
Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Off topic ik, but this is here for my personal reference since I'm too lazy to use a notepad; fuck off if you don't like it. If not, I hope it helps you or you help out.

Corrupt Harem Route Options:

1. Important Choice:
-Michael Skill Point (for Valravn fight success)
-Michael Power Point (for eating Kenny)

2. Important Note:
-Danica eaten (Alternatively spared IF future scenes, DOWNSIDE lower Corruption)

3. Important Note:
-Bailey eaten AFTER asked (alternatively spared IF future scenes, DOWNSIDE lower Corruption)

4. Important Note:
-Jake eaten (no need for change so far)

5. Important Choice:
-Shopkeeper Horn (for Valravn fight success IF DIDN'T take Michael Skill Point)
-Shopkeeper Eye (for future use OR Alaeg extra choice)

6. Important Choice:
-Left Path (Lose Eye & Lose Laurie, upside Alaeg interaction)
-Right Path (Keep Eye & Save Laurie, DOWNSIDE lose Alaeg interaction)

7. Important Note:
-IF the Eye has no future value other than to get a second choice from Alaeg, pick Horn

Corrupt Harem Route Chosen:

1. Michael Skill Point (Valravn Fight Success)

2. DID NOT eat Kenny (to choose Eye and STILL Valravn fight success)

3. Killed Danica (can be changed)

4. Killed Bailey (can be changed)

5. Killed Jake (won't be changed)

6. Shopkeeper EYE taken (maybe be changed)

7. Laurie SAVED & KEPT Eye, DID NOT interact with Alaeg (may be changed IF no future scenes with Laurie)

Stats: To Be Determined

vs alternatively

1. Michael Power Point (eat Kenny success)

2. Eat Kenny

3. Killed Danica (can be changed)

4. Killed Bailey (can be changed)

5. Killed Jake (won't be changed)

6. Shopkeeper HORN taken (to win Valravn fight)

7. Laurie SAVED, DID NOT interact with Alaeg (may be changed IF no future scenes with Laurie)

Stats: To Be Determined

Main Issues:

1. Sky high rate of violence, and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else
2. Whether or not The Eye will have future use
3. IF Laurie has future use or interaction later on
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May 1, 2018
Finally got some free time and finished the update.
This shit hits harder than anything else, don't even have right words to describe it.
So i will just leave a bit of Tchaikovsky's work here. That part with the fucking cannons.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Yeah, i decided to see if chatgpt could translate it. It's kinda buggy, sometimes it just straight out says it doesn't, other times it however comes with a translation. Think it's best not to try too big sentences...

It's possible Aglaecwif isn't a direct spawn, just only from descendants from one lord, but with the way the Apostles spread their powers/infections it seems unlikely there's complete populations of just one lord...

As for her powers, she's way stronger than MC, she just doesn't need to go all out... Or as an infected monster the powers just don't follow the same development... Who knows? Either way she seems to be able to hide just as good as Ella...

Valravn is another thing, if she's a spawn he might have just not seen her in the cave/base when he was there...
(they needed to escavate something, we see Ella with the heart of the thing that birthed Goliath, but that's it)
He knows her, but that could have been from days long gone, they both speak outdated languages...
Valravn only serves the Lord of Dark, he despises the Fairy and Aglaecwif, but for some reason he doesn't react that strong to either Apostle you can be a spawn of. Probably it's tied to his sense of honour in some way...

As for her being from the same parent? Well, it would have made sense if it's always the other, since Valravn tells us the offspring will come for us... For devouring it would make sense anyway... No idea why it's the same though... Unless we can merge with it somehow and being the same numbered spawn is important somehow... But i guess we will see...
Aglaecwif was "born" in the monster world, according to Valravn. I'm not sure if she was infected, which seems unlikely in that world, or if she's directly made from the 4th. That's why I'm questioning it because if she's a 1st Generation, or a direct spawn, her position would be way higher. Especially so, if she's a direct child from the 3rd and 4th. That seems like a huge deal, especially amongst monsters.

