VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sunshine Love [Ch. 3 v1.01i Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game includes some of the best characters and renders I've seen, characters such as Jane, Vicky, Ashley, Trisha, Lily & Ivy are especially well done. It is currently setting up for a great game right now as it is still early days. Hopefully next update we will have some H scenes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game so far .
    +The cousin is the really the best. :love::love::love:
    -But the story must be better in the future. And the most boobs are for me to big.
    +The gallery are really great.
    There are currently a few bugs from the previous version that need to be fixed.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It might be a bit early for a proper review but since this dev already has two games under their belt, they should have the know-how by now.

    Starting with the good, this game has impressive renders, better looking than dev's previous works. Not only the girls but also the game layout looks crisp and colorful. Unfortunately that's the only positive point at this time.

    My main gripe with this game is characterization. This particular dev loves making games about completely pure waifus who will take forever to engage in anything remotely sexual and it seems to have worked for them in the past. But while MC would get no scenes with the main girl, the dev was smart to include other characters who didn't seem to be locked in chastity. The problem with the new game is that most of the characters read like the same pure, vanilla waifu. What's the difference between the main girl (sis) and her best friend (cook)? They both read like nuns who are completely oblivious to anything sexual. And that also hurts the cousin character who's supposed to be yet another shy waifu type but in this game she doesn't stand out at all.

    The only characters who at least act somewhat lewd in this adult game are the two MILFs. But even them suffer from the same issue, as they are written to be exact carbon copies of each other. MC gets a choice at some point, having to pick between slightly suggestive MILF #1 and slightly suggestive MILF #2. And the only difference between the two characters is the color choice in lingerie!

    MC is, of course, not immune to characterization issues. Seemingly on par with dev's previous player characters, this one seems allergic to any kind of behavior that might look even a tad bit assertive. At most he gets to pout when his sis doesn't heed his advice. And when in a dialogue you are given an obviously good choice, that gives a + and an obviously bad choice that gives nothing, then that's not really a choice isn't it?

    To conclude, when you are making a game with an ensemble cast, you have to make a conscious effort to make the characters read different. When the player's interactions with them look copy-pasted, you obviously haven't done that. In this game most interactions boil down to : aggreable dialogue choices followed by a hug and maybe a kiss (oh my!). After a point it gets tiring.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game from Mr Dots. The models are great but the dialogue seems forced and wooden. The choices don't really seem to make much difference whether you pick a "good" one or "bad" one.

    It is kind of frustrating the only nudity you see is with "Pervert Mode". I know it's only the second release, but it's a little disappointing. If you're looking for a quick fap this isn't the game. I didn't play the beginning of Mr Dots other games so I don't know how long it was before the h scenes or lewd scenes. Probably won't see any of that until the 4th or 5th release at the current pace of the game. Even by then you probably won't see full on sex with the MC's "sister" or any of the main girls.

    I would give the game 5 stars if there was a little bit more skin or some more intimacy between the MC and some of the girls. Maybe in another 6 months I will update the rating, but the current version hasn't earned it yet. It would be nice if the dev focused only on one game at a time instead of dividing between Sunshine Love and DMD. The updates would come out a bit faster, but even then with the amount of work I'm sure it would still be every 2 months.

    With 2 games under his belt you would hope the dialogue would be a lot better. Game definitely needs an editor just for the dialogue to make it less forced and believable. It's a shame it's not a "harem" game where the MC can have multiple relationships so the other girls don't get upset or mad at him. Pregnancy with multiple LI's would be really great too.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice slowburn with good characters a story and some actual gameplay elements with finding donuts and peeping. It's not just some click for pics shitfest you see in many many other games. Unlike the previous game the main love interest isn't retarded like the daughter in DmD, I mean seriously, if you played Mr. Dots first game, the main female has gotta be at least Forest Gump levels of slow. The only qualm I have atm is the sister has a bit of an underbite and a chin and jaw structure that many a boxer or cage fighter would envy.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Despite the good renders, It's the genre of fancy shmancy stuff you can't really get off to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Very few sex scenes, good story, nice set of characters.

