VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sunshine Love [Ch. 3 v1.01i Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    the writing drags on and expounds on useless details. to the point that it's just boring and can be skipped. the main love interest is a painfully bland character that has nothing to offer apart from being nice and pretty.

    the animations are high quality. the audio detracts from the game, but can be turned off.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    The only reason I stuck with this game from the start is the long assed wait to get some lewd scenes with my fave LI's. If you have done the same, then we deserve a medal for this below average AVN.

    Story is so boring and drawn out, not to mention convoluted. Eventually you just clicky click to get through all the inner monologue or retarded reasoning behind character decisions. Honestly, I'm a retard and I could write better.

    Characters range from annoying as fuck (yes you Sis, Nicole, and Ivy/Lily) to some wholesome ones like Shortcake and Yuki. Nicole was an annoying cunt from the start but at least MC can ditch the bitch. Sis can be a selfish, condescending pain in the arse who you just want to skullfuck to death to shut her up. Ivy/Lily are the sexual predator twins just asking to be locked up for sexual assault on the player....

    The saving grace is the smols. Shortcake and Yuki bring wholesome goodness and potential to be awesome girlfriends/waifus for your retarded MC. They look cute as fuck and have that sexy innocence going on that the others have lost long ago - although Kristina is another cutey too but remind me of the Dating My Daughter main LI too much (let's not go down that rabbithole)

    Unfortunately there is very little lewd stuff with Yuki compared to the others (Sis gets lots more) which is criminal considering how gorgeous her model is. Uneven amounts of sexy time among LI's in a game that takes ages to actually unlock lewd content is never a smart move. Now we are in the end stages and the smols have been neglected big time :(

    Oh and speaking of the retarded MC, this guy is your typical soy boy chump with a constant slack jawed expression. He looks like fucking Forest Gump on a bad day. There's a dodgy dude hanging around the hotel and if he confronts him physically he can't even land a punch...I'm amazed he can even hit Brodie but even then complains about his poor knuckles. No wonder Nicole uses him as a doormat at the start...then Sis takes over but with more of a passive aggressive slant. Yeesh.

    Renders are the saving grace in this game. The girls for the most part do look pretty hot and have some nice scenes eventually...if you can hang on that long.

    The latest update has turned it into a clusterfuck with the shit writing again. A bombshell gets dropped with the twins being involved in some really shady shit with their father and no matter your choice, the MC will stay quiet about it despite he could use the info to bury the church and Di Amico alliance..wait wut?

    Then we have Vicky and Sis going full lesbo with Sis reasoning ah well fuck MC it's a casual relationship anyway so I'm going full on bi all of a sudden. This is to setup a throuple with MC, Vicky, Sis no doubt but it's handled so badly you just want to tell them both to fuck off.

    Also Sis goes full bitch mode because well, she's worried that her feelings are one way and MC will be leaving soon (as we get reminded every few minutes) but wait, during the lesbo scene with Vicky she's like "oh well if he leaves I'll be fine..."


    Please get a decent writer for your next game mr Dots!

    I've decided at this point I'm picking either Shortcake or Yuki and the others can all jump in the ocean. Now a throuple path of Shortcake and Yuki is my dream ending....the sexiest smols...heh heh.

    So yeah, if you have a LOT of time to kill and can't be arsed watching paint dry, give it a go....but as it is, there are much better games on here.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Very vanilla game, poor plot, (just talk couple days then bang all the chicks around and they all about you), primitive harem scenario which has no reality to real behavior of characters. Compared to previous games of this creator its really 2-3 out of 5.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm maybe jumping the gun here as I'm still in Chapter 1 (I recently played through Melody and Dating My Daughter for the 3rd time each now that they are complete). Thus, my rating is mostly based in comparison to those other two VNs.

