
Nov 6, 2018
Damn didn't know retreating to reassess the situation was cowardly let's just go balls to the wall against the enemy we know nothing about


Jun 18, 2022
Damn didn't know retreating to reassess the situation was cowardly let's just go balls to the wall against the enemy we know nothing about
I think it depends on the context. If you're fighting a war, a strategic retreat at the right moment can save a lot of lives/resources and put your forces in position to win later. On the other hand, if you're a gunslinger in the Old West and back out of a gunfight, you'd likely be considered a coward even if you knew you couldn't win. Or imagine being a samurai who has only trained to fight people who wield one sword. If you turn tail and run as soon you see that you are facing a dual wielding Miyamoto Musashi, that would be perfectly sensible given that you're not adequately prepared for the fight...but it also would be perceived as cowardly and dishonorable in that social context.

The MC often stops to reassess the situation in the fights he's in (even if he has to hide or temporarily retreat to do it), and I wouldn't call that cowardly. However, he also doesn't go around talking about honor all the time and isn't obsessed with trying to prove he's the strongest guy around who would be victorious in any "fair fight"...he mostly just wants to win one way or another.

Valravn has created his own code of honor. By his standards everything he does is honorable and anything his opponent does that he doesn't like is dishonorable. If he had kids, I'm pretty sure they'd be regular posters on /r/raisedbynarcissists.


Nov 6, 2018
I think it depends on the context. If you're fighting a war, a strategic retreat at the right moment can save a lot of lives/resources and put your forces in position to win later. On the other hand, if you're a gunslinger in the Old West and back out of a gunfight, you'd likely be considered a coward even if you knew you couldn't win. Or imagine being a samurai who has only trained to fight people who wield one sword. If you turn tail and run as soon you see that you are facing a dual wielding Miyamoto Musashi, that would be perfectly sensible given that you're not adequately prepared for the fight...but it also would be perceived as cowardly and dishonorable in that social context.

The MC often stops to reassess the situation in the fights he's in (even if he has to hide or temporarily retreat to do it), and I wouldn't call that cowardly. However, he also doesn't go around talking about honor all the time and isn't obsessed with trying to prove he's the strongest guy around who would be victorious in any "fair fight"...he mostly just wants to win one way or another.

Valravn has created his own code of honor. By his standards everything he does is honorable and anything his opponent does that he doesn't like is dishonorable. If he had kids, I'm pretty sure they'd be regular posters on /r/raisedbynarcissists.
I mean Brianna did kinda jump in to beat him after he was already tired we can all say that was dishonorable but valran learned from us anyway since he was a simple bird to begin with so he didn't really create his own code more of he adapted to whatever society code of honor was at the time


Jun 6, 2017
They are help A LOT. And in combo with huge asses they are completly mvp. The reason why this game catch my eyes 3 times to finally let it a chance.
But yes "vanila bbw" is not popular. And a lot of "naturality" fanatics malding around.
Sorry Drako I wasn't trying to respond to you, it was more towards what brebro was saying. And you're right, the lung thing makes no sense now that I think about it lol.

I didn't say anything about her being the most op either, I just said that she was op, to an extent, but as far as combat goes against another Lvl 5 given certain circumstances, she's probably not on the high board of that spectrum. Wasn't trying be rude so calm down, it was my mistake, you're good bro.

We don't know the full scope of ANY of the lvl 5s, but we do know that without even trying they are ridiculously overpowered. The question becomes who's more capable, because 5 becomes more of a loose title rather than an accurate measurement. There could be something equal to what we would consider lvl 6 within the ranks someone like Nicolette or Bernhard, comparing that to someone like Clark, a basic lvl 5.

More to my point:

At the end of the day, I just don't see some Superhumans holding up in fights, yes they will be significantly stronger than any level below them at 5, but the powers themselves don't magically change into planet busting abilities. Take Del for example, widely considered a utility member, but I could totally see him becoming ridiculously powerful at lvl 5, just not to the extent of a more combat oriented character.

Which begs the question, how does Deus fair? He can see the future yes, and is widely a most useful utility member, but what does that do for combat? You need some pazaz if you're going to damage someone else of your caliber, you can't rely on just your durable body alone. Which is why I think Bernhard is so ridiculous, we don't know if he can use abilities while in his wind state, but I'd say it's safe to say he could, he literally wasn't even trying to beat that Goliath and he did it in less than a heartbeat's worth of effort. Imagine him actually trying to kill Nicolette. What's she gonna do? Teleport more? Can she grab wind? We know her teleporting has limits, she jumps enough eventually she'll just get both her target and herself killed so how does she actually WIN?

