VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sunshine Love [Ch. 3 v1.01i Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    so what have we got bad fathers,pussified sons that cant be strict or assertive without being assholes,women making bad choices left and right witch always turn out to be a mans fault and the pièce de résistance diversity whamen Powa witch needed a taser.

    my final verdict this project was made by a feminist pussy hat wearing sjw.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Good renders and a lazy ingame mechanic to make up for the lack of real action.. I think every sex scene in the game is also a dream. these 2 things combined are the worst possible combo.

    Your are left out with a story that doesnt make up for te lack of everything else. Despite having good intentions, execution is average to bad. There are things relationshipwise that you have to believe they exist, despite writting not being able to elaborate on them.

    The game has about 5 or 6 hours of gameplay which consist basically on reading a story that is not even that well written, and my opinion is that doesnt make it to the "worth the time" category as for v003.

    I had this game as last resort, cause i really liked DmD and specially Melody despite their flaws, but this seems like a subproduct.
  3. H
    5.00 star(s)


    The artwork and the girls really steal the show here. The story is well written enough to keep you emotionally interested in the characters. It is set still more as a VN so there isn't much sandbox to the game if that is what you are looking for however if the dev ever made a sequel that would be an interesting addition. I def recommend giving this a play through since the characters are all very unique and the art is very well done. It's still early in the development but I'm excited to see where this game goes. There is alot of content likely they will have to add but the first part of the game is completed so you will enjoy it for the first couple hours.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Wow, it doesn't happen a lot for me with these type of games, but i really cared for everyone and the state of the hotel, lol. Excellent storytelling!

    Nice graphics, and the animations are also good to watch, great job
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    It's such a mess :/
    Usually I avoid giving negative reviews...but...I really did try to like this...I'm not gonna explain myself too much, it's not worth it...

    - It's the first time EVER I'm confused why so many people play this ><
    - Story is so try hard >< leading to nowhere...only confusing everything...
    - Complete lack of developing any positive feelings for any character...

    + Amazing renders and detail....

    It's like todays 3ple A games... only graphics .... so sad...
    It's just huge waste of the dev's talant...but he doesn't seem to be bothered I guess he milks his fan's good so... everything is good in the end.
  6. S
    3.00 star(s)


    Another solid entry from Mr. Dots, but one that also has some serious drawbacks.

    Big improvements over previous titles include the creation of characters that feel unique and more real than in prior AVNs. The primary love interest has a look to her that doesn't feel cloned or lazily put together. But, as with their prior games, many of the other women in the game feel more genuine and unique.

    One major concern here, however, is the MC, who has all the sex appeal of a day-old burrito. He's boring, borderline whiny, and has the body of an underdeveloped Ken doll. The notion of a dozen women of spectacular hotness falling for this guy is absurd. The only woman in the game that makes any sense for him is the equally-boring Nicole, and they're together at the start. Should have been game over immediately with this sad sack and his perfect match.

    However, there are some great things about the game: well-done renders, an interesting locale and premise, and solid (but not great) writing. There are minor issues with spelling, grammar, and a lack of proper hotel terminology (as this 10-year veteran of the hospitality industry can attest to) sprinkled throughout, which bothers me as well, but those can be forgiven (and fixed).

    All in all, worth checking out, if for no other reason than the solid cast that the writers have created for the story.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Sunshine Love v0.0.4i

    The next visual novel from the genius that produced "Melody" steps up the visuals, but sinks the story in the disappointing "Sunshine Love."

    The story begins with the MC having a sexy dream, then waking up to his girlfriend. He pointlessly tells her that he had a dream about her and another woman. This of course bothers her but they have sex anyway. Then (get this), during sex with her (after she was clearly bothered by the dream), he pointlessly goes ahead and asks her if she's open to having another girl join them some time. the middle of them having sex, with a stupid grin, this idiot asks the dumbest question anyone could ask at that moment. Of course, she's not having it, is ticked at him but they finish up. Now...this question has nothing at all to do with the story in any way, except to make the MC immediately unlikable.

