Jun 16, 2022
Just finished the 0.96 update, and it was very satisfying to experience the calm before the storm. Main takeaways for me are:

-If Amber and Liz truly do get powers (especially in the Twins Arc which is the next update), I would believe their powers would be tied to each other, like yin and yang manipulation. Initially, their powers would start off with water (Liz) and fire (Amber), and as they progress through the evolutions, they would possibly expand to other forms of polar opposites like light/dark, positive/negative energy etc. However, another twist to this ordeal would be Amber's powers/mindset would be purely offensive (strike all time as the iron is never not hot), while Liz would be more defensive/support (the best offense is a better defense/identification of weaknesses and counter initiation).
Here is a link below that is a wiki pages(s) of superpowers for inspirations:

-It was a nice touch to see the MC's confession to Liz as it was more complicated than just simply being taller/having more confidence. Our character in the eyes of Liz lacked any desire to better himself and was too emotionless, similar to how Liz is to seemingly everything in her life, outside of supporting Amber. Both of their cups were completely empty as opposed to being half full to fill one of the cups completely. I'm glad Liz is finding more and more acceptance within herself to push forward in life just as our MC have found his purpose. This is also why I believe Liz's power would be more so support-based as she lacks self-motivation, but will certainly fight for what she loves which are Amber and now the MC.

-Nathan Foxglove (Amber and Liz's father) would've been fine financially if someone told him to audition to be the next Kraven. One of my favorite Spiderman villains within his rogue gallery. Side note: I would've done the same thing in Nathan's position. Even though, my kids are adults, they still are my babies for life, and when they are adults is when the real parenting begins (from what someone told me).

-As much as I dislike Kelly Foxglove, I would be mad as hell too towards the MC's father for convincing my significant other/mother of my children to take another tour in the military only to come back crippled and mentally depressed from being unable to find a job once back home. Kelly being in the breadwinner position for as long as she has been definitely caused numerous fights throughout their marriage. However, I don't agree whatsoever with holding a grudge with the MC all the way to present-day, especially after saving her daughters when no other solution was present.

-The MC's mother looks so much like the female version of him when he transforms with just bigger boobs and wilder, longer hair. I wonder if that was purposeful on the MC's part.

-Angelina's remodel looks amazing. Similar to Tiffany's but distinctly Angelina, especially if you are comparing the models side by side. I hope Alice/Tess/Jess are the next three to have their artwork changed. Their models during sexual encounters would do just fine as their facial features are not bunched up together, and can clearly see their facial expressions as well as see their individual attributes. Liz and Amber wouldn't be bad either as the next update are going to heavily center around them after all.

-The colors clashing and meshing during Michael and Tiffany's transformations are stunning. The color usage is such an underrated aspect of Superhuman.

-We finally will get to see Zach Zaman (Team Kronos captain) in action. I understand his wounds were bad, but I would gladly take Zaman at 80%, just to see what he is capable of, and what separate his powers from that of Lochan Deus. Also, I agree with Zaman's stance of recruitment. Stay with the status quo, introduce better training modules that showcase how frequent and hopeless it is to evade the presence of monsters in our current world, and simply telling potential members that they have to pull their own weight within the organization or they can kick rocks. If you want to get somewhere in life, you have to make sacrifices. No exceptions. Lastly, Bernhardt having 6 S-class monster kills is crazy. I wouldn't mind seeing a flashback of at least one of those encounters.

-Is Nico starting to become attached to us? Her actions are comparable to Ella, in which, she thrusts the MC into danger and hangs on the sideline to see our merit on full display, which means she doesn't simply respect strength but consistency of excellence. Yet, when the fight is over, Nico will not hesitate to rush to our aid to ensure our recovery. I believe Nico will be a good mentor towards the MC as she is always striving towards a goal of hers, by any means necessary. She has an endless supply of motivation to do better. Again, as I mentioned before, I would LOVE to see a conversation between Nico and Liz. It would be the birth of a new rivalry turned friendship like Vegeta and Goku.