When Valravn meets us, he doesn't have beef, even with us being direct descendants of Twin Apostles. But he wanted smoke for Aglaecwif and if she's a direct descendant, with that reaction, he would've killed us on sight during our first encounter. Just like he wanted to kill us if we mention Fairy Thing. His reaction to her name sort of implies an even stronger reaction than even the Fairy. Also, he was surprised that we actually survived the encounter, which is weird if she's our "sister". Does Aglaecwif have a habit of killing her siblings and that's why Mommy's line seems nonexistent?

I guess we'll have to wait and see more. I'm still on the fence about her being apart of both lines of the 3rd or 4th, depending on your choice. For me, I still think she only means the 4th and that she thinks it's weird to see another direct child of the 3rd after seeing Ella. With how this post below laid it out there, I can now kind of see that she subtly used her Memory power on us. But that "Are you an offspring of the third too? How mysterious..." line seems to point to her questioning why there's another one.

She does have similar powers to us.

She rubs her well-muscled belly lovingly, humming quietly.
Aglaecwif: Destroy your portal human, it's all yours.
And I notice she's letting less of her accent show now, and only using words I understand. If it wasn't for our earlier meeting and that intense fucking, I might find it difficult to distinguish how she talks from anyone else.
MC: Right then....
Turning my back to her, I thrust my tentacle into the ring of light's border, disrupting the circling energy and breaking the portal.
MC: *phew* I did it. I better go back and meet up with Deryl....
Aglaecwif: No need for that, he'll meet you up ahead. Both tunnels lead to the same cavern.

The accent fades and the communication barrier mysteriously disappears after a fucking, she knows Deryl is a "he" and that he was in the other tunnel. It's almost like the MC gave her a lot more than he realised.

Even worse, the MC wasn't aware of any intrusion. Compare that with Sharon.
Yeah, I didn't notice any of those subtle details while playing. All I caught was that she knows "magic" and the other stuff. These little parts got drowned out for me. I actually was in sync with the MC there because neither of us picked up the signs.

I'm still skeptical on her exact generation of monster though but I'm more than fine with finally getting a monster that's mostly apart of the 4th's line to appear. Ever since I saw those pink monsters, I've been hoping for some monsters from our line to appear, implied sex slavery from me aside. I originally thought she was mostly made up of the 7th's line with only an implied bit of the 4th's in her.

I guess I'll have to stop being lazy and play again. I still have to download the public release and update my saves. This update satisfied me so much that I lost the urge to play through the game again. I just rely mostly on my memory of the events for my replies.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Eat monster (angela) corruption

Eat researcher (HERO) corruption, power

Eat Eric corruption, power

Eat farmer corruption, power

Kill AB, Kill Demi or kill Clover ?, kill Niki, kill Suicide Wang, say maybe when talking to Nyx at wedding...
All give corruption
Oh yeah ofc I do all of that too, I was just mentioning the heavy hitter choices. I DON'T kill Clover, Demi, or Nikk though because they are part of the harem and that's boring anyways. Suicide Wang I don't remember if he gives Corruption, but either way he stabbed me in prison with no gain so he dies. The farmer dies, monsters are eaten, researcher, Eric, etc.

3ish Things I need the COMMUNITY'S help on:

1. BESIDES CHEATING; is there ANY way to win the Valravn fight WITHOUT the Horn if you pick the Michael Power point? Other than the skill check obviously, because in order to do that you need the Michael Skill Point. So my question remains if I can still pick the Eye, the Michael Power Point, and still SOMEHOW get the Valravn fight done HONORABLY without Brianna's help.

2ish. Does Jake appear anywhere after you spare him other than at H.E.R.O along side Danica (if you spared her)? Like does he appear at the bonfire? Does Danica? Anyone know?

3. I can't remember, the only way to SAVE LAURIE is a skill check, 100% successful Deryl fight, and NOT meeting Alaeg right? Because Deryl has to trade with her to get the recovery serum. So no matter how I look at it, as much as I'd miss smashing her, I not only lose Laurie, but also power and skill, lore, AND the eye; because you can't choose everything.

I really don't see the benefit to going down her route other than a potential monster child cameo? That's it? Some lore drops that are more or less for YOUR info and can't even know ALL OF IT to begin with sooo I'm not seeing a lot of upsides. As a Harem Master this is the single worst choice in the game, as I have to pick between losing an already established character forever, or a potential recurring fling that I may or may not never see again.