    I INSTANTLY HATED THE MC. That's disappointing because in this format, empathizing with the MC is key to enjoying the game. Not gonna happen with this moron.

    This is the story of a junior associate at a prestigious law firm that out of all the candidates is a front runner for associate who, rather bizarrely, not only doesn't get the position but is fired instead. It's odd that a prestigious law firm would fire the second best junior associate and asset to the firm to "save money." Fire the number three guy! But, it has to happen for the story, so there.

    Having pointlessly lost his job, he gets a call from a childhood friend (you get to name her so I'll call her Bonkers for this review) who lived with the MC and his father along with Bonkers' stripper-mother. Eventually, for seemingly pointless reasons (beyond the fact that a long-term relationship with a stripper is generally a bad idea), she suddenly leaves the father and son, taking her daughter with her. Then, for equally pointless reasons, prevents Bonkers from contacting MC. Makes no sense, but it has to happen for the story to happen, so there.

    Somehow her stripper-mother miraculously managed to actually run a prestigious hotel that pointlessly catered only to women (which is not only gender discrimination and therefore illegal in most countries (sorry Gay Black can't stay here), but also has nothing to do with the story. This is not a Harem Builder Hotel Game where that element would make sense. Here, it's pointless). Then when the business started to struggle (most likely due to turning away over half the clientele because of their gender), the stripper-mother-hotel-guru pointlessly dumped the responsibility onto her untrained daughter, and abandoned her, leaving Bonkers and her business to crumble. Brilliant!

    Why did she do that? Well...I don't know. But it has to happen so the story can happen, so there.

    You'll notice as the game progresses, a lot of POINTLESS things occur....a LOT.

    Needing help, Bonkers pointlessly coerces the MC to come work for her at the hotel by offering him a high paying job, only for him to find out when he arrives that she lied...there was no job...they have no money to pay him. Why she didn't just explain what happened and ask him for help escapes me. Very little of what Bonkers does makes any sense. She's no Melody. She's more...pants crapping insane.

    The MC's girlfriend agrees to him taking the job because she is so focused on money that their personal needs never cross her mind until after he leaves...then pointlessly decides to "take a break" from their relationship to see other people. That always helps...right? None of it makes any sense.

    After the move he is greeted by Bonkers, who is now HOT (her only good attribute), but also a huge liar, and severely bipolar. She is instantly unlikeable apart from eye candy. As the Main Love Interest, she's a catastrophic failure. You just can't stand this woman, though she is very fun to look at. She acts like an temperamental 6 year old when she's not bold-faced deceiving the MC for no reason then apologizing.

    The other girls are interesting, even the one with that clique "socially akward" trait, which Developers seem to feel obligated to put in their games even though it's ridiculous) . All of the Other Girls are good, but the ones that stand out are the Twins, Lily and Ivy. Though we get very little time in game with them, they are the highlight of Sunshine Love. They are fascinating with cool personalities, and Mr Dots plays the Twin angle to excellent effect. The game lights up when they are in the scene. If they replace Bonkers with the Twins as the focus of the story, Sunshine Love would be awesome!

    More pointless things happen. For example, in trying to prepare a high class hotel restaurant, they go get advice from a woman who drives a food truck. Yep. That's what I said. About the same as asking the kid who flips burgers at McDonalds for advice on how to run a 5 Star Restaurant. Sense? This game has none.

    The storyline is mediocre, but the situations and characters are terrible. The game looks so great you WANT it to be good but it's just not. It's a virtual novel so you can't even discount the story in favor of the lewd scenes because there is really only one so far (not including the annoying one in the opening scene).

    Visually the game is stunning. Imagine the game "Melody" but much more visually appealing. The character designs and environment are truly stunning. The miserable story and characterizations are not worthy of the visuals. Sunshine Love deserves MUCH better.