- I'm predicting the MC would be to revert Duncan back into his original form during his next evolution rather than waiting til level 5, and possibly bring back Laurie. Why? I don't know. My theory has no logic behind it.

-I'm curious to see how strong a combination of an Angelina and Melody (one of Lucius' lieutenants) pairing would be. An irresistible scent mixed with a hypnotic song sounds like an overpowered CC combo found in only MOBAs or turn-based Gacha games.

-Sleeper pick for the next of our friends/LIs to be made into a superhuman after Liz and Amber (if that route is truly taken) would be either Tess or Emily.

-Elijah is going to act as another, more pressing moral compass to the MC's decisions. How much of an immovable object Elijah plans to be remains to be seen. Either way, I agree with Lucius and Bernhardt's opinion that Elijah is an annoyance, even though he means well. I'm assuming Elijah is Bernhardt's nephew or son????

-I wonder if Emily's conversation with the MC towards the end is foreshadowing mayhem within the harem soon enough. Who it would be, I would have to take a swing at Emily and Alice.

-It was cool to see Danica again. I hope the MC and Danica have more time to reconcile with one another and to better demonstrate the differences in Danica's level 3 evolution as opposed to her previous state. As much as Danica firmly trusted in her gut feeling that Klaus would give her everything if they got married, the MC technically could still do the same, as well as have a shoulder to lean on when times get rough for her. Klaus was too obsessive over Alice to truly give her the attention that she desires. Side note: Does the B-ranked hunt mission not count as a Danica event?

-Finally, Langdon being able to produce doppelganger(s) from great distances makes me wonder if he is aware of HERO's attempt to infiltrate a S.I.N recruitment ritual and has already has fill-ins at the event with himself. I'm not sure how similar/different his powers are to Lucius, but they definitely have the same monster parent.

Additionally, what was the scene before we fucked Emily in the high school?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
-The MC's mother looks so much like the female version of him when he transforms with just bigger boobs and wilder, longer hair. I wonder if that was purposeful on the MC's part.
Yea, that's th working theory. I think Memory also turns into MC's mother when she infects him. It's the same theme. Blueish hair, covered eyes, huge boobs. I think it has to do more with the notion that "boys look for their mothers" in a partner, although I could be wrong. The game doesn't really have incestuous undertones.

- I'm predicting the MC would be to revert Duncan back into his original form during his next evolution rather than waiting til level 5, and possibly bring back Laurie. Why? I don't know. My theory has no logic behind it.
I think the same, probably because WW set a precedent with Mia. MC thought he could help after his next evolution and managed to do it. Now he thinks he may be able to help after his 4th so that's probably what's going to happen.

-Elijah is going to act as another, more pressing moral compass to the MC's decisions. How much of an immovable object Elijah plans to be remains to be seen. Either way, I agree with Lucius and Bernhardt's opinion that Elijah is an annoyance, even though he means well. I'm assuming Elijah is Bernhardt's nephew or son????
The simplest explanation is grandson or some second gen nephew. He could be his son if he is way older than he looks (50-60ish yo), or if Syther's frozen sperm theory ends up being true.

-Finally, Langdon being able to produce doppelganger(s) from great distances makes me wonder if he is aware of HERO's attempt to infiltrate a S.I.N recruitment ritual and has already has fill-ins at the event with himself. I'm not sure how similar/different his powers are to Lucius, but they definitely have the same monster parent.
Langdon's power is supposed to be possession, not dopplegangers. The clone that MC kills was artificially made through plastic surgery so he could hide his recently acquired superhuman status.
Jun 16, 2022
Yea, that's th working theory. I think Memory also turns into MC's mother when she infects him. It's the same theme. Blueish hair, covered eyes, huge boobs. I think it has to do more with the notion that "boys look for their mothers" in a partner, although I could be wrong. The game doesn't really have incestuous undertones.

I think the same, probably because WW set a precedent with Mia. MC thought he could help after his next evolution and managed to do it. Now he thinks he may be able to help after his 4th so that's probably what's going to happen.

The simplest explanation is grandson or some second gen nephew. He could be his son if he is way older than he looks (50-60ish yo), or if Syther's frozen sperm theory ends up being true.