    + I like the models a lot. Nice renders
    > I wish there was more variety of models; so far it seems Yuki is the only one with some variety and the only model that isn't big tit, big ass and a different race.
    - Ashley looks nothing like a 40-something or even a 30-something MILF. She looks just like the teen/20's something models. At least Trish looks older.
    - A couple of scenes the girls are commenting or swooning how the MC works out and is fit/muscular...he has no such render. No abs. No chest or biceps. He's just slim without a gut. C'mon man. If it's part of the story let the guy have spent a few months in the gym and actually have some definition.
    + Better use of music for immersion
    + There is a lot of text and to somewhat "keep the reader's interest" we get these occasional scenes where we can "undress" the girl while talking to her (topless with or without nip covers).
    - This feels like too slow of a burn as relationships with the different girls is being established.
    - The MC is a lawyer. 98% of lawyers are Type A personalities and not this soft, effeminate, passive MC. Give him some balls! He's completely unlikeable.
    - Brodie's dad is typical B-movie villain stereotype. The writing could be a LOT better here.
    + I like the idea of a quest system, though simply working through the VN will accomplish the majority of the quest items. It seems I do have some relationship choices. For example...once lost on the hill and you call Yuki or Ashley:
    a) relationship points with Yuki if you go with her. Duh.
    b) Ashley gives you two choices for relationship points.
    One path is Ashley only points making my points above 15.
    The other path is Ashley or Trish. If you go with Ashley my relationship points with Trish dropped to 1. If I selected Trish I guess I may be now on the Trish addition to Trish points were 6.
    + I like how there are connections to the other games and/or actual characters from the other games show up.

    As a first impressions review...
    I'm interested as there are some things I really like about it, but I'm not in love with the VN.
    I will return once it's developed more, since right now this is a filler VN if I had nothing else to read/play through.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't like being just another making critics about the game, but... it has such amazing and breath taking art, being used in a boring way...
    I don't want to extract the images and watch them plain and raw, a good context is what makes the image really exciting.
    So I always feel frustraded when I play a new version of this game...
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game would really be good if it weren't because the f*cking dialogues seem to be created by an AI with severe mental retardation and if the mc wasn't the most soy mc in all the AVN stories, and they are not expressions that I really like to use, but the dialogue and the story of this game is really insufferable and desperate, a lot of boring and useless text that makes you lose the desire to play, it is one of the most beastly overexposures I have seen in a game of this class, really annoying, and it's a shame because the game has potential, the renders are great and the settings are very good, but with those problems that I mentioned it's impossible to enjoy and it's a shame
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The only good thing about this VN is the renders really . and the animations are decent enough.
    Plot is mainly unoriginal as most of it we have seen before in many other VN's
    The big problem with this one is that it's a lot worse written as in script and dialogue's .
    Conversations are dragged out to the point that it becomes unbearable .
    Conversations are more like a written thesis which make them unnatural .
    Nobody in the real world would have a conversation nor talk to each other like the way this is written .
    His previous novels suffers from the same issue too which is a shame .
    I'm sure that people who gave this a high score still skip through a lot of unseen text .
    3th game in and this still hasn't changed yet unfortunately .
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The game while it have good renders has a boring story sex is vanila and the player must endure a sea of text for some action whom does not worth the trouble

    Renders:5/5 Good rerders
    Story:1/5 Boring as hell
    Sex Scenes:1/5 most of them are vanila and boring if you also pursuit certain characters...yeah good luck with that
    Characters Debth:1/5 Many characters and only 2 or 3 have some depth
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    An enjoyable story. The characters are interesting (familiar faces from Melody) and well done. Music and scenes are a massive step up from the previous games. Looking forward to how the story progress. Recommended without a doubt.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried to get through this one but I couldn't get past the writing style and the lack of personality in the characters. There were to many logic hiccups that I couldn't wrap my brain around. The dialogue and monologues are written in a style that makes it seam like they know the future or things they shouldn't know which lends to the lack of personality.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed it, I don't care for incest content so never enjoyed DMD, but I can appreciate MrDotsGames is a top notch developer. Melody was a fine game, and Sunshine Love is fantastic too. Really can't understand why it is only rated 3.5 stars by the community.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A great game! Nice renders, interesting characters, lots of different paths, good story...
    Well written, interesting and very compelling. Keep it up, dev!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    to me, the story is meh. sadly its way to confusing, renders and models look good but its not easy to play the game if the story is not that well. the font that is used in game gives me a headache. my opinion is:
    Renders/models : 9
    story: 1
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    the story is really good I managed to get hooked from the beginning, I hope they continue creating additional content with Connie and don't leave her aside I think she is a character that can be removed Much benefit and well I have no words how good this game is
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The best thing about this game is that the characters look really nice. What makes this game unenjoyable are the character personalities, dialogue, and overall story. The premise is that you're promised a job by your sister but you would have to pack up and move. Once you get there, the whole job was a lie; you were basically manipulated. Imagine spending the time and money to move to a place only to be lied to. Even worse, the sister has the audacity to blame you and get mad at your for very minor and insignificant things. Some of these characters are just flat out unlikeable.