    As a fan of "Melody" I was excited about Sunshine Love, thinking it will be an improvement. Melody was great, whose only flaw was a ridiculous third act conflict that was silly and petty. Outside of that, it did everything right.

    Sunshine Love does nothing right. It is far inferior to Melody in every way apart from the superior graphics and visuals.

    Even the Donut thing (which seemed clever at first) quickly becomes irritating because of a pointless (there's that word again) audio element. If I hear "Oooo...a donut!" once more, I'll scream. And the new "Extra" elements added to the game will leave you scratching your head, asking, "Why?"

    I so wanted this game to to be good. I wanted it to be the new improved "Melody." It failed spectacularly. Like so much in the game, Sunshine Love is sadly...Pointless.

    I should give the game 2 stars, but because of the stunning visuals, I'll pointlessly give it a 3.

    **Review Update for v0.0.4i Extra)

    There have been a few vague improvements this version. Bonders is less insane and a bit more mature. Dots is trying to make her less unlikable. Too little to late so far. We'll see.

    There is one more lewd scene but with the same girl as in the previous release, and Dots tried with limited success to fill in some of the glaring plot holes and problems from the previous release. At least he's trying.

    The only real point of the version was for Mr Dots to give us a cameo from characters from Melody with a wedding of two of my least favorite characters from that game, a move to hopefully win fan service from people who liked that far superior game. While I'm sure it will draw positive reactions from a few people, I found it cheap and a bit condescending .

    We barely got to see the twins (my favorites in the game). There was an awkward, sense-challenging scene with the "socially awkward" character which did nothing for the story or her character apart from cementing the fact that she and the MC are incredibly stupid. The scene involved them looking for papers her mother left for the MC and they spent the entire time looking in places no reasonable person would put such papers (such as the top of a bookshelf that was out of reach without a ladder, and the bottom of an underwear know...places I always keep legal documents I want someone to pick up). The scene was just to have a couple of pointless (that word again) moments of brushing up against her accidentally and other mindless innuendos that went nowhere. The only saving grave of this installment was another good lewd scene. But again, it was with the same girl. No relationship development occurred with any other romance interests. So if you have favorites other than Victoria, you are going to be disappointed again.

    Dots made it possible to "fix" the bizarre concept of the "lets see other people" element with his girlfriend, but beyond that, it was just a commercial for a much better game with the Melody cameos.

    I will give it a vague improvement because Bonkers is less of a raging psychotic, but nothing I hoped for in the release happened here (more time with the twins, development of the story, etc). The dumbness of the story has been doubled down, and nothing really happened apart from a desperate cameo and a repeat performance lewd scene.

    In conclusion, the Melody characters cameo served only as a reminder of how poor this game is in comparison. No change in rating. Still a 2, pointlessly given a 3 due to the great graphics.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm rating this game for what it is not because its Dots 3rd game and there's some familiarity to it.

    Yes if you have played the 1st two games you will at times get Deja vu here and there but it happened more in the beginning then later on. As all Dots games its done very well, the story is good, the facts for all these little things going on are there as always and the renders are clear and girls are hot. I got more and more into it as it went along and will be waiting for more.

    Don't listen to these others giving it a low rating as if you go check the forum they are usually crying about something minor or hurts there real feelings because its not done there way.

    You cant go wrong with this game, give it a go.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is a contradiction, it tries so hard to have a huge story with lots of background but the story is so obvious that its an unnecessary waste of time and its the same with the characters, having conflict which would normally add depth and make the game more interesting but instead turns out to be pointless as the outcome is always the same(MC apologizing).

    Main story as obvious as it is dosent even stay consistent, one minute its we cant go 3 months without income but then suddenly its not a problem, why is MC learning all these things if its a temp job wont the business be in trouble again as soon as he leaves, a story built around only 3 months to make money before the business goes under but then they spend whole days doing nothing.

    The whole phone call explanation was way too short to sort out almost 10 years of feelings, good or bad there would be some hesitation in reconnecting after that long.