Langdon's power is supposed to be possession, not dopplegangers. The clone that MC kills was artificially made through plastic surgery so he could hide his recently acquired superhuman status.
My mistake, it was mentioned during the captains' meeting what Langdon's power revolved around. I miss that takeaway.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
so has anyone seen what changes from the beta to the public version for this update apart from the bug fixes?


Oct 23, 2019
Have a couple questions:
1)Why people are so adamant about MC would get his 4 lvl evolution in near future?

I mean, from what i understand so far, evolutions is not something you can just fast ride in couple weeks.
For MC It took several months of hard training (before and after he join HERO), numerous boss fights where his life was in grave danger to get on lvl 3 evolution...But here is a thing - MC did not receive a natural evolution, but rather he get kinda RAW version of Xsante serum during his fight against Deryl
Same stay true for Alice - she bust her ass at same pace as MC did...and it took MONTHS just to get on lvl 2
If i understand correctly - with each new evolution, it would harder to get new one. So while we are nooby lvl 3...well, it would take a lot time (mayby even ingame years) for MC to evolve on stage 4
2) Why people are so hostile against HERO as organisation?

I mean, it has clear goals (yeah, they have shady side to them, but tell me who have not?), enough resources and they already proof to be reliable (i mean they exist for several decades and during this time nothing bad was happened. Even resent coming out was forced by rapid grow of monster activity)

On contrast, SIN:

1)Swarm Earth with hordes of monsters (rapid grow of monster activity is their fault)
2)Prepare army of obedient (thanks to oath's and tatoos) super soldiers made from former soldiers and mercenaries
3) Kidnap twins
4)Bullshiting everyone that they are about "freedom and equality" (and another revolution propaganda. Yep. Guys like Langdon fight for freedom. What a joke) while in reality they not that much different from HERO in terms of organisation structure


Active Member
Aug 18, 2021
-I wonder if Emily's conversation with the MC towards the end is foreshadowing mayhem within the harem soon enough. Who it would be, I would have to take a swing at Emily and Alice.
Do we have any girl that hasn't shown acceptance with sharing mc in some way or another.
Alice had that threesome with tess and if tess worlds are correct, she's not only ok with it, but is actively into it. Tess is pretty obvious. Jess also had a threesome with tess.
Emily seems okay from her words during the confession, plus her foursome with Christie and ella. Liz and Amber had a threesome and Amber didn't seem especially upset that mc slept with her friend.
Clover and the small white haired one are actively sharing mc. (Her/his name just doesn't come to mind currently).
Angelina seems the only one who hasn't participated in some kind of threesome, but you can tell her that you have a girlfriend and she's okay with it.
So I don't really see any huge drama coming up.
Maybe Amber could be temporarily upset that she's sharing mc with more girls than just Liz. But other than that I don't see much drama.
Alice has the whole thing where she thinks she's a bad girlfriend, so maybe there could be some sort of development where it turns out she was only pretending to be OK with it during the tess threesome to be a 'good girlfriend' and was actually jealous the whole time, but I severely doubt that's going to happen.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
1)Why people are so adamant about MC would get his 4 lvl evolution in near future?

I mean, from what i understand so far, evolutions is not something you can just fast ride in couple weeks.
For MC It took several months of hard training (before and after he join HERO), numerous boss fights where his life was in grave danger to get on lvl 3 evolution...But here is a thing - MC did not receive a natural evolution, but rather he get kinda RAW version of Xsante serum during his fight against Deryl
Same stay true for Alice - she bust her ass at same pace as MC did...and it took MONTHS just to get on lvl 2
If i understand correctly - with each new evolution, it would harder to get new one. So while we are nooby lvl 3...well, it would take a lot time (mayby even ingame years) for MC to evolve on stage 4
That's not quite true. In fact we have several known people who just rushed to the 5th (Henri, the clown one) or simply were very adaptive and compatible, like Ella till the 4th, Danica to her 2nd and more. How much time does it take and how to evolve isn't really entirely known to anyone (even Ella, from the top of her knowledge provided by several monsters and apostles, doesn't actually know when or how the MC will evolve). And the concept of "natural" evolution is pretty vast and not really that precise and factual, I mean our third evolution was provided and accepted by the arbiterer itself and Xanthe insist that it was artificial only because we were exposed to a monstrous (pun intended) amount of monster material.