    Most of the characters in this game have extremely similar personalities and talk in the same style which makes the game fairly monotonous. Even the shy cousin character is super open and talkative with the only reason being "Oh, it's probably because you're related to to the sister character" as the only logic for this. Even your own girlfriend comes off as overbearing and condescending. Even having to deal with people that treat you like dirt, you have no options to tell them to screw off. You play a submissive man and do the bidding of others despite the fact that the others are in the wrong.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be generous and give the game a 2 out of 5.

    If you want to fap to the great renders by all means download and play the game, but its a visual "novel" as in the writing is supposed to be somewhat interesting but it is so bland. I've played games like Dreams of Desire, WVM and Midnight Paradise whose sole purpose are games to basically to fap to but this game is an anti-novel.

    I somewhat find myself feeling dumber reading the dialogue between characters. It feels like I'm reading text generated from google translate or two AI's are speaking to each other. No colloquialisms or decent jargon, this is the first visual novel I've played where I repeatedly ask myself what type of individual writes like this or speaks like this. I've played games where you see the dev clearly uses google translate and those games are still easier to read and understand than this.

    I honestly wont comment on the characters or anything, there's no point, Mr Dots hire a writer, for god sakes ask someone to rewrite it for you. It pains me when a game has rendering this good and updates so regularly and has such shambolic dialogue.

    It was a 2 I'm now reverting to a one because I remember I kept telling myself it will eventually get better and it didnt, and I wasted another 2 hours of my life reading terrible conversations. I'm not trying to be mean or something like that the criticism is higher because I know for a fact he could pay to get a write.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Like others have said, the game looks great, but the characters and story are very dull, and the Mr.Dots dialogue is so gratingly robotic the more you read it. Might as well just be a collection of 3D renders of nude women rather than a game with a supposed story. Some of these popular VN devs should just hire actual writers for fucks sake. Its not like they can't afford it.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Beautiful images and girls are wasted with really bad dialogues, dull and uncreative story development. In fact, it's getting worse with every minute. It is a minor torment for me to read all these inner monologues and uninteresting, unnatural conversations. I'm not a native English speaker but I'm pretty sure they are not talking like that if the works I have seen so far are any indication.

    One of the unbearable things for me is even though the MC did lewd things with several girls and they are pretty forward, he is still surprised by their every sexual action. "Oh what are you doing in my room while I'm taking a leak Ivy? Why are you taking me to a secluded room Victoria? Why are you holding my dick sis? Why are you giving me a blowjob Lily?" DUDE FFS. BECAUSE THEY WANT TO!!! Okay I'm calm.

    I don't want to write everything in detail because it's not worth it. All I can say is the only positive things in this game are image quality and beautiful girls. And now I'm still playing this game because I'm just trying to reach the end. Just hire a writer, man.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Dear mother of Hentai, why is this popular? The game is agonizingly slow to get anywhere. So much so that, even after I resorted to skipping unseen text, it STILL took like an hour to reach anything more than a imaginary glance at boobs. Eventually, I just gave up.

    The game DOES still earn at least a second star because the graphics are incredibly good. It's just going to take you a long, long time to actually get to see them. Seriously. You might be able to finish a playthrough of Skyrim quicker...
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The game looks nice, but I can't get over how it constantly uses "as" in dialogue to tack on a reason/explanation to the end of a sentence.

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    This doesn't make me think I'm reading British English. It just makes every sentence sound overly wordy and robotic. The sex-related examples above are particularly egregious (seriously, show me a single person who's ever spoken the words "as it's my safe day today" out loud).

    I get that real-world spoken dialogue can sound messy and disjointed when written down and written dialogue shouldn't strive for absolute realism, but this feels too far in the opposite direction. Too many sentences sound like they're narration directed at an audience, not conversation between two human beings (or a convincing internal monologue).