
Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Michael is such a guy, he is like:
Your death serves a purpose. For one, I was paid to kill you, but the real purpose is that you will help me achieve the heights of strength that can only be reached through battle and life threatening conflict. Rest in peace, you are a true friend and I will honor your sacrfice by killing your friends the same way I killed you, mercilessly, giving my 100%.

Alice on the other hand:
These people don't have a fighting chance. They have families, friends. They are currently eating and drinking, served by their maids, and talking about business and probably how to reconcile with my family after the shit they pulled. Fuck them! The traitorous cunts. Father said I can do anything, mother left because of it. These cunts have to pay for all my family issues. I was born a killer, I will die a killer. My humor is crap, my cooking is crap, and I will never live a normal life, no one will ever want me as his girlfriend. I will use this anger to summon the biggest fucking bomb and erase them from existence because that's who I am. MC will you give me your heart if I give you mine in return?

And finally Deryl:
Woah you have powers? That's cool. Come on, let's practice, give me some blood. I will be your best friend and I will help you through this buddy. It's you and me vs the world! Oh look, I got powers too! Look at this fucking thing I made! Isn't it cool? Praise me you fucking main character! I'm supposed to be this genius motherfucker and the best I can do is being the sidekick. Oh, you beat me, that's fine! Let's kill some monsters and become the strongest motherfuckers together!
A perfect summary of these 3 characters mah dude.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
A perfect summary of these 3 characters mah dude.
Since you mentioned morallity.

I generally avoid doing it cause of some traumatic experiences arguing in a Dungeons & Dragons forum (WHAT? Your character thought about killing? You are an evil piece of shit murderhobo! Good people don't think about killing! Trust me I'm a lawyer!), but I hope here it will go smoother.

One of the first things that anyone can observe when playing this game is that every named character is some kind of sociopath. And it's not like the rest are better. I always get vibes of the cyberpunk styled cynicism in the writing, although the game doesn't feel like the usual "retropunk" styles, for the lack of a better word.

Unhinged media pushing narratives, people caring more about sensationalism and acting silly in the face of lethal danger just to get a selfie with the hero, everyone seems to be fairly easy going with death. Those times where people act lucid and human, like for example during Supreme Minister's press conference where HERO is introduced, always cause me some sense of surprise. But at the next few minutes this turns on it's head, with some radio caster claiming that humans should put superhumans under the military or something, even after witnessing the death, destruction and the scope of the threat.

I get a lot of "The Boys" vibes, where some company creates superhumans and the management thinks that they can be controlled and used for commercials and marketing.

So the alignment is a bit skewed towards the "chaotic" and "evil" axis, to use DnD terms. People like Jake would be considered decidedly criminal in our world, but in the Superhuman world? I would agree that he would lean towards the "good" just for the mere fact that he isn't unhinged and is willing to think before he acts, without really having to recount his transgressions. Of course in the end, he masterfully demonstrated the concept of "slippery slope". One thing puts you in the path, second thing gives you familiarity, third and thereafter makes you a full blown criminal. So the question we, as observers, have to answer, is if Jake is redeemable or he should be punished by either death or imprisonment. I think WW found a good medium to punish the guy.

I agree with you that Alice and Michael are great friends but evil little bastards. I could characterize Michael as leaning towards neutral, because I can conceptualize him as a weapon to be used by others (which by the way make him more dangerous). For Alice, I'd say part of her allure is that she is very.. human. She is like the evil Amber. She cares, she worries, she can be very emotional, but she also has these same feelings when she wants to destroy her enemies, and as long as she limits it to mafia wars, it's mostly fine, but it can never be limited to just that, can it?

WW has created a great contrast with Alice and Tiffany. One is evil but emotional, the other is evil but cold. As far as fetishes go, that's fucking great! But I think it also shows how while people can find cynicism cool, they tend to "fall in love" with the more hot human emotions. Alice can be the sweetheart to those that like her, but Tiffany will always be the cold bitch, like her or not.

I find characterization and the effects that characters have on the reader fascinating. I could talk about it all day.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Since you mentioned morallity.

I generally avoid doing it cause of some traumatic experiences arguing in a Dungeons & Dragons forum (WHAT? Your character thought about killing? You are an evil piece of shit murderhobo! Good people don't think about killing! Trust me I'm a lawyer!), but I hope here it will go smoother.
Oh god I haven't played D&D in years due to some arseholes ruining the game for me with constant bickering over constantly killing or roleplay (ima roleplay boyo but i dont mind goin all murderhobo once in a bluemoon).

