VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sunshine Love [Ch. 3 v1.01i Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game looks nice, but I can't get over how it constantly uses "as" in dialogue to tack on a reason/explanation to the end of a sentence.

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    This doesn't make me think I'm reading British English. It just makes every sentence sound overly wordy and robotic. The sex-related examples above are particularly egregious (seriously, show me a single person who's ever spoken the words "as it's my safe day today" out loud).

    I get that real-world spoken dialogue can sound messy and disjointed when written down and written dialogue shouldn't strive for absolute realism, but this feels too far in the opposite direction. Too many sentences sound like they're narration directed at an audience, not conversation between two human beings (or a convincing internal monologue).
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice renders but the story is painfully drawn-out. The dialogue isn't interesting yet every character has a ton of it so it felt like every scene dragged on for way too long. I stopped caring about the story before finishing Chapter 1 because of how unnecessarily verbose each and every character is.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I think graphic-wise this is definitely a step up from dmd and melody. Bright and colorful renderings constantly remind you're in a sunny state. Girls are also beautiful with varying characteristics. Story is pretty engaging minus some irrelevant side quests.
    Ambient music is pretty nice and catchy. Plus the opening music beautifully syncs with the overall atmosphere of the game. I'd say opening theme music-wise it ranks all the way at the top with Punk rock flu.

    However, this game also suffers from downfalls common in Mrdots' games.
    - TOO MUCH INNER MONOLOGUE. This includes summaries(nobody asked for this)
    - There are maybe like five facial expressions. This game has unique and beautiful models. Their potential is hugely limited by lack of facial expressions. Please diversify them and USE EXPRESSIONS over INNER MONOLOGUES. and stop smiling during h-scenes. It gets creepy.

    **Edit : Since CH2 0.06, a lot of facial expressions have been added. Almost feels the characters are evolved?Very nice touch!

    Despite cons mentioned above I'm giving it 5 stars because I got so attached to the story and sis to a point that I want to believe that this will be fixed soon.
    ..This sounded better in my head but I'm not changing it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I personally think it's great, the H scenes may be sparse and some areas are unrealistic, but the characters are beautiful and the music is fantastic.

    Obviously this game isn't finished yet, and people have their favorite characters, hopefully they dedicate time and effort to each girl to make it a wellrounded game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2657500

    First of all the story is interesting and keeps my attention. The renders are fantastic and the girls very desirable. There is comedy and tragedy both in the game and the build up to get certain girls was excellent for me. One of the things that stands out in this game is that you aren't forced to accept relations with anyone that you do not want to. Some games unfortunately force relations with every possible LI. This game continues to get better as you play it and I highly recommend it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, the characters are hot, and the story is nice. And decent update pace. Currently, I'm a Subscribestar supporter. What I like the most is the variety of characters, very young ;), young, and MILFs.

    An incest patch is available. wink wink ;)
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a game I've grown to despise.

    So, let's get the pros out of the way:
    1) It looks great. Good options with the girls and they're all attractive
    2) It seems natively written in english, and the writing is competent. The game neither suffers from bad english, nor does the writing fall flat, leaving you unsure of context, what it is trying to say, or how the characters are different.

    If you are looking to turn on skip, hold down ctrl, click the right choices, and look for scenes to fap to, there is more than enough here to enjoy.

    But these games offer a story and characters. We shouldn't just be giving it 5 stars because there is porn in it. And as a game, it falls apart for me, to the point where I, as I said, despise the game.

    So, characters:
    Your father. Typical military asshole dad for this kind of story. Never knew how to care, or be a father. Considering you play as him in the intro, you're lead to believe he's a good person, but when you play as his son you realize he's a serial cheater, never cared enough to be a father, and abandoned his daughter, and otherwise seems to lack redeeming qualities.

    Ashley, your kinda-step-mom, and your sister's mother. No two ways about it, she's a whore. She slept with your married father. Sleeps with him again years later and then springs a mystery daughter on him. Goes from abject poverty to your father taking her in, taking care of her, giving her a chance to set the groundwork to make something of herself, and then she leaves, with her daughter, cutting you and dad off from her, and her off from her brother and father.
    When meeting up with you, you learn that she dropped a business on her daughter that she knew her daughter lacked the skill, ability, money, or help to run, and expected her daughter to just sell it. Going as far as to say she never considered that it could be a burden and hurt her daughter. This is key to her character, she doesn't consider other people, whatsoever. She decided, as a late-middle aged whore does, to just bail on her daughter to discover herself. I've known people like that in real life. Always scum.
    In a private meeting with her, she tells you about how much she enjoys sleeping around, and despite you being in a relationship at the time (more on that later), she encourages you to try the same.
    She is a selfish, irresponsible homewrecker. And the only reason she is not still living in abject poverty is because she took what she needed from your dad, and left.
    When talking of the hotel, one thing she says is that her parents left it to her, and she turned it down, because she didn't feel she owed them anything, and that she didn't want them to owe her anything in return. Keep in mind, with her parent's money and help available, she choose to live in abject poverty, and subject her daughter to it, just to avoid... what, letting her parents help, because she didn't want to feel she owed them?
    Surely in that mindset, she feels the same about her own daughter. Her daughter owes her nothing, and she, in turn, owes her daughter nothing. She certainly lives that way.