Those are just my thoughts, no aggression towards you Drako, you know I love you.

Edit: To add in Nicolette's defense; if someone like that one mentioned captain that could raise the dead was launched into space sure, that would probably be a W or even Deus.

Point's defense; But for other lvl 5s that actually have useful fisticuff DBZ powers, is space really going to stop them? We know space stopped us due to the temperature, lack of oxygen, etc. But becoming level 5 or even 4 defies those points, sooo unless throwing something that can level a nation can just be thrown into space and their ability CAN'T output enough force to just ricochet them off of nothing like Omniman or any other flying superhero, then I'm seeing a fatal flaw in Nico's OPness. To an extent.

you forget the very obvious implications of Nico's powers: she can teleport you FROM anywhere TO anywhere. We haven't been shown any upper limit to the range of her teleportation, which means she could theoretically teleport you into center of Jupiter. Or the sun. Or potentially even into the inside of a black hole. Again we really dont know the range or full extent of her powers so the upper bound of what she can do is basically teleport you to any point in the universe, from any point in the universe, which means her offensive power is basically whatever is the most destructive thing in the universe she can teleport you into.

However even if she cant teleport you that far, at the very least from what we've seen she can teleport you into space, judging from the dead end where MC refuses to work with HERO, she can teleport you into orbit (not sure how far up). At the very least she could teleport you into the center of the earth, where temperatures and pressures are comparable to the surface of the sun. For most I imagine thats an instant KO. Bernhard possibly could survive, we dont know how durable he is.
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Mar 17, 2021
Boo! Are you all ready for New Years? Got some fun little questions for anyone interested:

Who do you think out of everyone we've met so far; will be the toughest fight in the future?

And my 2nd Question follows similarly; who are you guys looking forward to fighting the most, difficult or otherwise and why? This can even apply to already dead characters at their peak or matched at a higher or lower level, etc. (i.e Lvl 5 Jake vs Lvl 5 MC, Lvl3 Laurie vs Lvl 3 MC, you get the gist).

For my personal picks I obviously am all for Lvl 4 or 5 fights as long as they are equalized. My choices would be MC vs Michael at Lvl 3 (depending on his power, I just love his fighting mannerisms and determination). Lvl 5 Ella vs Lvl 5 MC (an unstoppable force vs an immovable object lol). And as a sidenote I'd love to see Deus take on a few elite H.E.R.O members just to prove me wrong on being "weak" compared to them, foresight is a fun power to watch in combat :ROFLMAO:
The MC is close to level 3, as we got explained recently level 3 is a lot different from the other evolutions, it doesn't have an upper limit to how powerful you can become, so he might get stuck fighting people at level 3 for a while to then start fighting levels 4s for some time before evolving, as you can compare levels 2, they should be similar in levels, at least how much power they have from a pool to pull from and all that, how they use it is another thing, but you can't judge people for only being a level 3, I think the ones we will meet will vary tremendously, would actually be interesting to evolve to level 4 to be challenged by a level 3 in the future, as the protagonist has been hitting above his weight class for a while and has not gotten than treatment from anybody else really, might be Michael, he would be real comfortable in that level with all his thirst for acquiring strength with his own efforts


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
you forget the very obvious implications of Nico's powers: she can teleport you FROM anywhere TO anywhere. We haven't been shown any upper limit to the range of her teleportation, which means she could theoretically teleport you into center of Jupiter. Or the sun. Or potentially even into the inside of a black hole. Again we really dont know the range or full extent of her powers so the upper bound of what she can do is basically teleport you to any point in the universe, from any point in the universe, which means her offensive power is basically whatever is the most destructive thing in the universe she can teleport you into.

However even if she cant teleport you that far, at the very least from what we've seen she can teleport you into space, judging from the dead end where MC refuses to work with HERO, she can teleport you into orbit (not sure how far up). At the very least she could teleport you into the center of the earth, where temperatures and pressures are comparable to the surface of the sun. For most I imagine thats an instant KO. Bernhard possibly could survive, we dont know how durable he is.
Jesus Christ she's not a fucking GOD, she might not even have one of the Numbered's abilities given how "new" she is compared to the older members and how long the other Numbered have been dead. So she has to have SOME limit.