Dec 21, 2019
Shittttt works for me. I love 'practical' female armor ong. What I truly hunger for tho is MC shapeshifting into armor for Michael bro would basically resemble a fucking space marine.
There is nothing I want to see more in this story than more of Michael being a badass. Him killing the crystal monster and calling down literal monster Jesus was the peak so far.


Oct 23, 2019
That's not quite true. In fact we have several known people who just rushed to the 5th (Henri, the clown one) or simply were very adaptive and compatible, like Ella till the 4th, Danica to her 2nd and more. How much time does it take and how to evolve isn't really entirely known to anyone (even Ella, from the top of her knowledge provided by several monsters and apostles, doesn't actually know when or how the MC will evolve). And the concept of "natural" evolution is pretty vast and not really that precise and factual, I mean our third evolution was provided and accepted by the arbiterer itself and Xanthe insist that it was artificial only because we were exposed to a monstrous (pun intended) amount of monster material.
Yet for Ella herself it take a decade to reach lvl5
Thing is MC must reach lvl 4 natural way (he cant cheat with serum this time)


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Yet for Ella herself it take a decade to reach lvl5
Thing is MC must reach lvl 4 natural way (he cant cheat with serum this time)
Where did you read that? The decade part I mean. Ella has only had her powers for about 6 to 7 years. She was turned into a Superhuman at 14, she's currently 21. She also said she's been stuck at Level 4 for years so she either reached it pretty early on at 15 to 16(meaning only a year or 2 after gaining powers) or did it at 17 to 19 leading into the start of the game(3 to 5 years). Her Level 5 itself was via a stolen serum she got from infiltrating HERO with Jake.

Alexis has a similar case of reaching Level 4 in the span of being superhuman for 5 years. She was infected at 23 and is currently 28. So anywhere between those 5 years, she reached Level 4. She also took the serum and reached Level 5.

Nico is likely similar as well. She reached Level 3 at the same speed as the MC, being only a couple months after getting her powers. Depending on how old she is and when she received her power, she likely only took about a year or 2 to reach Level 4. This is before she also took a serum to reach Level 5.

Natural Evolution happens when it wants to. There's no set period or even a required amount of time that needs to pass. Danica reached Level 2 in a few days after becoming a Superhuman. The MC himself could've reached Level 2 a week or so after getting his power too but he didn't know what the dark growth was and resisted it.


Oct 23, 2019
Where did you read that? The decade part I mean. Ella has only had her powers for about 6 to 7 years. She was turned into a Superhuman at 14, she's currently 21. She also said she's been stuck at Level 4 for years so she either reached it pretty early on at 15 to 16(meaning only a year or 2 after gaining powers) or did it at 17 to 19 leading into the start of the game(3 to 5 years). Her Level 5 itself was via a stolen serum she got from infiltrating HERO with Jake.

Alexis has a similar case of reaching Level 4 in the span of being superhuman for 5 years. She was infected at 23 and is currently 28. So anywhere between those 5 years, she reached Level 4. She also took the serum and reached Level 5.

Nico is likely similar as well. She reached Level 3 at the same speed as the MC, being only a couple months after getting her powers. Depending on how old she is and when she received her power, she likely only took about a year or 2 to reach Level 4. This is before she also took a serum to reach Level 5.