    Will check it out again when it's finished because I know these types of games by now.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Derp Network


    This is how you make a VISUAL NOVEL, its got no gameplay to it so the animation and Scenes overall should look great because the only focus of the game is that, and in this game they did that to perfection, it looks AMAZING, just look at the screen shots. There is also some gameplay to it, not much but some, overall super impressive work not gonna lie.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    MrDots sucked me into his work thanks to Melody, so I'm excited to see what he creates here in Sunshine Love. The characters, models, and story have definitely upgraded a lot more compared to some other games. Overall, the quality of this game is only in its infancy, but has the makings of another amazing VN game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    So I'm going to try to write a contructive review since it is early in the development process.

    First, i like the art, and with these games that's a big chunk of it, and it's better written than most VN/Dating sims.

    In short I think it has too many characters, and not enough actual content, and I'll go into more detail.

    However, the game has a crucial flaw one that is very common to these types of games. It goes to wide, and not deep enough. What I mean is their are too many characters and the interactions are too shallow. It's very easy to fall into this trap, but it is usually better to focus on a few characters that you can have multiple scenes and a bunch of interactions with.

    Some Suggestions
    - Your time is limited focus on 1-3 paths/girls and flush them out completely, and then at the end decide if you want to add extra character, or ust add more content
    - Have less time between options, the longer we go without making choices the more we are going to just skip through dialogue(not every decision needs to be impactful)
    - Don't have long seuences of characters inner thoughts, they come out on their own, and kind of take you out of the moment

    I'll check back after the next update good luck with your game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Mr Dots NEVER fails to impress. I've been hooked since my early days of discovering Dating My Daughter, only to be further impressed by Melody. It's early days for this one but it's looking to be yet another great game from this developer. Definitely one of my favourite game makers, if not my no. 1. Can't wait to see how this progresses
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Most of the models are great but some of them look... you know what I mean. Gallery+collectibles are nice but I don't like scanning every damn screen in such a text heavy game.

    What I don't like is how volatile the relation between the MC and main girl is:

    123131 lines of text
    - We're good. I love you.
    121312 lines of text
    - We're bad. I hate you.
    123131 lines of text
    - We're good again.

    Too much text with too little content.

    We'll have a dinner. -> Nope, gotta go.
    We'll have cam-sex -> Nope, the MC isn't in the mood let's do it another time.

    So what content is there?

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    After 346745 lines of tease and countless cases of blue balls it ends on a
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    I'm surprised this dev isn't some big ntr producer because the MC was the biggest loser I have seen in a non-ntr game.

    I gave 2 stars instead of one because of good production values.

    I want my 3 hours back.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm incredibly impressed with this game so far. Characters are realistic, each person interacts and talks differently. The story is immersive and detailed, with a decent build up of the back-story behind the events of this visual novel.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    really liking the story so far, it's a simple heartwarming story. too bad it's not a real incest though, but i'm still liking it.
    i'm really hoping that they didn't add over the top conflict in the story, i think it's good as it is.

    the dialogue seems kinda weird sometimes, it definitely needs improvement.

    the art is vibrant, absolutely gorgeous.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing But Net! Mr Dots and his team do it again.
    Great story, great renders, lots of beautiful ladies and as ever, a well polished presentation. Do yourself a favor, download it an play _ you will not be disappointed.
  15. 4.00 star(s)



    This game has a great start, a pilot version with considerably content, because it is a rare thing to see. The game looks very promising with a lot of potential, but the story needs to be improved a little bit, because little things don't make any sense, because I didn’t understand some parts, maybe it’s because I’m not very influential in the english language, I didn't quite understand the relationship between the MC and his mother. As for the content with the MC sister, I thought it was good, it seems to follow a good path, and I hope the story is hot, as I noticed that the developer put a loli character in his game, god, she is so hot and she doesn't seem to be those silly characters that I saw in other games. She is one of my favorite characters and I hope more of her content be bigger. The other characters are good, I'm curious about how this gameplay will be, I really liked what I saw, but I hope that some unnecessary things will be discarded, as the developer’s previous games have a lot of nonsense or that could be easily discarded. Anyway, Mr. Dots seems to be working very well on that game and I like to see that, from DMD to this game, the renders have improved and I’m anxious forward to seeing more of that game.

