I´ve got a theory obaut meeting Danica again, as well as Ella´s true goal....
First, Ella leads this orphanage, as she calls it, but regarding evryone she meets, she clearly prioritizes her own gain above all, so why should this be an exception ?
Second, HERO collects dead bodies of superhuman. Not really uncommen in itself, but what if these bodie bodies find theyr way to Ella ? Especially, since she can transform persons and corpses...
Third, Ella seeks potential Superhumans, trains them... but after that has no problem with them being killed ? For some really weak ones that can be considered as selection, but those with much potential like Danica or Klaus ? That would be too much wasted power... Although, when MC reveals his full potential to Ella early on, she gets delighted.... and kills him.
If this would work like in Prototype, she could absorb the corpse and gain its power and abilitys, but there is no such function in Superhuman game. So what would she get out of this ? Getting rid of potential rivals dont mix well with nurturing them, or being happy about a really powerfull one...
And my last puzzle piece is the strange behavior of said orphans, namely Charlie, whose intense staring followed by giving an OK to Ella reminds me of an staring related ability ( Danicas), which would give them a kill switch for the MC.
So my conclusion is, that Ella creates superhumans, getting them as powefull as possible, and then let them kill each other, to gain theyr corpses, followed by turning these corpses into childrens bodies and reanimating them. Both abilitys are already introduced ingame, the reanimation by Kenny, transforming by Ella.
Her gain from that ? Children are much easier to manipulate than aduldts, and theyr growth and learning speed is much higher; combine that whith the orphans claiming theyr homeschooling being exiting, but making a secret out of it, this sounds like some X-Man school owned by Ella....
To for what she needs said private X-Man.... she seems scared to death by the stonger monsters, namely the one which kills the MC if he defeats Danica after the first week as superhuman, gaing powerfull allies and cannonfodder alike which adore her looks like a good strategy against them.
As for why MC cant detect anything... evry superhuman ingame gets they power after being 18 yo, even most vitims being over 18. Combined with the strong urge to reproduce shown by most monsters met, puberty might be necessary for powers to show, or at least be strong enaught to detect them.