
Jan 1, 2024
Eu posso estar sendo paranóico mais só eu vi a cena em que o MC assisti a conversa do Xanthe com o dexter e achei que o pai do Dexter ( tarnic) tinha roubado o corpo dele ? Porque eu achei a risada e o comentário sobre a guerra estranho considerando a que idade do Dexter e em torno dos 50 anos ele não teria participado da guerra eu acho. Desculpa pelos erros de ortografia não falo inglês
Amigo, o pessoal aqui só fala Inglês, use um tradutor para conversar, como o Deepl

Friend, the people here only speak English, use a translator to chat, like Deepl


Feb 26, 2019
Having finally played the update, i gotta say, Sylla vs Indi fight looks like something written to be peak comedy. Literally the power of Friendship/Nakama vs the power of "No u".

Sylla: "You can't defeat me, this is OUR realm, and you are a mere intruder!"
Indi: "Well i didn't ask for your permission."

Sylla: "Haha i took your powers, get wrecked nerd!"
Indi: "What were my powers again? Eh, whatever-" *Punches her in the face into the mountainside*

Sylla: "I didn't see that attack. So it didn't happen"
Indi: *Casually punches her anyways*

Sylla: "Haha, good job everyone, our ultimate technique worked, he will permanently forget who he is!"
Indi: *Remembers who he is*
Sylla: "How the fuck?"
Indi: "I believe in god and myself, slut. Who do you believe in?"

Sylla: "I'ts over Indi! Our anime intro started playing!"

Sylla: "It's not over guys. We can still do it! One last push, come on, we can't go quietly into that good night!"
Indi: *Grabs a magical shottie and fucking nukes them as soon as they thought they might have a chance*

Like damm its just funny. Literally the entire fight was Indi positively styling on her, every one of her attempts to somehow hurt him being met with "Lol" and perhaps even "Lmao".
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Feb 26, 2019
As for the rest of the content, i gotta say, the entire Monster World was insanely beautiful, i've filled most of the save slots with just the background images for good vibes, the art has so vastly improved over the original now that it almost looks like a different game by now. Feels good man.

Also, the Cole v MC (+ Deryl) fight was peak fucking cinema, especially Cole's last moments.
3Cole was completely outmatched despite being more powerful, even with the help of the dagger, and ends up basically praying to the heavens as his spine is slowly severed while MC calls him a fucking rat.
4Cole was an incredibly interesting opponent, we get a glimpse of the real Cole, without the tough guy act, a guy who's genuinely alright, almost normal, even if too irreparably damaged over years of an overwhelming inferiority complex, and even his way of fighting is made better by this peace of mind, proving that if only he had simply gotten over his own shit, he could have been something greater. That is, of course, until MC and Deryl to wreck him bad enough that he quickly reverts back to said "Tough Guy" manchild shell.
At the end, MC and Cole are just slugging it out, both knowing they're pretty fucked, and yet MC is just experiencing pure satisfaction finally truly preservering over someone genuinely much stronger and faster than him, and Cole's mind flashing back to all the painful reminders of how weak he's always been, while cursing at the entire world for the irrevocable truth of his mediocrity despite of all that's happened to him, until the violins suddenly stop as his jaw is fucking crushed into his throat. Author fucking cooked, and it tasted great.

Its also interesting to think of what's gonna happen next. Michael has new variables for how much emotion he has, so i guess we'll probably get a MC vs Michael (Perhaps under command of Power, or of his own will) quite soon. Amber also has a variable for selfishness, but im not sure what story repercussions that might have.
Im really looking forward to the next update. Shen sounds like best villain from his Elijah fight, so i can't wait for the gang vs Shen or MC vs Shen, the twins are interesting because of their strange nature and how they also tie with Amber and Liz, and Tanos is doing Tanos things to Cole (Femme cole when?), and we'll also probably get to see what the eclipse is about. We know that the eye is involved from Dead End 43, along with a bunch of the gods, and theoretically some are descending, so shit is about to get real.
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Active Member
Jun 2, 2018
Eu posso estar sendo paranóico mais só eu vi a cena em que o MC assisti a conversa do Xanthe com o dexter e achei que o pai do Dexter ( tarnic) tinha roubado o corpo dele ? Porque eu achei a risada e o comentário sobre a guerra estranho considerando a que idade do Dexter e em torno dos 50 anos ele não teria participado da guerra eu acho. Desculpa pelos erros de ortografia não falo inglês
Já tinham comentado isso sobre como a forma que Dexter falou parecia como se ele estivesse falando dele mesmo e que ele na verdade seria Tarnic, mas não tem comprovação nisso até o momento.
A propósito parece que as regras do fórum dizem que é preciso escrever a tradução se você fizer um comentário em outra língua, então só abre o Google tradutor manda lá e joga aqui.

I answered in Portuguese because he said he doesn't understand English so here is the translation for everyone.
People already commented here about how the way Dexter talked sounded as if he was talking about himself and that he was actually Tarnic, but we don't have confirmation until the moment.
By the way it seems that the rules of the forum say that you need to include a translation if you make a comment in another language, so just open Google translate send it there and them here.
Amigo, o pessoal aqui só fala Inglês, use um tradutor para conversar, como o Deepl

Friend, the people here only speak English, use a translator to chat, like Deepl
É nóis Brasil!
Yeah, i can see something fucked like that, maybe Tiffany wants to kill her dad because she knows he will take her body too? Crazy theory time.
  • Hey there
Reactions: CrazyofHentai


Jul 27, 2023
Will there ever be an option to unlock the entire gallary? I want to complete the game in my own way, but I also don't feel like going on a scavenger hunt, or spending hours going through the walkthrough after I finish the game to get all the scenes I missed. I'm still at an early point in the game, but I'm noticing just how many scenes I'm missing due to them being blurred out, and just want to satisfy my curiosity (and horniness) without replaying the game.
search for Universal gallery unlocker , download it and put it into your game folder.unlocks all scenes.
4.80 star(s) 366 Votes