I don't mind sandboxes, the problem I have with sandboxes in general is not knowing if you have done all the stuff that you can do or that needs doing for the next event to trigger or if you have completed everything available in a particular update. In SS we used to have the heart with status for the girls and what you should do to advance their story but that seems to have been abandoned, and there is not a slot for Felicity if that were to be enabled again. There are always those "this has to be done but only in the Evening on Thursday in a particular room" activities but no idea about the trigger. Clicking literally everything at every day and time segment for a week is frustrating when you don't know if an update has additional things to do (and yes I read the change log). Then when you discover something that way, you have to do the same exercise again to get the next action if it's not noted in the story somehow ("I need to meet with her tomorrow morning in the gym") Some kind of hint system is needed if the heart function doesn't cover it.