No Riley can't surpass her strength, that's why she works out so hard and is not so muscular. but yeah, she can fly by applying her power on herself.Yea Riley.
Riley being able to phase would mean she could FLY through solid matter. I do recall her being able to fly using her power.
I though Riley was able to surpass her normal strength using her tactile telekinesis, that's partly how she's able to fly.
Chrys or Valentina having invisibility and phasing at the same time to become the ultimate spy is something I had been thinking about
MCs grandfather mastering his power only means that MC would copy the power faster, so he's still need more physical contact until he's completely copied it. It's just like with Queen Unbreakable, she's mastered her powers, but MC still needed continued contact to be able to copy her powers
I'd say there are probably more people with the hardlight powers, but if MCs grandfather was famous worldwide for using those powers, and those powers were already rare, I can see people being relutant in using those powers for good or ill lest they get negative attention because of Hardlight
we don't know much about Valentina's invisibility. maybe she can share it to others, like Chrys can share her phasing. so right now, they can be a spy duo
maybe the hard light has a negative image, sure, but if a hero uses it for good, it should balance out the public perception of it. and by now, with the entire society being used to powers, it should be common to think that powers are just tools, and it's the individual that is to blame.
of course, he used it subconsciously. that's the whole point of the sceneI think the reason is that MC absorbed/copied the ability without realizing he did it but only activated it subconsciously. If he can consciously figure out what the trigger is then he would be able to start using it at will and then master it, but unless he can convince Riley to throw a bunch of trucks at him over and over he's going to have to work that out some other way.
and he used lovestruck's, ferocitease's, harper's, riley's and mrs powell's powers subconsciously too.
now he is aware of his own power, and he uses both super strength consciously, he also used lovestruck's power consciously even though he barely touched her two or three times max.
he should be able to use hard light constructs. it's a really useful power, so he should train for it, and go touch his grandpa often.
the same for harper, he should train to use her power consciously, especially since he might be able to combine it with riley's power or superstrength.