
Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
It'd be perhaps the funniest dead end...like the MC needs help in some big ass battle and Nico just dips in the middle of it.

Another possibility is that mass loss of points just means no Nico route for whomever rejected her (and no future help).
She's supposed to help us next update. That's why I feel like that timing is horrible for people who rejected her. It seems like it was set up in a way that she's not going to help you if you're in a real sticky situation.

Fighting the Asura wasn't really about forming a relationship with her(though if you got a perfect she likes you more). It's proving that you're strong and reliable to her. If you flat out say no and tell her off, she gets pissed. If you haven't seen that scene, you should try it.
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Apr 21, 2022
It'd be perhaps the funniest dead end...like the MC needs help in some big ass battle and Nico just dips in the middle of it.

Another possibility is that mass loss of points just means no Nico route for whomever rejected her (and no future help).
No way she can have a route after it her whole stance says she gonna mock us throughout game imo lol if we don't get a dead end like she always trashes Alexis and Clark we will prollly get even more heat even after we evolve or anything.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
She's supposed to help us next update. That's why I feel like that timing is horrible for people who rejected her. It seems like it was set up in a way that she's not going to help you if you're in a real sticky situation.

Fighting the Asura wasn't really about forming a relationship with her(though if you got a perfect she likes you more). It's proving that you're strong and reliable to her. If you flat out say no and tell her off, she gets pissed. If you haven't seen that scene, you should try it.
Now I know what to do in my edgelord incel loner (or close enough) playthrough heheh.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Thinking back on it. It might be better to just go off into the deep end instead of doing side stuff next update. I had to think about the MC vs Cole thing and my point would be much truer if the MC got too much time to grow. MC would probably kick Cole's ass brutally, just like Ella and Zara said.

While I would still like it, I feel like the MC would be too prepared for what's to come. If he's allowed to build himself up, he wouldn't feel as pressed by Cole and them. His growth rate is too high and HERO has the supplements to increase it even further. Even Shop Keep assistance makes it faster as well. The max amount of PP you can have this update is 363, I believe. That means, we potentially gained 50+ PP from this update alone. That's while the MC isn't training as hard as he did leading up to the Battle of Diamonds. If he really pushed himself, trained seriously and HERO backed him even more, MC could probably reach 500 PP in another week.

Plus, I really want a main love interest to die. No offense to Laurie but she wasn't that huge of a lost. MC felt it but it wasn't heart shattering. Only 3 women would make the MC spiral out of control and those are Amber, Liz and Alice. Maybe even Emily. But those three would definitely send him over the edge and go full murderhobo. With the way this Twin Arc is set up, I feel I'll get to see it happen. The main waifus have too much plot armor or should I say they can't be offed that easily but Amber and Liz might be the first ones up now. I was hoping Ella would play a role in it but she got saved from being mostly responsible for it.
The way I see it, MC has already surpassed Cole at this point. However Cole is close to evolving so I think that the "real fight" will take place after he reaches level 4.

For reference these are the power gains in this update:
1) 10 from Training 1
2) 3 from Training 2
3) 10 from perfect infiltration (can be missed)
4) 10 from Asura (can be missed)
5) 15 from buying shopkeep's power items (can be delayed)
So it can range anywhere from 13 to 48 and since 2 weeks have passed since MC evolved, it averages anywhere from 7 to 24 power per week.

As for LIs dying, The way I see it, two things are more likely to happen.
1) Christie will die and become the drive for Emily's arc. Christie has exhausted her usefulness in Ella's backstory, and currently she really isn't that useful other than nudging MC to look for clues on her plans. Now MC has a lot of clues to investigate, all of them tied to her supernatural abilities, so I don't see the point of Christie remaining as she is. She is marked however so the dramatic potential will be limited.

2) The twins will fuse. This will probably take some ingame weeks to happen but it's a fairly good ending to the story, has a dramatic effect and the potential for some choice without too much branching, because the game will only have to account for 1 character, not 2. The dialogue may be a bit different at times, like for example Liz Dominant / Amber Dominant / Perfect fusion, and the fusion result can be tied to the romance variables/state of sidequest completion.