    After the again very obvious realization about the hotel which has put not only MCs apartment in jepordy but his relationship aswell which she knew it would, any normal person whether they choose to stay(given MC dosent have much choice after wasting so much money and time already) or leave would be super pissed at her and definitely never trust her again but not only does MC forgive all that but before even the first day is over MC is apologizing to her.

    Which bring us to the pathetic loser MC(best to name him doormat) who cant please his girlfriend and also cant see obvious signs, no matter what the situation he will be the one apologizing and saying sorry every single time which again makes the game really predictable.

    A points based system for relationships is ok normally so you can choose who you want and dont but in this game the story still forces characters together anyway no matter the points.

    Nice casual chats with a person that not only cut herself out of MCs life but forcefully cut others out aswell, come on really(is anger not a thing where devs live).

    As for the "choices" well one was 3 choices for no and yet you still had to do it, then 3 more choices all for yes(really devs why bother? its not a choice unless something changes), also what the point of the "tasks" when they are just part of the story and cant be failed/not completed.

    Art is quite good in both characters and locations and there are lots of really good extra options but MC has the worst genitals of any main character ever and the camera angles are way too centered on them(seeing MCs horrible dick is a huge turn off).
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I give an Average note to this novel. The rendering are very good and it shows the dedication of Mr. Dots. Beautiful characters and deep story. However what bothers me here is the way we repeat and repeat and repeat the story... The MC meets someone, he talks about his life, The MC meets another person, he talks about his life, ... then he go back to see his sister, he talks about what he did with all details to the point that it becomes boring to read... He then meets the same person another day, he speaks about his issues with his sister, he meets the second person and he speaks again about his issues with his sister... I'm sleeping already...
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Professor Black

    review as of 0.0.4i
    Changing my rating from 2 stars to 4 stars from the 0.0.3 update.

    The EDIT:
    Dev manages to somewhat fix the issue of forcing you to be in a "Open relation ship" with the MC's partner by removing the whole choice of that scene and moving if further down the story. YES, you get to pick to either break up with her and be friends or not and keep going with her idea of an open relationship. Her reasoning to this still seems VERY VERY WEAK and not very believable. if this is some way of her finding out shes some sort of cuckqueen, its executed poorly.
    The new update seems to sped up alot of the characters relationship, lots and LOTS of progress going around now.
    MC still has that basic thinking of 2nd guessing himself everytime. its starting to get really annoying in my opinion. The game seems to have that formula repeatedly throughout the game with some characters.

    -Renders are great. Better even from their previous games. There are hidden lewd pictures throughout the game in the form of simpson donuts.
    -Female character models look great.
    -There is an optional jukebox music that plays while your going though the game, but I ended up turning it off since sometimes it just didnt vibe with the scene.
    -Story is heavily a slowburn, until this update and the one previously.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is boring as hell.

    Shame as the Renders are exceptional.

    This seems like it is going to be a rinse and repeat of the Mr. Dots formula. 'Slow Burn' to show the same sequence of scenes with each and every Girl.

    Doesn't help that the Main Character is bland as all hell. Being a Law student seems to make you really good at a lot of things. With how little the Step Sister knows I'm surprised the Hotel is still running.

    Don't think I'll be dipping my toes into a Mr Dots release again.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A hard one to rate I think.

    I mean, it's a Mr Dots game so in terms of build quality it's unmatched. Beautiful game both in terms of renders and UI/UX. The story writing is solid and the characters interact exactly as you'd imagine.

    The thing is.... the story. It's layered which again is a sign of quality but the main issue I have is the premise is the MC going away from his girlfriend to a completely different place and is now a "cock amongst the chickens" as it were and you can now flirt with everyone and just generally live out any males fantasy..... but he's still with his girlfriend. The girlfriend is written in such a way that you feel there's something going on there, almost like she regrets being with the MC but at the same time you can see how she's having doubts about the MC leaving to go to work at the hotel.