My GUESS is that as we know; by lvl 4 to 5 you don't really need anything OTHER THAN your energy to live essentially. But the catch is everytime you use that said energy you lose it, and once you spend it all, you die.

Most of the power expendage seem to stand by 2 variables:
1. Using your powers too many times I'm a short period of time, fast or otherwise.
2. Using it bigger than your capabilities. (i.e us making 1 million tentacles or growing to the size of mount everest).

So what is her limit? Distance? Is that it? Cause she seems to be able to teleport like it's her third leg the same way we can shape shift into different people for shits and giggles.

What are y'alls thoughts?
P.S wasn't trying to be mean with the caps just using it as an emphasis.


Mar 17, 2021
Jesus Christ she's not a fucking GOD, she might not even have one of the Numbered's abilities given how "new" she is compared to the older members and how long the other Numbered have been dead. So she has to have SOME limit.

My GUESS is that as we know; by lvl 4 to 5 you don't really need anything OTHER THAN your energy to live essentially. But the catch is everytime you use that said energy you lose it, and once you spend it all, you die.

Most of the power expendage seem to stand by 2 variables:
1. Using your powers too many times I'm a short period of time, fast or otherwise.
2. Using it bigger than your capabilities. (i.e us making 1 million tentacles or growing to the size of mount everest).

So what is her limit? Distance? Is that it? Cause she seems to be able to teleport like it's her third leg the same way we can shape shift into different people for shits and giggles.

What are y'alls thoughts?
P.S wasn't trying to be mean with the caps just using it as an emphasis.
Limit to how much she can teleport, she probably can't teleport something with a too large power pool, at least something that doesn't want to be moved by her, like how Ella is practically unafected by Jake's power even though we haven't really seen her have mental abilities, and she practically tells him that, yeah, when someone is THAT much above you, the power you have doesn't matter, he would expend ALL of his power pool before he could affect her, so it's probably like a Dragon Ball type hax resistance thing, where if you are that much above someone in raw power that their hax doesn't affect you anymore, she she said she could not teleport Valrvn because of the mist thing (In my interpretation is works similarly to Fate Zero's berserker's aura), but it might have something to do with how powerful he was, or once was, how much raw power he can hold, so she needed the protagonist to deplete it to the point she could move it.
A better example, and a more direct one is protag himself, he said something among the lines of the body of those with powers being able to fight back his forceful transformation of others, and when he transforms his friend and he asks if "it's permanent" he responds with "I haven't experimented with permanence before but as your body doesn't have power to fight it back it should be", that might be reffering not to shapeshifting abilities but monster power, as this ability consists of flowing your power to the body of the person and then comandidn it to shape it howhever he wants it, but it's always clear that if this power were to meet resistance from another power pool, it would be A LOT harder, believe Ella stated something like this in the past to the protagonist as well, so it doesn't only apply to Jake's powers, might be a universal constant in this world
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Limit to how much she can teleport, she probably can't teleport something with a too large power pool, at least something that doesn't want to be moved by her, like how Ella is practically unafected by Jake's power even though we haven't really seen her have mental abilities, and she practically tells him that, yeah, when someone is THAT much above you, the power you have doesn't matter, he would expend ALL of his power pool before he could affect her, so it's probably like a Dragon Ball type hax resistance thing, where if you are that much above someone in raw power that their hax doesn't affect you anymore, she she said she could not teleport Valrvn because of the mist thing (In my interpretation is works similarly to Fate Zero's berserker's aura), but it might have something to do with how powerful he was, or once was, how much raw power he can hold, so she needed the protagonist to deplete it to the point she could move it.
A better example, and a more direct one is protag himself, he said something among the lines of the body of those with powers being able to fight back his forceful transformation of others, and when he transforms his friend and he asks if "it's permanent" he responds with "I haven't experimented with permanence before but as your body doesn't have power to fight it back it should be", that might be reffering not to shapeshifting abilities but monster power, as this ability consists of flowing your power to the body of the person and then comandidn it to shape it howhever he wants it, but it's always clear that if this power were to meet resistance from another power pool, it would be A LOT harder, believe Ella stated something like this in the past to the protagonist as well, so it doesn't only apply to Jake's powers, might be a universal constant in this world
Ya but how does that scale with another lvl 5 is my question. Xanthe says that the more lvl 5s we have, the more we can keep each other in check. And while that is true on the surface level. I find a lot hard to beat the usefulness of teleportation. While she may by no means be able to KILL another lvl 5, if you don't have a power say like Klaus's; you're kinda fucked if she flings you into space.