Just gotta say brother GT, I've always loved/admired your enthusiasm when it comes to laid out discussions. You've got the memory (and brain) I wish I had :LOL:
Yeah, game theories are a fun exercise for me. Now for the memory bit, it's just a matter of efficiently traversing the script. I only have to remember the scenes very vaguely. Trust me, it's nothing special. Just create one text file containing all the scripts (game/scripts/*.rpy files) and use the search function of whatever text editor you are using. For images you can use the renpy console to view the scenes without having to replay the game or keep specific saves. The command is "jump" and you use the name of the label you find in the script. For example if you type "jump evo3" in the console you can view the third evolution scene.

Also got a question for y'all I was checking the game variables we have "kissclaudia" variable it must be for future right because I don't remember any kiss.
It's one of the variables set at game start but it's never used. So it's either forgotten or WW has just declared a bunch of variables for things to come down the line, perhaps for scripts he has already written.

I'm legit praying for the Nico haters downfall for rejecting her goodwill. That -10 on her relationship stat has to lead to a dead end. There's no way such a large lost of points shouldn't. That's legitimately the largest lost of points in the entire game, from a single choice. No other choice gives you -10 like that. Hell, I don't even think a single choice gives you -5 from any character.

So yeah, I'm high key hoping for another dead end meltdown like the one where people thought MC could beat Nico at Level 2. People got so mad that she tossed them into space like it was nothing. :devilish:
Generally speaking, the relationship points don't play much of a role. If I remember correctly, only Jake is affected by relationship points, determining the outcome of the meeting in prison. All the other girls use variables other than the relationship score.

Nico has the nicoassist and nicostrong variables. I think they are going to play a much bigger role than the relationship score.
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May 19, 2020
It just seems like that Asura scene was the last chance. You lose a lot by not doing it. You miss out on PPs, Skills(I think), Money and you lose a ton of points with her. That screams, you're about to die next update, to me.
Ofc it is bad. Missing out on increasing PP in a porn game -> instant loss :KEK:

The power of the URM lets me change my cash whenever I please.
(filthy casuals not using the debug console to cheat, smh :Kappa: )


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
My indian ancestry watching me as i get my ass kicked by a bag of Flaming hot Cheetos
The lessons i'm gonna give my imp
My swiss ancestry when i don't play the calm neutral party


Dec 1, 2022
I'm legit praying for the Nico haters downfall for rejecting her goodwill. That -10 on her relationship stat has to lead to a dead end. There's no way such a large lost of points shouldn't. That's legitimately the largest lost of points in the entire game, from a single choice. No other choice gives you -10 like that. Hell, I don't even think a single choice gives you -5 from any character.

So yeah, I'm high key hoping for another dead end meltdown like the one where people thought MC could beat Nico at Level 2. People got so mad that she tossed them into space like it was nothing. :devilish:
Do you think Mc can beat her in the future?

Or another question do you guys think MC will become a monster(strongest) compared to other superhumans in the end of the game?

I would HOPE that they don't die, or we are at least given a chance to save them. BUT, I like ItzSyther 's thought process, death is a good motivator. Perhaps they can 'die' in front of us only till after our carnage if we passed whatever checks to save them; they can be alive once more with kick ass powers.

Three Birds, one stone.
Yeah perhaps MC becomes lvl 4 and strong (or experienced) enough to save them unlike Laurie scene. That "death of the twins" seems good excuse for another evolution but i'm not sure if it's too soon.

So how do you think twins will got captured?
In the previous update there was a guy that saying hi to Liz (which she doesn't remember who is he) and it's a destiny that they met again or something, perhaps he somehow do something to help SIN so SIN can capture the twins. Otherwise i don't know why there was a scene like that. But i don't think he randomly showed up now before twins arc. (After him someone from the HERO showed up but im not sure if the first guy also works for HERO). What do you think?


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Do you think Mc can beat her in the future?