WW has created a great contrast with Alice and Tiffany. One is evil but emotional, the other is evil but cold. As far as fetishes go, that's fucking great! But I think it also shows how while people can find cynicism cool, they tend to "fall in love" with the more hot human emotions. Alice can be the sweetheart to those that like her, but Tiffany will always be the cold bitch, like her or not.

I find characterization and the effects that characters have on the reader fascinating. I could talk about it all day.
I'm so glad u mentioned the contrast between Alice and Tiffany. Tiffany is a character who in my opinion was setup to be a big player but has been MIA for a good portion of the game around the start of the crime arc. She's an evil chick who wants to kill her father which also implies killing Claudia as well since she wants to protect her family (Tiffany, Her dad, etc) im kinda excited if we do get an arc centering Tiffany's goals.
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Dec 4, 2018
I want to expand a bit on Jake because I think his case is complex enough to warrant it.

As an individual, I care for the why of things, not the what. Jake using his powers to see some tits is not important to me as long as I can understand the reason he did it. Mistakes, especially honest ones that can be fixed, are not enough to make me want to kill somebody. There are a lot of things I can forgive without much hassle, but for others he needs to atone for and luckily for him, he is in a position to do it.

Ella was a really poor mentor to him which is a bit odd since all of her children seem to love her. She doesn't lack the experience, nor the patience. Yet she decided to abuse him and turn him against a potential friend (MC) because she wanted them to fight. For all her pep talk, she failed to communicate the urgency in terms that Jake could understand and she used a very adversarial approach. Jake never really understood why he had to fight MC, no matter what Ella told him. He tried to rationalize it but he just couldn't do it. Ella had to use Mia to actually turn him

So for all his crap, like making girls strip, trapping MC in prison and even imprinting Deryl, I can forgive.
He always managed to stop himself and never raped the girls.
He resisted Ella when she urged him to rape or kill Laurie who was at his mercy.
His approach to beating MC was mostly in good faith. Yes it sucked, but imagine how would you act if you were raised to live in fear of some individual and your goal in life would be to kill him? With his power he could do way worse.
Deryl's imprint was superfluous. He would probably accept the infection and my MC would be supportive anyway. This is something easily fixable, although Ella managed to turn it into something terrible with her bullshit control schemes. It wasn't Jake that turned Deryl into a monster, it was Ella using Charlie and it was a good thing she was apologetic because that would be the pin which broke the camel's back.

There exists a point where Jake loses the quality of the "manipulated but mostly good guy" and he turns full "evil overlord". And that's when he uses humans against MC during the PM office fight. This is unforgivable. He sent all these people to the meat grinder, forcing them to battle a level 2 superhuman. If he had such an easy time turning them and puting them at his mercy, why would he ever think that it would be different for MC? Up till then I could trust that when push comes to shove, his true self would overcome his fear and delusions. Yet this one time it didn't. So now I can't know what his true self is. I can't trust him without oversight.

My view on Ella is similar. If she wasn't apologetic with Deryl, that would be the end. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because I think that the event she is building towards is inevitable, and her schemes may benefit MC and his values in the long run, but it's not a blank check. It's more of a "the devil you know" thing. I will accept that some ends justify the means, but I won't accept nihilistic behavior and so far she has managed to stay within boundaries even if her sass can get on my nerves. Hopefully I'm not wrong about her, otherwise, no matter how much I like her, she will have to pay.
Jake never went full evil overlord. Almost any person with enough of an attachment would use the guards like he did (potentially sacrifice some people to save his loved one). You can argue on whether it was morally wrong but it is highly understandable. Certainly not "evil overlord".
And it's entirely up to the PC whether the people brainwashed dies. You can argue he brought these people into danger but he didn't kill them. You can also argue whether he was banking on the PC not killing innocent people or he just doesn't give a shit about lives.

Now Ella literally killed her entire class and likely hundreds to thousands of people for highly superfluous reasons. And is literally the singular reason Jake did what he did. But she fucks the PC and said sorry so it's okay.

I swear a character could commit genocide and some of the community would think they are a good person if they were nice to the PC.
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Oct 30, 2020
Jake feels like a real disapointment. So much friendly effort put in him, help given, shit taken and he still a ungrateful usless prick...