That's why the last few Main Issues listed are the only thorn in my side, which could easily be resolved in the future, but maybe not...
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Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Aglaecwif was "born" in the monster world, according to Valravn. I'm not sure if she was infected, which seems unlikely in that world, or if she's directly made from the 4th.
Dunno if it would be any different, the fairy seems to be from another world too. We don't really know what world the Apostles are from, but it's likely it's the one we see during evolutions. But there could be many worlds that have been invaded...
Aglaecwif : I for example am worshiped by some, and I can tell you that I don't even exist in the same realm as the others I spoke of. Aglaecwif : It is in our nature to spread our genes, our traits, our powers. Infection is why we exist, it's how we exist, it the reason we've spread across the cosmos." Also : Aglaecwif calls MC a true son of an Apostle...

As for Aglaecwif parent, there a check :

if fmonster == True:
jump ellainvmonster4
jump ellainvmonster3

So she is the same as MC, always...
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New Member
Jul 20, 2018
Oh yeah ofc I do all of that too, I was just mentioning the heavy hitter choices. I DON'T kill Clover, Demi, or Nikk though because they are part of the harem and that's boring anyways. Suicide Wang I don't remember if he gives Corruption, but either way he stabbed me in prison with no gain so he dies. The farmer dies, monsters are eaten, researcher, Eric, etc.

3ish Things I need the COMMUNITY'S help on:

1. BESIDES CHEATING; is there ANY way to win the Valravn fight WITHOUT the Horn if you pick the Michael Power point? Other than the skill check obviously, because in order to do that you need the Michael Skill Point. So my question remains if I can still pick the Eye, the Michael Power Point, and still SOMEHOW get the Valravn fight done HONORABLY without Brianna's help.

2ish. Does Jake appear anywhere after you spare him other than at H.E.R.O along side Danica (if you spared her)? Like does he appear at the bonfire? Does Danica? Anyone know?

3. I can't remember, the only way to SAVE LAURIE is a skill check, 100% successful Deryl fight, and NOT meeting Alaeg right? Because Deryl has to trade with her to get the recovery serum. So no matter how I look at it, as much as I'd miss smashing her, I not only lose Laurie, but also power and skill, lore, AND the eye; because you can't choose everything.

I really don't see the benefit to going down her route other than a potential monster child cameo? That's it? Some lore drops that are more or less for YOUR info and can't even know ALL OF IT to begin with sooo I'm not seeing a lot of upsides. As a Harem Master this is the single worst choice in the game, as I have to pick between losing an already established character forever, or a potential recurring fling that I may or may not never see again.

That's why the last few Main Issues listed are the only thorn in my side, which could easily be resolved in the future, but maybe not...
1. I’m unsure on something I’ve been curious about too. I vaguely remember seeing that there’s more power available on NTR liz route might give it a try whilst we’re waiting for next update will report back if I do (and nobody else replies with a way before then lol)

2. Jake does show up at the bonfire, he helps you fix Mia and she walks away in disgust and says she never wants to see Jake again after her memory is restored but she doesn’t seem mad at MC unlike on the eat Jake path, could matter for if you want future Mia scenes?

3. It’s an either or on Aglae and Laurie yes, no way to do both without cheats which sucks, we’ll have to wait for future updates to see which path gets more/any content obviously but my guess is any of the child stuff will be the largely the same whether it’s MC’s baby or Deryls to save work for WW. Same for the lore stuff, will be just for world building like the library stuff where it doesn’t really matter which you choose just choose what interests you. Could lead to too many branching otherwise paths which is always bad for business in these games and something WW has done well to avoid so far whilst still making choices matter. Assume any future Aglae scenes require will you to have gone left though and obviously Laurie scenes will need to go right. Probably be like Jake/Danica and the other potential victims currently are where they aren’t that important to the story since their potential deaths but still pop up every now and then.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Dunno if it would be any different, the fairy seems to be from another world too. We don't really know what world the Apostles are from, but it's likely it's the one we see during evolutions. But there could be many worlds that have been invaded...
Aglaecwif : I for example am worshiped by some, and I can tell you that I don't even exist in the same realm as the others I spoke of. Aglaecwif : It is in our nature to spread our genes, our traits, our powers. Infection is why we exist, it's how we exist, it the reason we've spread across the cosmos." Also : Aglaecwif calls MC a true son of an Apostle...