    So..... the MC is still obviously attached to the girlfriend, but with all the flirting and what not going on he's running the risk of coming off as unlikeable who's just out to get his dick wet. The girlfriend hasn't done anything (so far) to warrant the MC straying with any number of the women you're introduced to. They haven't broken up, she's not cheated on him or kicked him out or basically done anything REALLY mean to him. This unfortunately means the game feels like it's being held back. When playing it, everything you do kinda finishes with "oh yeah, he's still got a girlfriend". Yeah sure it's hinted she's a bit overbearing but it's not so far gone that you'd go "well to hell with the girlfriend, I'm going to break free and enjoy life".

    As I said, a hard one to rate. Maybe I've just not played it enough. Maybe the girlfriend uses the time away to break up with the MC on her own accord. Certainly it seems like the most logical option from a story point of view as it then frees the game up to really get up to speed. But until that point the game will always run the risk of making the MC a bit of a dick. Which is odd cause Mr Dots games tend to avoid that whole issue.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen


    The game starts off with an excessively long flashback that explains the background of your character. When we finally get to the present day, we find out that the player character is rather pathetic. He has a girlfriend who he can't satisfy, a job he gets fired from, and then he gets suckered into moving away for a new job that isn't what was promised.

    The gameplay is weak. You are given a handful of multiple choice responses where one response will be the correct choice to make a character like you, and the others immediately let you know that you made the wrong choice and should probably just roll back and try again. There are a couple of minor choices where you can prioritize one woman over another, but the game has been very linear so far. There's also an ongoing minigame of spotting donuts to unlock bonus renders, but that is more annoying than fun.

    Most of the characters look far younger than they should. There is a 41 year old who looks twenty, a 24 year old who looks as if someone took a child's head and grafted it onto an adult's body, an 18 year old who looks 14, and another 18 year old who looks 12. I hate it when characters are designed to look underage, so having two of them in the game is a huge negative.

    Most of the love interests don't interest me at all. The loli stuff creeps me out, the half sister is a selfish liar, the church girl is a recycled character, your girlfriend doesn't respect you, the twins are both so dull that I can't tell them apart, and I'm not too keen on the ex-stepmom. So that only leaves three women I'm interested in, one of whom is underutilized and another who is barely in the game at all.

    On top of all these other problems, the game is boring. Really, really, boring. The dialogues are dry and much of the game is spent on mundane activities that should be glossed over. There are gameplay segments on how to make a taco, how to organize a social event, how to repair a shower head, and how to properly check in a hotel guest. What's next? How to mow the lawn? How to change a flat tire? How to get players to fall asleep in front of their computers?
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this one... Great models, fun interactions ans story, Keep up the great work... I will be looking forward to more... Like the references to Melody and especially love the quality of the models in this one...
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.0.3i

    I can’t understand how a game like this that has a high rendering quality is so silly and very childish, you must be wondering why I'm saying this, I'll answer you, there are a lot of silly things about this game that don't seem to be a porn game. Peeping Tom and Donut gallery are the stupidest things a porn game would have, do not take me wrong, but this is a waste of time. I'm not going to talk much about your previous games, but your last one was painful to play, if it weren't for the walkthrough mod I never would have played and your first one I couldn't even enjoy the other chapters. But it seems that it ended up repeating itself, and when we play Sunshine Love, we expect something hotter and slutty, but we are faced with such a boring story and such a bad gameplay that it is quite discouraging to want to continue even though the female renderings are very good , but it's still not surprising. Honestly, I don't see this game as a porn game, I know it is still in the beginning and there is still a long, long time left for it to be complete, but honestly, what a discouraging start.
    The introduction could be much shorter, because I wasted my time reading the beginning of the story, in general, the story is reasonable, as there will be nothing that will hold your attention. But it may be that things change, if the proposal of the hotel management is really something interesting, if not, do not expect much because it will be the same boring as the previous game.
    One of the points that I was disappointed is the gameplay of the game. But why? Because certain things are ridiculous. Peeping Tom can be fun, you will see the girls in their bras/panties, without clothes (sometimes not even that), etc. But at the same time it gives the impression that we are only in an erotic game and it ends up being a little annoying. And the donuts? you need to find donuts (it is not mandatory) to unlock images in the gallery, as there are two images galleries and one of scenes, but honestly, this is ridiculous and a waste of time, because again it does not seem to be a porn game but an erotic one. About the choices, well, it's the same as in the previous games, a right choice will increase a point with the character, so nothing different.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    The graphics are good, but the big highlight is the renderings of the models of the female characters. Yes, they have improved a lot if we compare to other previous games. The sex scenes and animations, the scenes are still few, very few and the animations are reasonable, nothing surprising but nothing that is bad or anything like that, are good. But what made me upset about the content is that there’s not even a little moan in sex, I don't know why, but the game has some SFX sounds and a really annoying song but there is no sound at the time of the fuck. This is really bad, very bad.