My point being, there has got to be some limit or even weakness (like ours to electricity) that can level her down to being beatable by other lvl 5s.


Mar 17, 2021
Ya but how does that scale with another lvl 5 is my question. Xanthe says that the more lvl 5s we have, the more we can keep each other in check. And while that is true on the surface level. I find a lot hard to beat the usefulness of teleportation. While she may by no means be able to KILL another lvl 5, if you don't have a power say like Klaus's; you're kinda fucked if she flings you into space.

My point being, there has got to be some limit or even weakness (like ours to electricity) that can level her down to being beatable by other lvl 5s.
True, on the same level teleportation would be a troublesome power to deal with but there are still workarounds, Jake for example trumps her, he could probably order her and plant mental triggers to the point where she couldn't fight him anymore, and at level 5 you don't need to eat, sleep or breathe anymore, and as far as we know don't age, and powers have no limit, like some real eldritch shit that don't obey the laws of the universe anymore, so at level 5 I don't think being flung into space or the Sun would be fatal anymore, just troublesome to get back from but we saw other levels 5 and they do the *teleports behind you nothing personal kid* edgy shit pretty much for fun, like she teleports people around just to show off, so eh, teleportation is cool but she is by no means invincible.
Another way to get through it is sheer speed, I imagine not all level 5s are comparable, as levels 3s are not either, they probably vary in strength tremendously, and as such you can beat her in reaction speed, if you can damage say her perception before she could react she could only reliably teleport herself away, get her before she gets you and you got a good chance, say the protagonist at level 5 turns into a tardigrade and lands on her, absorbs her memories and possibly her powers that's gg.
Could do a similar process and just start damaging her from the inside, making her mutate
Get inside her and Ant man inside Thanos' ass her, she couldn't counter that if she doesn't know you are around.
Plenty of counters for teleportation, it's a good power but not top tier in combat compared to say Vector Manipulation, Mind Control, Time Powers ala Kamen Rider Zi-O and a thousand others that I'm too lazy to list here
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Nov 6, 2018
Jesus Christ she's not a fucking GOD, she might not even have one of the Numbered's abilities given how "new" she is compared to the older members and how long the other Numbered have been dead. So she has to have SOME limit.

My GUESS is that as we know; by lvl 4 to 5 you don't really need anything OTHER THAN your energy to live essentially. But the catch is everytime you use that said energy you lose it, and once you spend it all, you die.

Most of the power expendage seem to stand by 2 variables:
1. Using your powers too many times I'm a short period of time, fast or otherwise.
2. Using it bigger than your capabilities. (i.e us making 1 million tentacles or growing to the size of mount everest).

So what is her limit? Distance? Is that it? Cause she seems to be able to teleport like it's her third leg the same way we can shape shift into different people for shits and giggles.

What are y'alls thoughts?
P.S wasn't trying to be mean with the caps just using it as an emphasis.
Have you not read the story the creatures they fight are equivalent to gods n such so she might as well be

Lord Kentus

Jan 4, 2021
teleportation is cool but she is by no means invincible.
Especially given we have no clue of her actual precision or magnitude as of yet. Speculations and a handful of feats sure but nothing beyond that.

It could be something as simple as predicting the teleport and then the protagonist liquifying could completely annul the impact. Without actually getting her degree of precision with it, there could be anywhere from only few to actual dozens of ways of getting around the power and overcoming the wielder.

One of the more obvious ones to me is taking advantage of the classic teleporter weakness which is they need to dictate the initial stage of the engagement. If you take them unaware, they are generally pretty fucked.
  • Red Heart
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Jun 6, 2017
Jesus Christ she's not a fucking GOD, she might not even have one of the Numbered's abilities given how "new" she is compared to the older members and how long the other Numbered have been dead. So she has to have SOME limit.

My GUESS is that as we know; by lvl 4 to 5 you don't really need anything OTHER THAN your energy to live essentially. But the catch is everytime you use that said energy you lose it, and once you spend it all, you die.