As for Aglaecwif parent, there a check :

if fmonster == True:
jump ellainvmonster4
jump ellainvmonster3

So she is the same as MC, always...
How would that prove she's always the same? Doesn't that just refer to what the MC himself is for that scene. If I recall correctly, similar checks are there at the start of the game, after choosing the 4th. Might even be for the Fairy scene, Evolution to 2nd level and Valravn scene as well.

Even with that, what happens in the actual scene makes it questionable. Why would she say that with the 3rd but flat out say Our Great Lord only with the 4th?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
1. I’m unsure on something I’ve been curious about too. I vaguely remember seeing that there’s more power available on NTR liz route might give it a try whilst we’re waiting for next update will report back if I do (and nobody else replies with a way before then lol)

2. Jake does show up at the bonfire, he helps you fix Mia and she walks away in disgust and says she never wants to see Jake again after her memory is restored but she doesn’t seem mad at MC unlike on the eat Jake path, could matter for if you want future Mia scenes?

3. It’s an either or on Aglae and Laurie yes, no way to do both without cheats which sucks, we’ll have to wait for future updates to see which path gets more/any content obviously but my guess is any of the child stuff will be the largely the same whether it’s MC’s baby or Deryls to save work for WW. Same for the lore stuff, will be just for world building like the library stuff where it doesn’t really matter which you choose just choose what interests you. Could lead to too many branching otherwise paths which is always bad for business in these games and something WW has done well to avoid so far whilst still making choices matter. Assume any future Aglae scenes require will you to have gone left though and obviously Laurie scenes will need to go right. Probably be like Jake/Danica and the other potential victims currently are where they aren’t that important to the story since their potential deaths but still pop up every now and then.
It mostly definitely will matter if you ate Jake or not. Despite what he did to her she still remembers all the good times they had and I believe she realizes just how bad the MC is (no clue if the memories of MC killing Jake flows into her or not idk dont remember the scene too well).

Eating Jake effectively (probably) puts a nail in any future Mia romance options (and probably interactions period). If we do get to talk to her again if we ate him she'll most likely be standoffish as hell (shit if we see her get powers she might be against MC enough to attack him).
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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
images (2).jpeg
The withdrawal is clóse i can feel it already so i'm just gonna start doing this because i'm an asshole


Jun 22, 2017
2ish. Does Jake appear anywhere after you spare him other than at H.E.R.O along side Danica (if you spared her)? Like does he appear at the bonfire? Does Danica? Anyone know?
Danica appears too, she meets Mc at Hero's base and they talk a little, she seems annoyed for the blade through the chest and being blinded but otherwise they are quite civil to each other.
For now i don't think the people Mc eats will make a lot of difference but i imagine it will matter to the end, considering how eye guy mentions Kenny, Danica and Jake during the 3 evolution (also Bailey).

It mostly definitely will matter if you ate Jake or not. Despite what he did to her she still remembers all the good times they had and I believe she realizes just how bad the MC is (no clue if the memories of MC killing Jake flows into her or not idk dont remember the scene too well).

Eating Jake effectively (probably) puts a nail in any future Mia romance options (and probably interactions period). If we do get to talk to her again if we ate him she'll most likely be standoffish as hell (shit if we see her get powers she might be against MC enough to attack him).
But that is something i think will bring more immediate changes, Mc already thought that Mia wouldn't forgive him for killing Jake just after their fight if i'm not mistaken, seems like a closed route for me regarding Mia if you kill the guy.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
If we do get to talk to her again if we ate him she'll most likely be standoffish as hell (shit if we see her get powers she might be against MC enough to attack him).
All I'm going to say is, Demi learned real quick about why that's a bad idea. The gap is way larger now.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Oh yeah ofc I do all of that too, I was just mentioning the heavy hitter choices. I DON'T kill Clover, Demi, or Nikk though because they are part of the harem and that's boring anyways. Suicide Wang I don't remember if he gives Corruption, but either way he stabbed me in prison with no gain so he dies. The farmer dies, monsters are eaten, researcher, Eric, etc.