    So, why I did gave 2 stars?
    There are a lot of bad things about this game, and I don't understand why porn games are being created that way. I just talked about some critical points, if I was going to talk about more things the review would be really huge. So, the game was far below my expectations, because I expected something better, something that we thought "this is a good start to a new porn game" but it is not. Certain things the developer seems to be afraid of imposing, I don't know, maybe it's that cousin (girl) of the MC? why can't we see your naked body in the peeping tom? Not that I'm like a dog with its tongue out wanting to see, but certain things in the game seem to be very meaningless, something that only you when you play or that you played noticed. Anyway, I expected more from this game, because many things I saw that it was a waste of time, maybe if the game was more objective, that he was more to the point, that things were not as slow as the game is shown. Unfortunately, I do not think it is unfair to give such a low rating, maybe in the future it will improve, but frankly, the previous game was not very comfortable to play, will this be the same? Therefore, I hope that in future updates the game will start to be a porn game and not an erotic silly game.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Just finished v.3 and I gotta say its kinda getting there, but still, the first three hours is the Slowest of the Burns!!! I know Mr Dots Games so I trust that the investment in story will eventually pay off, but for now its just a slog of story and set up. I'm rating this 3 stars for now as it is, knowing it will eventually get to 5 star quality, probably in a year at this rate.....

    Can I say though, the Worst thing about Mr Dot Games is, they probably make the BEST looking petite models in all of f95, but always focuses on the most generic looking Bimbos for main objective. I'm sure I'm the minority here, but Bimbo models are a dime a dozen. Girls like Cousin and Yuki are like diamonds, in a sea of lumpy (poorly drawn) coal.

    More Cousin! More Yuki! Give us some Elana and Jennifer cameos! Next game All petites, make em all elves, no age factor! Down with balloon tits and Redonkulous asses!
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Ever since I found out about this site I ended up playing a reasonable amount of bad games, but none, not even the worst ones I can think of are as offensively boring as this one. Well, that isn't entirely true, since I did try to slog through both of Mr. Dots' previous games, failing miserably and giving up after a good handful of hours out of sheer boredom. I'm all about second chances though, but sadly it seems that all the feedback he got from both DMD and Melody fell on deaf ears. Sunshine Love is plagued by the exact same issues that bog down its predecessors, the most glaring one being the abysmal quality of the writing.

    I can't stress this enough, the dialogues between the cookie cutter characters, the inner monologues of the extremely unlikable MC, every written word of this game is simply unbearable to read. If this isn't your first Mr Dots title then you know exactly where I'm going with this: lines over lines of wordy prattle to express even the most basic of concepts, then more paragraphs of useless trivia and information, because everyone knows that more text = content right? It's not even a matter of style over substance, this is pure padding, and more to the point it is not how people talk in real life, not by a long shot. Reading through this game is like listening to someone who is deeply in love with the sound of his own voice rambling on and on ad infinitum. And the worst part is that all these words lead absolutely nowhere. I'm not even going to use the now infamous taco scene as an example. The bottom line is that there's no engaging story to be found here, no character development whatsoever, even after a time skip that goes well over ten years, for Christ's sake. In light of all these problems, it didn't take me long to realize that I was basically playing the same game I already tried to play twice, except under a fresh coat of paint.