    Your sister. Look, this is an incest game. We all came here to nail sister. Too bad she is wildly unpleasant. Jealous over the most minor issues. Demanding. She manipulates you with lies to join her in the first place. Anything that even mildly inconveniences her involves her blowing up at people and yelling... usually you, the MC. She will dish out endless criticism, and can take none. Like her mother, she is selfish to the point of being cruel. She's the type of woman who will hear you open your heart and speak nothing but direct truth to her, and choose to try to read between the lines, make up her own mind over what you mean, or imagine lies and manipulations where there are none, and then lose her temper.
    To me, she has no redeeming qualities. Between lies, manipulation, vanishing without a trace and leaving others to pick up the pieces, etc, she is just an obnoxious carbon copy of her mother.
    And the fact that the game, which seems otherwise inclined to let you choose who you do and don't want, essentially force sexual encounters between you, is a huge sin.
    These games should not force the player to fuck anyone. Let us choose. I hate her character, and I hate being forced to be closer to her, even if I choose to start over and intentionally pick all the wrong choices with her.

    Nichole. Your GF. While appearing overbearing and unpleasant at first, it becomes clear she is more than that. She is stressed from money and work. She is stressed and anxious about MC leaving for 3 months. She loves the MC and wants a future with him, but finds herself in a mixed up situation.
    So, she springs an ultimatum on the MC. Open relationship, or no relationship.
    Earlier versions of the game gave a third option, where you turn her ultimatum down, stay together, and an option for a loyalty playthrough.
    This was later removed. Now your options are to accept, and sleep around, cheating on her because it is what she wants because she feels the relationship is falling apart... or break up with her.
    Like many other characters, she makes all the choices for you, and refuses to let you speak or tell your side. Even if you accept, MC thinks to himself how he thinks this is a bad idea, and is worried it will hurt things, but he doesn't say it to her. She seems worked up into thinking that either she gives you a hall pass for 3 months, or that you'll cheat on her anyhow. And the option for loyalty was removed, so the MC can't even tell her her fears are unwarranted and he is coming back to her. Either you agree to sleep around, or you break up.
    Technically, she is free to sleep around too. Having ditched the loyalty path, the dev assured us that, don't worry, she won't. Great. So she suggests this, fails to find anything else, and is left alone, while I put my dick in everything because she said so.
    For porn content, great. For story? It takes away agency from the player to choose to stay loyal, and excuses you to cheat while promising no NTR.
    If there is a path where I can accept an open relationship, and a path where I can break up, why can't there be a path where these people, who have been together for over 5 years, just TALK, and calm her fears, and be loyal? It isn't like it takes away the option to break up, or the harem option, or even an option to swear to be loyal and then cheat.

    The other girls either don't have much screen time, or aren't as interesting. I'm not into my step-cousin's slut mother. Or the twins and their plans to make me their next plaything. The asian girl gets minimum screentime, the church girl weirds me out. The girl with the food truck would actually be a great love interest in another story. So would the step-cousin. But both seem to be falling for you, which just means that your use of your hall pass would just leave them hurt.

    And then there's your sister's boyfriend, Brodie.

    How the game treats Brodie is criminal.
    He is a decent guy, who your sister just treats like crap. She won't let him talk, won't let him explain himself. Because all she does is manipulate and use people, she feels that's what he is doing too.
    We see ample cut aways to show he is trying to be reasonable, and he is being forced by his dad. To show he cares about his sister's feelings, and truly loved the MC's sister. How he felt bad for being used to get to her, and how he just wants to be better for her.
    So, after the game chooses to build Brodie up as a decent guy, and someone our character, as a lawyer, would like to get to know, and maybe hear his side of things.... the devs seem to decide they made him too nice and built up too much sympathy towards him.