Or another question do you guys think MC will become a monster(strongest) compared to other superhumans in the end of the game?
Against Nico? Maybe? It depends on what he develops and how Nico progresses. Level 5 means you've unlocked all of the abilities you'll ever have but that doesn't mean you instantly discovered them all. Lexi, for example, couldn't fly at first when she reached Level 5 but she discovered it over the months. So we'll have to see what Nico's full extent is because I have a feeling we didn't during the Ella fight. She was basically using the same abilities as before reaching Level 5. They likely require her to use all 6 of her rings which explains why she doesn't go all out.

From the MC side of things, if my Memory Theories come true, he'll beat her at Level 4 because she'll have no way to teleport him or damage him in his Memory form. He would also have a form of teleportation himself via mental links so he counters her completely. As for just MC in general, it depends on how much she knows about his abilities. Unlike with Ella, HERO knows almost all of the MC's abilities. Nico observed the MC's fights on multiple occasions. From Valravn to Cole to Battle of Diamonds(probably) and now the Asura fight.

So I'll say it's possible that the MC, without my memory theories, could beat Nico in the future. He only needs to hit her once after all. It's just the hit part that's going to be difficult. On the other hand, Nico can just Teleport him away and win. She already knows about the Ella trick now and the MC likely wouldn't do the same anyway so he'll lose and they'll have sex in her dungeon somewhere.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Do you think Mc can beat her in the future?

Or another question do you guys think MC will become a monster(strongest) compared to other superhumans in the end of the game?
The game has teased that MC will become the ultimate lifeform. The vibe I get is that he will become a god.
Currently the power ranking seem to be
1. Apostles
2. Level 5 Superhumans
3. S Rank monsters
4. The rest in various combinations.

I think MC will become stronger than Apostles.

So how do you think twins will got captured?
In the previous update there was a guy that saying hi to Liz (which she doesn't remember who is he) and it's a destiny that they met again or something, perhaps he somehow do something to help SIN so SIN can capture the twins. Otherwise i don't know why there was a scene like that. But i don't think he randomly showed up now before twins arc. (After him someone from the HERO showed up but im not sure if the first guy also works for HERO). What do you think?
Their mother will do some dumb shit and expose them by mistake.

I was under the impression that whoever abducts twins, prefers younger ones because the broadcast talked about 6yo twins and Nyx says at some point that children have great potential but they monsterfy easily (I'm paraphrasing). So Liz & Amber are probably not in immediate danger especially since they are watched by MC and friends.

Kelly seems completely in the dark about all this so it's possible that she will be deceived. After all, she is prone to deception as demonstrated in Liz's arc, where Eric and co rape her if MC doesn't get involved.
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Active Member
Jul 5, 2022
The game has teased that MC will become the ultimate lifeform. The vibe I get is that he will become a god.
Currently the power ranking seem to be
1. Apostles
2. Level 5 Superhumans
3. S Rank monsters
4. The rest in various combinations.

I think MC will become stronger than Apostles.

Their mother will do some dumb shit and expose them by mistake.

I was under the impression that whoever abducts twins, prefers younger ones. Nyx says at some point that children have great potential but they monsterfy easily (I'm paraphrasing). So Liz & Amber are probably not in immediate danger especially since they are watched by MC and friends.

Kelly seems completely in the dark about all this so it's possible that she will be deceived. After all, she is prone to deception as demonstrated in Liz's arc, where Eric and co rape her if MC doesn't get involved.

What about the 5(? think that was the number) arbiters?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
What about the 5(? think that was the number) arbiters?
They are supposed to be 6, 1 for each Apostle pair. If I had to guess I'd say that Arbiters are (way) stronger than Apostles, since they are supposed to be their fathers, and there are some serious indications that they have created the universe.

However I'd rather not include them in the rankings, because there seem to be other divine entities at play, probably more powerful than the apostles, and I don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes. (Aglaecwif says that the "Outer Twins" are true gods, however there is no way to know what "true" means in this context)
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