3ish Things I need the COMMUNITY'S help on:

1. BESIDES CHEATING; is there ANY way to win the Valravn fight WITHOUT the Horn if you pick the Michael Power point? Other than the skill check obviously, because in order to do that you need the Michael Skill Point. So my question remains if I can still pick the Eye, the Michael Power Point, and still SOMEHOW get the Valravn fight done HONORABLY without Brianna's help.

2ish. Does Jake appear anywhere after you spare him other than at H.E.R.O along side Danica (if you spared her)? Like does he appear at the bonfire? Does Danica? Anyone know?

3. I can't remember, the only way to SAVE LAURIE is a skill check, 100% successful Deryl fight, and NOT meeting Alaeg right? Because Deryl has to trade with her to get the recovery serum. So no matter how I look at it, as much as I'd miss smashing her, I not only lose Laurie, but also power and skill, lore, AND the eye; because you can't choose everything.

I really don't see the benefit to going down her route other than a potential monster child cameo? That's it? Some lore drops that are more or less for YOUR info and can't even know ALL OF IT to begin with sooo I'm not seeing a lot of upsides. As a Harem Master this is the single worst choice in the game, as I have to pick between losing an already established character forever, or a potential recurring fling that I may or may not never see again.

That's why the last few Main Issues listed are the only thorn in my side, which could easily be resolved in the future, but maybe not...
I did a full power speedrun with choices from memory and some walkthrough lookups, without consuming Jake/Danica. Probably not the most optimized but I doubt I'd get different results because eating danica and jake doesn't increase power and afaik the corruption-locked choices only increase corruption, not power.

1) I managed to get 73 Power without Horn and 18 Skill. This isn't enough to unlock Valravn respect. You need the Horn.
2) Jake appears briefly during a phone call, Laurie goes after him when she gets her memories back, and he helps restore Mia's memories during the bonfire. Danica appears once during a conversation with Michael, and there is a dream h-scene if you choose to take a nap during a lesson.
3) To save Laurie you need to avoid Aglaec, choose to Hestitate against Hydra Deryl, choose to Break the Diamon Sword and have 28+ Skill. You also need to make all the choices that don't end in a deadend (obviously). This is achievable without choosing skill against Michael in the early game.

Stats by the end of current version (0.951): Power 310 / Skill 29 / Corruption 32
Choice priority: Power > Corruption = Skill. Killed pretty much everyone except Jake, Danica and Demi. Saved Laurie. Got Horn from shopkeep. No helmet. Eaten Baley.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
I did a full power speedrun with choices from memory and some walkthrough lookups, without consuming Jake/Danica. Probably not the most optimized but I doubt I'd get different results because eating danica and jake doesn't increase power and afaik the corruption-locked choices only increase corruption, not power.

1) I managed to get 73 Power without Horn and 18 Skill. This isn't enough to unlock Valravn respect. You need the Horn.
2) Jake appears briefly during a phone call, Laurie goes after him when she gets her memories back, and he helps restore Mia's memories during the bonfire. Danica appears once during a conversation with Michael, and there is a dream h-scene if you choose to take a nap during a lesson.
3) To save Laurie you need to avoid Aglaec, choose to Hestitate against Hydra Deryl, choose to Break the Diamon Sword and have 28+ Skill. You also need to make all the choices that don't end in a deadend (obviously). This is achievable without choosing skill against Michael in the early game.

Stats by the end of current version (0.951): Power 310 / Skill 29 / Corruption 32
Choice priority: Power > Corruption = Skill. Killed pretty much everyone except Jake, Danica and Demi. Saved Laurie. Got Horn from shopkeep. No helmet. Eaten Baley.
Yeah my route will literally ONLY depend on whether or not I see the Eye getting any use down the line, if it doesn't and just acts as an extra choice for Aglaecwif; then I'm sticking to the Horn.