    Brodie decides to change script, at the drop of a hat, and become cartoonishly evil, all because you and your sis hosted his sister's birthday party.
    His father was going to ruin his sister's party. He was sympathetic to his sister and mad at his dad... until he found out his now-ex hosted her party instead. And so now he swears revenge.

    Worst possible choice. Having a character who is adjacent to the antagonist, but be genuinely sympathetic, makes for a better story. This turn just totally shit the bed.
    And seeing as I hate sis's character, I'd have rather had a plot option where, if I didn't pursue sis, I could meet Brodie, work out misunderstandings, and set the two of them back up. It isn't NTR if it is a character I rejected, and if I choose to pursue that path.
    That could have made the story more interesting. Instead the character built so sympathetically is now Bond villian junior, for the sole purpose of bad storytelling.

    This game pisses me off. And it does so, so much, because it has the bedrock foundation needed to have been fantastic, and instead chose to be shit.
    My rating is based on the characters, the story, the fact that some choices seem burned in no matter what you do.
    If these games were just here to fap to, a story dozens of hours or more isn't needed. The purpose of the games is to build a narrative, and I find the one provided to be lacking, or offensively callous, or just plain bad.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Well then another one from Dots and another success in did, and also so many donuts... anyhow, does this looks bigger because it is or its just me because its not finished yed (at the time I writte this) :unsure:
    Regardless super yes, I enjoyed all alreary and I know it will be only better when its finally all done. Totally recomended
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a game that sort of makes me sad. Not because of the game itself, but because the developers never learned from their previous games. And that resulted in this game being fairly mediocre.

    The Good:

    - Renders are nice. I especially like the color, it *pops* which is pleasant to look at.
    - The models are nice. Better than their previous games. And better than 90% of the other games on here.
    - The donut/peeping tom stuff is, at least, interesting. Personally, I don't bother with it. But it's still a neat feature.

    The "Meh":
    - The quest log thingy. Cool idea, but it's pretty much pointless. As there are no "quests" to do. It all happens automatically as the story goes.
    - Also the phone stuff. Again, it's pointless. As the order MC calls people doesn't matter.

    And now the bad:

    This section will answer the first thing I mentioned. The devs never learned from their previous games. As this game has the exact same issue.

    The writing is terrible. No, I'm not talking about spelling. I'm not talking about punctuation. The writers know how to write, from a literal typing on a keyboard perspective.

    But the flow is bad . The dialog is cringy and unnatural. The characters, too often, act like robots. And the internal monologues read like instruction manuals. None of it natural or enjoyable to read. Which is the exact same issue their previous games have had.

    A lot of the dialog is far too longwinded. Full of weird word choices and sentence structures, that nobody would use IRL. Full of excess details that nobody needs to know, and is irrelevant. They take "show not tell" turn it upside down, and then explain why, in a monologue at least 1 paragraph long, why the characters feel the way they feel. Instead of showing it via a render.

    Most of this happens in the characters internal thoughts. In which they go into deep thoughts mid-conversation. And when they start talking again, they use weird rationale and even weirder behavior. Some of the behavior is cringy. Some of it childish. And some of it makes no sense at all.

    It's like the writers feel the need to overexplain everything. You don't need to do that. If you can *show* us some puzzle pieces, we can surly put it together ourselves.

    So, in the end, this game is like a really nice looking car. Shiny paintjob.
    Fancy leather seats. Brand new tires. But when you turn it on, you have to listen to an audio book of an instruction manual. Which you can't turn off.

    3.5 stars because it does look nice. Is technically well made. But man, it's irritating.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Sunshine Love is my favourite visual novel for these reasons:

    - The possibility to flirt with 10 gorgeous women and fuck them all.
    - The character designs are perfect.
    - The animated scenes are GOAT.
    - Each woman is different to the others. Milfs, teens, asian, ebony, latina, brunette, blonde, red hair... excellent variety to choose.
    - Nice history.
    - I really like the system to gain points with each woman.

    I wanna thank MrDots team for making excellent games like this one. They deserve my 5 stars.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Another enjoyable game from Mr. Dots. Sis (Childhood Friend) is very georgeous and I love the dynamics between her and the MC. I also love other characters such as the mom, Vicki, and the Dee look-alike.

    I'm planning to give this game 5 stars but the dialogues are quite wordy and feels unnatural sometime. However, the game's story about hotel management is really exciting. I also love the cameos.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, I enjoyed playing it most of the time.
    The models are various and very pretty (Ashley, Himari the nurse & the Twins, not forgetting Vicky, Jazmin or Trisha ^^).