    The renders of Sunshine Love are most definitely high quality, the models are good and unique albeit a little bit plasticky for my taste. That is pretty much the only good thing I have to say about this slog of a game, and yet there's still something for me to whinge about even when it comes to its visuals. The facial expressions. Yep, you guessed it, they're the same from DMD and Melody. This may be a small nitpick to some, but I find it to be even more aggravating because (much to my annoyance) we get to see the MC's face a whole lot this time around, and seeing that trademark contrite, tight lipped look on his face after his umpteenth inner monologue got old really fast.

    All I can say is this: there certainly is a level of consistency when it comes to this dev and the quality of his endeavours. Chances are, if for whatever reason you liked any of his previous stuff, you'll love this one as well. As for me, I think I've finally learned my lesson.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version played: 0.0.3i Extras

    I have enjoyed DMD quite a bit so far so I figured I'd give this one a try.

    It is very much in the same vein as that game - similar themes and location (in fact they are directly related to each other with character crossovers as well, which includes DMD (complete with a Dee lookalike which tbh is kind of off-putting to me but I digress) and another game I haven't played), and the writing style is the same.

    So that said, so far it is a really slow burn. Lots and lots of exposition and character information as you learn each of their situations. If you're here for a quick fap, you're not going to get it; there's a couple brief scenes near the beginning , a couple shorter "dreamscape" scenes throughout, and one (unfinished) one at the end of this current version, and in total it's a good 5 hours of play time if you're not blasting through text.

    I like most of the characters, though like in DMD I am opting not to chase everyone, and the ones I picked seemed interesting enough, and the models all around look excellent. The animations and renders are quite good and I'd consider them "top tier" compared to other games I've personally played here.

    There is a points system with each character - some dialogue choices earning or subtracting points from a specific character - but I am unsure what purpose this serves at this time. I usually use a walkthrough so as to eliminate guesswork to save time, and so far it seems that only choices as to timings of activities seem to block or access other choices - not the points system, though it might be utilized later on in the game.

    You can also find "hidden" donuts in some scenes that unlock photos of some of the characters in various clothed and unclothed poses that you can view whenever, which is sort of fun. There is a walkthrough for this, but due to there being some branching story paths you'll end up missing a couple here and there if you are unable to rollback far enough.

    While I am interested in the story, I will reiterate that there is a lot of exposition and dialogue. Most of it was interesting enough for me to read it, but there were times where I'd speed-read with "short CTRL'd bursts" just to get through a scene. Generally, doing this allowed me to get the gist of a scene and this was all that was really required. I could rollback if I had to, which wasn't often.

    I never play these sorts of games with sound on, so while there is apparently music and sound effects I can't comment as to the quality of those.

    As I mentioned earlier, if you're looking for a game with lots of nude renders, sex scenes and/or a quick fap you won't be getting it here yet, so I wouldn't recommend this game if that is the case. It might be a better idea to wait a few months for some additional updates that may add more scenes because if you don't really care for the story then there isn't much reason for you to play at all right now.

    Overall I personally like this game so far, but the length of time spent reading was a little much even for me, compared to the scarcity of sexual content scenes in this particular version. I am all for a game with an interesting/engaging story line and characters, but this is also a porn game so... Could use an extra dash of that. DMD was similar in this aspect but not as much as here, to my recollection.
    That is my only real complaint so far, but I am invested enough to continue as the game is updated.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for a quick fap I would advise you to stay away. If you are looking for a game that has a back story and character building this is for you. As with previous games from Dots you are not just gonna bang every girl within the first few updates. There is a lot of character building going on and there are a bunch of girls to choose from.
    The renders are great as usual and the story is different from previous games. In my opinion compared to where the other 2 games were at in this early stage this one is far and beyond better.