He is like what womens, who get hited by a boyfriend multiple times and still go back to him, stil argue it somehow. Dude just open your eyes, miracle right here, give you hand and nope.. He is like to be used and go to dump.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
You lovely perverts got tiff wrong tiff is just better at wearing a Mask that cunt is cruel and volatile she is not like ella's who thinks we are gonna pick her on the end no tiff is sure we are on her side either as an ally or pet . She wants to kill his father because she has to prove she is better. Run Claudia run she is gonna kill you if you stop being her pet and tool or if you bite her or if you make her look bad poor Claudia unless she is even better at the Mask game and thst would be a plot Twist XD.and with us is more like she thinks we are the same playing the Mask game just that we are playing it by being a horny brat XD


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Jake never went full evil overlord. Almost any person with enough of an attachment would use the guards like he did (potentially sacrifice some people to save his loved one). You can argue on whether it was morally wrong but it is highly understandable. Certainly not "evil overlord".
And it's entirely up to the PC whether the people brainwashed dies. You can argue he brought these people into danger but he didn't kill them. You can also argue whether he was banking on the PC not killing innocent people or he just doesn't give a shit about lives.

Now Ella literally killed her entire class and likely hundreds to thousands of people for highly superfluous reasons. And is literally the singular reason Jake did what he did. But she fucks the PC and said sorry so it's okay.

I swear a character could commit genocide and some of the community would think they are a good person if they were nice to the PC.
This is mainly some "counterpoints" to Bleh21
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It's funny you mention genocide characters being worshipped, cause I love Eren Jaeger :ROFLMAO:
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Oh god I haven't played D&D in years due to some arseholes ruining the game for me with constant bickering over constantly killing or roleplay (ima roleplay boyo but i dont mind goin all murderhobo once in a bluemoon).

I'm so glad u mentioned the contrast between Alice and Tiffany. Tiffany is a character who in my opinion was setup to be a big player but has been MIA for a good portion of the game around the start of the crime arc. She's an evil chick who wants to kill her father which also implies killing Claudia as well since she wants to protect her family (Tiffany, Her dad, etc) im kinda excited if we do get an arc centering Tiffany's goals.
She hasn't been DEAD silent though. She's been speaking with Michael concerning various things (whatever they may be) and also there's the SUS fuckin wedding...

That being said if I got the power to travel at the speed of light I'd probably halt my plans too.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Jake never went full evil overlord. Almost any person with enough of an attachment would use the guards like he did (potentially sacrifice some people to save his loved one). You can argue on whether it was morally wrong but it is highly understandable. Certainly not "evil overlord".
And it's entirely up to the PC whether the people brainwashed dies. You can argue he brought these people into danger but he didn't kill them. You can also argue whether he was banking on the PC not killing innocent people or he just doesn't give a shit about lives.

Now Ella literally killed her entire class and likely hundreds to thousands of people for highly superfluous reasons. And is literally the singular reason Jake did what he did. But she fucks the PC and said sorry so it's okay.

I swear a character could commit genocide and some of the community would think they are a good person if they were nice to the PC.
We will have to disagree on the way Jake handled guards. Using humans to fight monsters and superhumans should only be done to protect other humans in my opinion. To me it's equivalent to using children in war to fight armed soldiers. And it's not entirely up to MC. Sure MC can choose whether to kill them or not, but the destruction that superhumans can cause cannot be contained, he forces MC to choose between leaving witnesses or not which may end up killing him in the future. It's not just a "kill or let live" choice. It's easy to make it when playing a game but I don't even want to think of scenarios that would put me in that spot.

As for Ella, I'd agree with you if it was confirmed, but for now it's hearsay and Christie was unconscious at the time. We know that there were other forces involved like the hooded man. It's not like I trust Ella or I think she is misunderstood, even if I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. She is a villain. The question is if she is the kind to work with or exterminate. Is she Revan or Thanos?


Dec 4, 2018
This is mainly some "counterpoints" to Bleh21
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It's funny you mention genocide characters being worshipped, cause I love Eren Jaeger :ROFLMAO:
Everything he did after Mia went into a coma was to kill the MC and have Ella bring Mia back. Someone who likes Eren should understand the concept of doing extremely shitty things for the people you love. He took over the prison and the PM's office not for his own selfish or evil reasons. its literally only because its the only way to bring Mia back in his mind.