    The plot is interesting, playing a character who's already in a relationship.
    Going away & reconnecting with your "sister" (looks like a doll but a very hot one ^^) & then getting tempted by the girls you met there.

    The process for getting where the "fun" is kind of long so I get it can be annonying to wait until that point.
    But I think it was about building the temptation slowly but surely and it works for me.
    And that's probably why people were upset when the real first lewd scene we can have by choosing one of the girl you met was postponed.

    For that aspect, the build up, the temptation of seeing more & more about the girls you want to have a path & finnally get to the point is not bad.
    But yeah, sometimes with the dialogues, it sound like the MC is in a loop repeating how unsure he is about Nicole & what he can feel about his sister, the cousin or the others if he choose them.
    But frankly, it's not so dull cause the story about the hotel & the group of antagonists who appeared about it avoid being too focus on it.

    I'm going to continue checking this one and playing the future updates.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Giving 2 starts because the visuals in this game are very good. But other than that, I can't really find any thing that is enjoyable about this game. It's one of those games that have potential but gets completely destroyed by really bad writing.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Sunshine love is a very bad game due to some weird choices by dev I think. At first I had minor things against it, but more I played it, more it became apparent that it's a bad game in all aspects.

    The game good points are, from what I have seen:
    - the setting (managing an hotel, plus a solid back story with some mystery in it)
    - the girls are good looking and diverse. (Edit: in fact, no. They are all the "empty shell" type of girls)

    But then, there are the things which prevent it to reach higher note.
    0) edit: another of those games where the dev gives 0 attention to detail. Here is a description of the frame I saw it and could not unsee it.
    MC is kissed by two twins.
    Twin A has heeled boots.
    Twin B doesn't.
    First break of immersion: A and B are the same size. How so when one has heels and not the other?
    second break: A, with the heels, has only one shoe with heel, the other one is flat footed on the ground.... yes the dev just forgot that heels do not enter ground and make your feet go up...

    Other example: character data: MC is 1.85m tall. "sis" is 1.7m tall. When they hug, they are at 4cm difference max ... (yes the girl has heels, but not 11 cm ones!) Again: why specify a size for each character if you can't use it correctly in your visual?

    1) music in game. That should be a good point! But problem is? the music is random, not linked to the scene or whatever. So it feels like if you are listening to music next to the game... and that is not what good sound design should be in a game at all.
    2) 4th wall breaking everywhere:
    - at the start of the game a "x ray discovered by man" ad gives you the power to see through clothes in various scenes. If you add a "see ladies underwears/naked" feature in scenes, do not bring it in game. It's for the pleasure of the player, not something which fits in the lore of your game.
    - you can chase "donuts". Again it's referenced in game (bad) and besides, if that would be all, it would be okay as a collectible hunt = pictures and bonus as in many game. But NO! the dev added a Homer Simpson voice saying "mmh a donut" e v e r y t i m e you pick one of those. Speak about breaking the immersion.
    - constant reminder of the existence of the other games done by this dev. If you like them, good for you. Otherwise? it's useless.

    3) dialogue are bad. Not bad lines, but the fact that after every choice or almost all, your will have something like "he said so, I liked it" or "my answer was the best I could provide, I think i was a good boy"... breaks the illusion of choice. Just use a walkthrough if it's to say what the chosen line was in the "hidden point scale"...
    Also, you are constantly given text about how the girls feel about your MC. Like the "mother" figure speaks with you and then at some point she is "oh my, I would like to eat him. Oh get yourself. He is like what? xx years younger than yourself. he must go before I do something stupid"... those kind of dev should really learn the power of SHOW DON'T TELL.

    All that internal monologue could have been a scene with the mother figure blushing, with some weird looks on MC crotch or whatever, then a rushed tone saying "MC, i just remember I have something to do, please go and I'll call back". No need for an inner monologue. Show us she wants us and doesn't want to get us because she thinks it's not right. Do not give us her monologue.

    Obviously main issue with that is that all those "inner" line are done... using the same background picture. So you have walls of text for one picture. That's so bad.

    4) some girls are said to be intelligent/smart etc. but they speak like morons and behave like 5 years old. Of course the dev would give you the common "she has trouble dealing with people" excuse for lazy story writers and character designers. It CAN be so, that exist. But show us BOTH side, not only the "troubled" one...
    I get that's it not easy to show off the genius side of a character since i expect most of the writers not to be genius ... but at least give us some lines or some example of their intelligence, or something that MC would not be able to do that she can easily do without too much emphasis on it.
    When a genius is doing something awesome, it's not necessary to have the world stop and applause.

