure maybe some new member don't complain much because they support the sumthindifrnt69 not the SumThinDifrnt which Gold because of numerous crazy good content in it. go back few pages that have passed and please answer all those members questions I speak based on reality like them right. You really think just because blender is harder to working with rather than sfm is the matter here ? No, even if it's matter, where is the sum progress? Are there any information that specificly said about sum progress these months, like music scoring, rigging, posing, texture or lighting in sum project? No right, Why sum don't give solid content or news for 3-4 weeks why is sum scrap many of the projects like mbf 3 or the one that anticipated MISSION K9- EP2 and why starting over the main project. Thats what worried many fans here. Are sum still on in 3d porn or not. Many here blame sum for many excuse rather than give solid explenation about what sum been working on or dealing with. If sum is stuck or maybe confuse with blender, talk to the members or fans on his patreon there are 500+ member there, they can give opinion right, or maybe you can give sum opinion or help. Even many agree sum Short sfm video is better than his newest blender movie, because why those people know that sum is not Compatible with blender and suggest going back with sfm. Is that a backward ? Not really because those people believe and know sum is one of the best one in sfm 3d porn and they what their artist back. And that not because is blender is not great or not worth it for sum.

are you really new to this forum dude?


Oct 14, 2020
100% I'm not personally upset with him though. Kaiba1911 I'm sure will also tell you this. Animation takes a really long time. Things go wrong with it all the time when you're working in CGI also which makes it frustrating. It's not always fun so if you're working a second job often the last thing you want to do is sit down and continue with it in your free time. You can go back and read my posts. I've been saying his work looks weird because of the body proportions, camera angle choices and unrealistic deformations he's been using. I've never attacked him personally and called him lazy and greedy like many people here have because I respect what goes into the work. It's also the case that he relies on donations and has never ripped anyone off by taking commission money and not delivering a product. People are free not to pay. He doesn't owe people anything. Like I've said to everyone. If you don't like him anymore then all you have to do is stop following his work and unsubscribe from his Patreon.
For this yeah i agree with you dude. Very agree infact. But, Money is a sensitive matters of course I don't know how many real members here that paid sum. There's nothing wrong, when one, two, or many member here start asking sum about is sum serious or not on making content. Many maybe those people is paid much money that other but not been given a solid content for waht they want. Of course is they have right to go crazy for calling lazy, greedy, or scammer on sum. They have right for that because what they want sum to start serious on making Contents. Even if it's delaying or don't have solid news to tell to the fans or member atleast give explenation not just go silinet for almost a month of course the majority of the fans will go crazy especially those who paid more dollars. You said that sum don't own anything for those people right? Yes, but not really especially for those old fans where the product they have been wait for. For what all those 2019 and 2020 voting for the next project? When is going to be delivered? Why sum changing the topic and goes for other project? Is that just for experimental project or maybe he not ready? Then why goes so far by creating voting for next video ? All those that i been understand all this time. Please answer that dude, just please. of course people goes crazy because maybe there are people that already give top dollars but for a long time for is not realized. Do we really know the limit of other people patience? No right
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Apr 26, 2021
For this yeah i agree with you dude. Very agree infact. But, Money is a sensitive matters of course I don't know how many real members here that paid sum. There's nothing wrong, when one, two, or many member here start asking sum about is sum serious or not on making content. Many maybe those people is paid much money that other but not been given a solid content for waht they want. Of course is they have right to go crazy for calling lazy, greedy, or scammer on sum. They have right for that because what they want sum to start serious on making Contents. Even if it's delaying or don't have solid news to tell to the fans or member atleast give explenation not just go silinet for almost a month of course the majority of the fans will go crazy especially those who paid more dollars. You said that sum don't own anything for those people right? Yes, but not really especially for those old fans where the product they have been wait for. For what all those 2019 and 2020 voting for the next project? When is going to be delivered? Why sum changing the topic and goes for other project? Is that just for experimental project or maybe he not ready? Then why goes so far by creating voting for next video ? All those that i been understand all this time. Please answer that dude, just please. of course people goes crazy because maybe there are people that already give top dollars but for a long time for is not realized. Do we really know the limit of other people patience? No right
You called me a moron Dude. You asked who is the moron who said that Blender is better than SFM. I'm telling you I'm the guy who said that. I'll send you a screen shot of you calling me a moron is you have amnesia. If you want to suggest that SD is dangling a carrot on a stick to milk his Patrons for more money who would have otherwise stopped donating to him had they known the project they were waiting to see was going to be delayed for many months then you might be right but at the end of the day though it's up to people to vote with their wallets. There's no top dollar involved. He charges the price of a cup of coffee every month to get all access. If you can't afford a cup of coffee once a month and that's a lot of money to you then you should't be donating to people on Patreon at all.
Apr 26, 2021
It's weird how he produce's pretty good test renders and animation clips and then releases the full thing and it's usually nothing like it. I've wanted to see things like walk cycles and lip syncing in his work for a while. He always leaves these things that would make a big difference out. There's also a couple of shorts he's made where the animation is good enough for it to be watchable but he hides everything with the camera anyway. Oh yeah show the models in the test renders but leave those shots out of the actual release. That's what everyone wants.
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4.50 star(s) 2 Votes