    History: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰
    Gameplay: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰
    Graphic: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭
    Sex Content: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰
    Creativity: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is amazing which include childhood years and this just give a depth. Game has a feel good atmosphere. Lewd scene animations are pretty decent. Girls are cute or hot. Only thing is on the negative side that love point system looks too simple for me.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    i am giving this game 4 stars, i was torn between 3 and 4, but with a little improvement it could get to a 5. First off, i enjoy the models and i think the animations are pretty decent. The overall basis of the story i actually enjoy. However, much of the writing and some of the situation are quite bad. I stopped playing the game after one scene in particular just to write this review. The night the mc first sees his sister in a bath towell and mentions the kiss when they were kids. Well, the next morning at breakfast when they ague over who should apologize is just absurd and ridiculous. It was an honest mix up and they are both so overly pissed about it. SMH, just does not make any sense what so ever. anyway, i hope this aspect of the game can improve, as otherwise i enjoy it, even the music. Also, this first release does seem to be quite long, but that may be due to all the unnecessary dialogue.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    good start to the history
    good rendering
    As Mr had already shown us with his previous VN, the story will unfold slowly as are most of the games that we all like, also highlighting that this now has a search for objects to earn renders, something that did not have before in his other games
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The models are great, but the story is poorly written and with the amount of text there is either it feels like a chore or you end up skipping it. Devs should find someone to write for them or an editor.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 894997

    Its a MR Dots game.
    The renders and models are great, but they have the exact same 5 facial expressions he have used since DMD.

    But the biggest flaw here is the writing.
    It's been the same issue for all 3 games now, but its become worse and worse for each game really.
    Its just a lot of text that is just filler, and brings nothing really to the story.
    Its not funny, its not engaging, it doesn't give you more info, it doesn't build anything what so ever.
    Its just filler dialog to extend the updates.

    Take the whole learning how to do a taco scene.
    How is it engaging at all to "learn what order to put the toppings".
    You can still do that scene, but make the writing more engaging.
    Where he learns how to make them for the storys sake but there is dialog, things happening, banter and so on.
    Same thing with the event planning.

    Melody had the exact same issue but with music.
    Every single lesson you had random music info, and every single date, you talked about random music trivia.

    Almost every update had the exact same basic build also:
    Have a lesson with random music info.
    Have a date with random music trivia.
    Have a sex scene where she have a new pair of underwear, or in a random place.... Rinse and repeat... that was 75% of that game.
    This game is going the exact same direction after just the first update.
    With taco building, event planning and meditation techniques.

    But in every Mr Dots game, there is like 75% filler content that just feels like he has brought up a Wikipedia page and he takes some random stuff to write around.

    Another issue is that all characters feel the same, they are the same base person, with just tiny differences in behaviors and interests.
    No one feel really unique in any way.
    They talk the same way, they react the same way, they act the same way.
    And they are all VERY keen...

    And also the whole start of this story feels just messy, like it doesn't really know what kind of relationship it wants to portray.
    Both the sister and the MC are behaving really strangely and stupid.
    Like the MC is acting like a "nice dick" its so messy.
    The relationship with the sister is so strangely written, one minute you dont talk, next you do, next you lie, next you hate each other, next you kiss.
    Like she says she does not mind you checking her out when you are daydreaming, but the next she gives you minus points if you do.
    Like this was a full update where the player is still none the wiser of what kind of relationship they have at the end of the update.
    You are not able to relate to anything the MC feels or acts, or what the sister feels or acts.
    You never feel like they have a real moment you can relate to.
    Its just a huge mess the whole thing.

    Also it falls in the trap of trying to be a slow burner teasing game, but at the same time throwing in full nudes of EVERYONE, (not just 1 or 2 persons) way over the top reactions and flirting.
    Adding the donuts and peeping thing is just a huge mistake tbh.
    If you are doing a slow burner, you cant just let the player see everyone nude 1min after the first render you see them in. There is no teasing what so ever.

    How do you build a slow burner game, with no teasing, and characters that you cant relate too, and a story that is 75%+ just filler no one cares content, like what order you should have your taco toppings...

    At least the renders and faces look nice... Even though they have they all have the same 5 facial expressions Mr Dots have used since day 1.... sigh...
    Also the boobs are a bit to plastic for my taste.
    And the music makes no real sens to add to the game if its just a playlist, and not tied to any mood or scene.

    I guess im just not very "keen"...