Natural Evolution happens when it wants to. There's no set period or even a required amount of time that needs to pass. Danica reached Level 2 in a few days after becoming a Superhuman. The MC himself could've reached Level 2 a week or so after getting his power too but he didn't know what the dark growth was and resisted it.
1.Seven years - does not really matter. Thing is - this is shitload of time and she has all resources (monsters) imaginable. Still need to steal serum. MC would get lvl 4 couple weeks after he evolve on lvl 3 out nothing? Dont forget that after that Xsante could help him evolve to lvl 5 with his serum. Sound little bit cheap to me
2. And for how long Nico stuck on lvl 3? I mean if it so easy to get lvl 4...Well she already become top 1 HERO agent in whole organisation


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
1.Seven years - does not really matter. Thing is - this is shitload of time and she has all resources (monsters) imaginable. Still need to steal serum. MC would get lvl 4 couple weeks after he evolve on lvl 3 out nothing? Dont forget that after that Xsante could help him evolve to lvl 5 with his serum. Sound little bit cheap to me
Well the 5th evolution is stated multiple times to be very special, limited and needs some specific requirements that noone knows for certain. Getting the MC to lv 4 in just a couple of weeks is doable and justifiable because he's very compatible to his monster parent and has a really special link to the Eye, but apart from this WW could still do it like next update, making some in-game pass so it doesn't totally matter


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
2. And for how long Nico stuck on lvl 3? I mean if it so easy to get lvl 4...Well she already become top 1 HERO agent in whole organisation
ok this is a little more complicated because we have to understand that Nico's powers are more supportive and defensive than offensive so she can't do like the MC who just has to defeat some people and that's it (I clearly oversimplified it to evidence the difference more clearer), so we can't really tell what Nico has to do to evolve unlike many more people that we know having a physical power.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
1.Seven years - does not really matter. Thing is - this is shitload of time and she has all resources (monsters) imaginable. Still need to steal serum. MC would get lvl 4 couple weeks after he evolve on lvl 3 out nothing? Dont forget that after that Xsante could help him evolve to lvl 5 with his serum. Sound little bit cheap to me
2. And for how long Nico stuck on lvl 3? I mean if it so easy to get lvl 4...Well she already become top 1 HERO agent in whole organisation
1. 7 years does matter because you specifically claimed it took her a decade(10 years) when she hasn't even had her power for that long. We also have another character in game that only had their power for about 4 years who reached Level 4. That being Ella's Lieutenant, Shen, who's 17. Depending on when it reached Level 3, that's possibly faster than Ella.

2. We don't know Nico's age to get a proper gauge, hence why I said it's likely similar to Ella and Alexis. She's also not "top 1" in HERO. Her and Lexi also would've had to reach Level 4 naturally since Xanthe serum wasn't created until recently when Lexi herself took it for the first time during Ella's park fight to reach Level 5.

Like I said earlier, there's no set time for when an evolution happens. Henri reached Level 5 from Level 1 over a couple days, naturally. Danica reached Level 2 in a few days after becoming a superhuman. Nico reached Level 3 in only a couple months after getting her powers. Everyone's natural evolution comes when it's ready.

It's not even like it's impossible for MC to reach Level 4 in a few weeks. I don't see it happening that fast, personally, but it's not impossible. I also don't think it would "feel cheap" if he did. He's an Apostle Spawn with both traits of the most powerful monsters in game. If MC evolves, then it was time for him to evolve. There's nothing in the plot that says it can't happen. In fact, it said the very opposite and it indeed could happen.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
ok this is a little more complicated because we have to understand that Nico's powers are more supportive and defensive than offensive so she can't do like the MC who just has to defeat some people and that's it (I clearly oversimplified it to evidence the difference more clearer), so we can't really tell what Nico has to do to evolve unlike many more people that we know having a physical power.
Nico said she evolved to Level 3 while in a fight, the same as MC.
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Oct 23, 2019
Well the 5th evolution is stated multiple times to be very special, limited and needs some specific requirements that noone knows for certain. Getting the MC to lv 4 in just a couple of weeks is doable and justifiable because he's very compatible to his monster parent and has a really special link to the Eye, but apart from this WW could still do it like next update, making some in-game pass so it doesn't totally matter
Well, from writing stand point each evolution lvl up should feel like we earn it
I get this feeling with lvl2 and i get this feeling with lvl3 (after fights against Jake, Deryl, several tough monsters in between, Valvaran, hardcore training and huge all-out war against monsters)
But lvl 4 in first tough battle? This sound cheap to me
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