Most of the power expendage seem to stand by 2 variables:
1. Using your powers too many times I'm a short period of time, fast or otherwise.
2. Using it bigger than your capabilities. (i.e us making 1 million tentacles or growing to the size of mount everest).

So what is her limit? Distance? Is that it? Cause she seems to be able to teleport like it's her third leg the same way we can shape shift into different people for shits and giggles.

What are y'alls thoughts?
P.S wasn't trying to be mean with the caps just using it as an emphasis.
I never said she was a god, I just said we don't know what the upper bound to her powers is, which means its possible that her powers don't involve "distance" as a limiting factor, or maybe they do but its an obscene number that exceeds the length of the solar system. For the sake of plot convenience and balancing? Yeah it makes sense to say that she has a limit because otherwise, as I said, she could potentially just lob you into the center of the sun or a black hole. And even if a sufficiently powerful superhuman could survive being sent to the center of the sun or even a black hole, that doesnt mean they could also make their way back. Our MC for example, when he got teleported to space, had zero methods of making it back. Even if he did have some method of propelling himself in space, he would be bound by the issue of distance. Getting back from low earth orbit might not take that long, maybe some hours or days, but if he got teleported to the moon? or to the sun? Remember that the apollo spacecraft took days to get to the moon and they were travelling at tens of km/s. If she can teleport you sufficiently far, most characters simply wont have any means of getting back to earth in any reasonable time frame even if they could somehow survive the trip and had a means of locomotion.

Just this fact alone makes her powers potentially extremely overpowered, even more so than any character shown so far. Even if she can't outright win in a fight, if she can just teleport her enemy far enough away it becomes a non-issue.

Also regarding the matter of distance, teleportation obviously doesnt obey classic physics, and also has the potential to violate causality (information traveling faster than light). This means that distance might not matter because distance is only something we measure in our local 3 dimensional causal reality. If her powers operate on the basis of higher dimensional physics, going from earth to the sun might just be the same as going from her house to the local grocery store, you know what I mean?


Nov 8, 2020
True, on the same level teleportation would be a troublesome power to deal with but there are still workarounds, Jake for example trumps her, he could probably order her and plant mental triggers to the point where she couldn't fight him anymore, and at level 5 you don't need to eat, sleep or breathe anymore, and as far as we know don't age, and powers have no limit, like some real eldritch shit that don't obey the laws of the universe anymore, so at level 5 I don't think being flung into space or the Sun would be fatal anymore, just troublesome to get back from but we saw other levels 5 and they do the *teleports behind you nothing personal kid* edgy shit pretty much for fun, like she teleports people around just to show off, so eh, teleportation is cool but she is by no means invincible.
Another way to get through it is sheer speed, I imagine not all level 5s are comparable, as levels 3s are not either, they probably vary in strength tremendously, and as such you can beat her in reaction speed, if you can damage say her perception before she could react she could only reliably teleport herself away, get her before she gets you and you got a good chance, say the protagonist at level 5 turns into a tardigrade and lands on her, absorbs her memories and possibly her powers that's gg.
Could do a similar process and just start damaging her from the inside, making her mutate
Get inside her and Ant man inside Thanos' ass her, she couldn't counter that if she doesn't know you are around.
Plenty of counters for teleportation, it's a good power but not top tier in combat compared to say Vector Manipulation, Mind Control, Time Powers ala Kamen Rider Zi-O and a thousand others that I'm too lazy to list here
agreed, top powers are vector manipulation, matter creation, electro-magnetic control, mind control, shonen prota powers (the louded the cry the more power it gets) and finally the power to negate other powers. While teleportation is usefull there are ways to counter it.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Nico power may not be teleportation but more like wormhole creation that explain her powers in a better way and make them a tad more dangerous. XD


Jul 15, 2018
If we are talking about top powers then for me, it's weirdness manipulation, I mean the amount of crazy shit Bill Cipher did it with was amazing. . . Now I am actually wondering if there can be superhuman with this power?


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Give it
If we are talking about top powers then for me, it's weirdness manipulation, I mean the amount of crazy shit Bill Cipher did it with was amazing. . . Now I am actually wondering if there can be superhuman with this power?
Ella was close when she hit lvl 5 she warped space around her, so maybe the MC can do it not at Bill lvl .but at high Eldrich lvl.
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