    It's too easy to say "that person is one of the most smart of this country" and never show it. If you can't give us example, even little or "easy" by using the MC point of view to comment on it, then abstain to make the statement. The girl wouldn't be less interesting if she wasn't a genius.

    For the moment, everytime, I felt the MC to be the most smart... and since he is often described as such, I have trouble to admit that girl is (said to be) more smart than he is.
    Note: "most smart MC" in the game. The MC is quite an average joe but you know how in most Adult VN, the characters are just shallow and empty husks... here it's the same with a clear and honest attempt from the dev to give the girls a personality at least. So it's not a full negative point about "girls are stupid" but more "the smartest girl is not showing it".

    Other girl met ? a "genius" (not said ingame) who made her own antivirus program at 14yo. Why was I thinking she would have been a normal high school girl at 14yo? she is asian in an AVN. Of couse she would have been a pilot at 18. (True story from the game.)

    All girls behave like morons.
    So for this, all in all, I retire my "it's bad". It's TERRIBLE.

    5) when you think the game ask you to "pick girls" and really start playing the game... no. You just will call them all, in your designated order.
    So you may think: "the order will matter!";
    of course, it won't.

    6) and to conclude: MC has a girlfriend. Probably the most annoyting girlfriend you can start a game with in any AVN. And you can't dump her. You follow MC "love" for her... pff.

    7) it's a story type visual novel. But you have quests to do... which will be done automatically by playing the game as any of those "story" type VN. Just, why?

    8) and finally: when finally a sex scene happens in the flow of the game (and not in fantasy or in a flashback).... it's not shown. You read it right: the sex scene is a black screen between the before screen and the after screen; what the hell?

    Conclusion: play another game if you want to have some consistency. I have played this for hours, and never had the least sex interaction. It's "meeting girl A, go meet next one, be awesome, discover they are also awesome, receive weird smiles from girls previously met, repeat".
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep up the good work, love your stories, they are well made and love the twists in Sunshine love. Looking forward in how the story will evolve around Nicole, how will she handle the bad guys she working with, will she side with her ex/bf or will she go for the money they big evil wigs offer her. And MC hope he strong enough to overcome the rich and powerfull and get several possible good endings.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3078705

    I always go into games with the mindset that I'd like to enjoy them. This game just isn't enjoyable in any way. Every time you think you may find a bright spot, it slaps your hand and tells you NO.

    The vast majority of characters in-game seem to have a touch of brain damage. The way they talk, the reasons they get mad at each other, it's all so infantile. Especially the conflict with your half-sis. This had a chance to be so juicy, so full of sexual tension, but it isn't. All you get is disappointment.

    The MC is, by far, the absolute worst part of the game. He's much worse than most other VN protagonists. He isn't just spineless, he's actively pathetic. Yet I'm supposed to believe there are multiple women fawning over this guy?

    Your girlfriend announces that she feels like she missed out and wants an open relationship, and the game just accepts on your behalf. You're given no options during that conversation. MC doesn't even fight back. He just accepts it and mopes about it.

    I stopped playing it right there. I couldn't care less what else the game has to offer because there's no way it can recover from the weight of this terrible writing.

    TL;DR - Go play something else. This isn't worth the time and you'll never get those hours of your life back.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm starting with the good:
    -The models are great.
    -Variety is awesome: appearances, behaviours, needs and wants, all extremely well done.
    -True branching story. 1 path per love interest is actually not enough to see everything.
    -Scavenger hunt mini games (if that's your thing).
    -Steady release schedule and quality.

    But, what's below is personal to me in what I like in entertainment and what drags it down to 3 stars. If you don't agree or hate long reviews, change my rating to a 5 and stop here. So here goes...

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  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I've only played Chapter 1 (V1.0.0) and its really good. Allowing the MC to play the field with very less consequences was a huge surprise. Another great thing here was the plot, having MC and Childhood friend/sister have actual conflict instead of them getting along immediately, really helped deliver that relationship.

    My only issue with the game was a single instance of a doughtnut being unable to collected because of the text box, hiding the interface only made the doughtnut disappear.

    I think this a game everyone would enjoy, I now look forward to Chapter 2.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite game ! Interesting story, and game system, very good animations and awesome girls (Ashley and Victoria especially !!!). I look forward for a completed version ! Thanks Mr Dots (and team) for your work !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Mr. Dots Games consistently makes great games. Sunshine Love is no different. Good Looking models and an interesting story line keep you hooked. Definite recommend to anyone looking for a game to play. I do wish it was little bit more realistic but this is Mr Dots style so I cannot complain about that.