He is bullied and he has low self-esteem but he is generally nice. The ONLY reason he starts acting shittily is because Ella was screwing with his mind. Being book smart doesn't make you resistant to social gaslighting and mental/physical abuse or even know how to handle social situations man. i'd expect something like Mia nearly dying to get him to man the fuck up.

He's a flawed character who got manipulated and blackmailed by a psychopath into doing terrible things. But right now assuming you didn't kill him, he looks like he's chilled the fuck out.

I was also a fan of Eren until the literal last chapter happened.

I'm sorry but I'm also not responding to @GTdesd cause there's only so much I feel like writing.


Jan 26, 2023
The forum seems to have gone crowed lately, so that means I have to contribute too after the absence.

Just as promised, the monsters and thing show their performance this time. Enjoy!

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And finally, my result of being reaching the peak of corruption. There she is... the final boss! The very mastermind of the entire time!

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Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
I have not played D&D in a long time i'm more of a pathfinder guy. But if the G. M don't let me drench my enemies in oil and then burn them alive or other warcrimes i'm not gonna play. :mad:


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
The forum seems to have gone crowed lately, so that means I have to contribute too after the absence.

Just as promised, the monsters and thing show their performance this time. Enjoy!

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And finally, my result of being reaching the peak of corruption. There she is... the final boss! The very mastermind of the entire time!

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Big Sis Aglaecwif and Buff Mommy, just take all of my seed! Aglaecwif is my new number one. Pink Buff Demoness might be my new second. Rebis looks very cool by the way. Fairy Thing does as well.

Now there's only the Apostles left. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Mommy 4th, 6th and the 7th. Also the Eye/Origin/Arbiter. Oh, FMC, Laurie and Jill too, I believe.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Bleh21 oh boy, you decided to take the Ella cult head-on. Good luck, you're gonna need it :KEK:

I'll just add this one bit of in-game moment to the discussion:
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Even Jake is aware of how much of a fucktard he is via that first picture. Also how much he should've sucked his friends dick rather than some random chick that gave him a pill and beat his ass. But nooo, he's not one of if not the smartest kids at the college; he's just a misunderstood Sector 1 terrorist that almost raped a girl, made some of them flash their tits against their will and then dissed one of his few "friends" for calling him out. Along with dumbing literally all of his problems on us and running away after we spared his life and kept tabs on his friend. What a great guy, he did do our homework though so I guess that's why we like him.

Edit: Comparing Eren Jaeger to Jake is like comparing Daz to Eren Jaeger.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
The forum seems to have gone crowed lately, so that means I have to contribute too after the absence.

Just as promised, the monsters and thing show their performance this time. Enjoy!

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And finally, my result of being reaching the peak of corruption. There she is... the final boss! The very mastermind of the entire time!

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You just made every dog clappers dream come true you fucking saint of corruption you!

The rebis looks fucking amazing btw and I also dig fairy and Aglaecwif (Buff monster mommy go hard too).

Now ima take that image of lady shadow and 'worship' the fuck out of it back at a later date gentlemen this is gonna take a lot of worshiping...


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
The forum seems to have gone crowed lately, so that means I have to contribute too after the absence.

Just as promised, the monsters and thing show their performance this time. Enjoy!

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And finally, my result of being reaching the peak of corruption. There she is... the final boss! The very mastermind of the entire time!

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Now syther gonna dial the crazy to 11 aff :( oh well love the what if versión and the goth monster milf XD


Jun 11, 2023
View attachment 2778355
You just made every dog clappers dream come true you fucking saint of corruption you!

The rebis looks fucking amazing btw and I also dig fairy and Aglaecwif (Buff monster mommy go hard too).

Now ima take that image of lady shadow and 'worship' the fuck out of it back at a later date gentlemen this is gonna take a lot of worshiping...


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
View attachment 2778355
You just made every dog clappers dream come true you fucking saint of corruption you!

The rebis looks fucking amazing btw and I also dig fairy and Aglaecwif (Buff monster mommy go hard too).

Now ima take that image of lady shadow and 'worship' the fuck out of it back at a later date gentlemen this is gonna take a lot of worshiping...
We at the Church of Ella would like to support this decision of The Dog Clappers' next step into the future of religion.

-Praise be Shadow and Ella!~
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