My new route based on everyone's help (thank you fellow degenerates of Corruption):

1. Michael Power Point
2. Eat Kenny
3. Eat Danica
4. Eat Bailey (when asked)
5. Eat/Kill anyone I can't fuck later on, or is Male (I'm totally sexist)
6. Take the Horn (Eye could be switched in at the cost of Kenny Consumption)
7. Beat Valravn via Power
8. Save Laurie (If the future Aglaecwif scenes are worth it and I don't see much of Laurie, I'll switch)

1. Future Eye use
2. Future Aglaecwif scenes


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
How would that prove she's always the same? Doesn't that just refer to what the MC himself is for that scene. If I recall correctly, similar checks are there at the start of the game, after choosing the 4th. Might even be for the Fairy scene, Evolution to 2nd level and Valravn scene as well.
Yeah, you are correct, there's 2 possibilities (got some sudden brain activity)
Either she has the same parent, this is based on the assumption in both cases she is talking about MC and her...

Or her parent is the fourth and talks about our lord (MC and her) or she points out Ella and MC sharing the 3rd as parent.

There's been similar checks yeah, always to get the text based on what parent MC has.
Ella has the third, that's a given. MC can have the third or the fourth...

Whatever Aglaecwif says there is always the condition "too/also" meaning there is another, so either Ella or Aglaecwif.
The text there seems open to more than one possibility...


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
Quick question. Does the male MC turn into a trap/futa/transgender? If so, I'll just skip this one.
Page 1, orange letters : (for some parts of the story you are a female or futa however... but this is not the usual transformation game)

Weird fetish stuff like trap, ntr, whatever, is optional

I would suggest you try it anyway, the story really is great and sex is not the main focus. The art might need some getting used to, and it evolves...
But either way this is one of the better games if you like this type of fantasy... (not sexual fantasy to be clear )
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Jul 13, 2021
So I decided to replay the game following 3 different paths, Power, Skill and Corruption.
Of course as most of you know by now, the most important choice is the arena fight with Michael.

Power vs Corruption:
Power and Corruption playthroughs go hand in hand. They both get unlocked by choosing power against Michael. The only difference between them is if you decide to consume the optional characters or not.

Both playthroughs have the option to consume Kenny. If you consume Danica you can have enough corruption to force the Myniak to submit. There doesn't seem to be any check for eating Danica or Jake.

The difference between a Power and Corruption walkthrough is 4 corruption points (32 vs 36). You can also gain one more corruption point if you kill Demi.

Frankly, high corruption score at the moment doesn't do anything. The only indication that something is happening is if you consume Jake because the MC can "hear" him during certain scenes, but this scene happens no matter how much corruption you have.

The Power and/or Corruption route requires the Horn to gain Valravn's respect. The highest power I could get was 73.


The skill playthrough stays 1 skill ahead, 3 Power behind and 5 corruption behind a full power & corruption playthrough. The player trades the capability to eat Kenny and trigger Ella's deadend sex scene for the capability to get Valravn's respect without the Horn.

Currently there is no other benefit to the high Skill playthrough, especially for those who want to save Laurie. Perhaps the eye may become useful in a future update. The 28 skill check against Monster Deryl just requires the player to have finished all side stories before going to the mall as most of them come from the cheerleading practice.

So this is my opinion for the various playthroughs:
High Skill & Care about Laurie -> Not worth it.
High Skill & Not Care about Laurie -> Worth it.
High Power & Low Corruption -> Worth it.
High Corruption without eating Danica/Jake -> Works exactly the same as High Power & Low Corruption
High Corruption with eating Danica/Jake -> The only way to get corruption specific scenes. Currently not worth it but it's the most likely playthrough to get major changes in the future.

Simplest way to mod the game and get the most bang for your buck as of current version -> Use the console to increase skill and power by 1. This change allows you to play however you want up to the Aglaec vs Save Laurie choice.

Quick question. Does the male MC turn into a trap/futa/transgender? If so, I'll just skip this one.
MC uses his female form mostly for practical purposes, like going undercover, and it doesn't happen that often. If you actively pursue it, you can get a few scenes as either futa or female. Most of them are Female on Female or Futa on Female, but there are a few where MC has sex with males.
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