
Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
i think she's unsure about her sexual relations herself, and she does whatever is more convenient, interesting, or challenging. (like that time she didn't care about racing MC in the Swimming Pool but once she did and lost, she started to care more)
Yeah, that's part of the problem with her. She doesn't seem unsure about anything. She defines everything, and she claims that she is either too lazy or too shallow to follow through. But after all are said and done, her actions aren't very consistent and in the romance route she basically throws every single notion she has about these things, out of the window.

She is lazy, yet MC gets her by challenging her.
She is cold during sex, yet in the later scenes she becomes fire.
She considers herself completely apathetic and broken but she ends up finding meaning in her relationship.
She lacked a drive but now that she saw the danger, she is willing to take risks to protect her friends even if she currently is in more danger than they are, at least as far as she knows.
She can be both idealistic and unpredictable.

So yeah, as I said, taking Liz at face value is a bad idea. Her reactions don't seem to get influenced by her opinions at all. I think the reason is that Liz has a very low self esteem in general. She is talented at everything but she doesn't feel good about it cause she doesn't consider it "earned". So basically the closer she gets to finding her purpose, her attitude will improve dramatically.

The way the MC words it is that Liz basically belittled him due to his height
Any chance you can provide the quote that reinforces that notion? Because I can't find an instance where MC makes it seem like Liz belittled him. In fact I get the opposite idea, that despite all, MC really didn't consider this a problem, and he is even a bit surprised that Liz mentions height at all:
Liz "You do look pretty impressive honestly."
Liz "Maybe if you looked like this when you asked me out back then, I would've said yes."
You "Wow, shallow much?"
scene walklizlaugh with dissolve
Liz "What can I say. I like tall guys."
You "Ha, lucky you didn't tell me that when you shot me down. Would've broken my fragile little heart."

Liz "Hehe."
You "(Wait, is she hinting that I have a shot with her now?)"
scene walklizn with dissolve
Liz "I did mean what I said when I turned you down though."
Liz "I'm not the sort of girl that does relationships. It's really just... not for me."
You "(Or maybe not. I guess for now, dating is off the table with her.)"

You "I get that. To be honest I'm aiming more for the harem route myself."
The way I interpret this snippet is that MC never really considered height as the problem and he believes that Liz just doesn't do relationships. Now that we know about the flashback, he literally used his height to break the tension which is just further proof to me, not a revelation.

"But Liz has always had a bad habit of talking in her sleep, which is a problem because she sleeps a lot, often in public places."
Liz "S-Short... You're so short... Zzzz."
You "Fuck you Liz. I wasn't that short."

"My precum is leaking all over her chest now, creating a slick wet tunnel between the boobs I'm currently manhandling."
"It's been a few minutes now, I'm ready to cum, but every time I get close Liz mumbles something to distract me and my libido drops just a notch."
Liz "....I won't go out with you. But we can have sex.... if you want...."
You "What the hell are you dreaming about Liz?"
You "But since you're offering..."
scene liz14 with dissolve
"Reluctantly, I let go of Liz's slippery breast and move on to something I'll enjoy even more. I remove her shorts and underwear and push my still hard cock into the warm entrance found below."
Liz "You have the coolest eyes, you don't have to cover them, you know?"
You "....."
"I pause for a moment. I'm not sure if it's her memories seeping into me or I'm just hearing her speak, but I remember this conversation, we had it on our last day of middle school."
Liz "If you want, I'll give you a haircut, something to match your eyes. I bet I can make you look really cool."
You "......."
You "You really remembering kid me while I stick my dick in you?"
You "What a pedo."
scene liz15 with dissolve
In this snippet, it seems like Liz has a problem with his height, because she goes from "you are short" to "I won't go out with you", but then she offers sex so the lines are blurred abit. MC on the other hand reacts saying that he "wasn't that short".
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Dec 1, 2022
Well i gues im one of the few who doesn't care about Liz's flashback. NTR route already damaged her in my opinion and her sister seems better to me. Girls who randomly sleep around in these games , i can't see them as LIs but side chicks.(This also happens when there is a game that contains lesbian fuck fest but this is off topic i guess?) This is how i started to see her in the beginning of the game. After her romance path i started to like her but not that much.
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I mean after playing her romance path, she becomes better and becomes real LI instead of being just a side chick to me but still because of those two thing i wrote, she is not at the top of my list. Obv she's a good character but im comparing her to other girls. Alice/Amber still number 1 for me. (Alice seems 1. and Amber 2. but anyway)
So summary, Liz did very bad start in my opinion and because of that i don't see her at the top of my list.

Also i just realised i can't see "harem" when i look at tags so do we have to choose one girl in the finale i wonder.


Dec 4, 2018
Doesn't she initially only sleep with the Fat dude to get Amber a chance to compete in swimming? Also don't think it matters what she does before a relationship, especially in the NTR route where the drug seems to have perma fucked with her libido.

The way I see it, NTR Liz is the confirmation of everything she thought about herself. Its a pretty sad storyline when you know it just takes a noncuck MC to actually push her to become someone so much better and loving. But I guess heart break and tragedy is synonymous with NTR

The romance route Liz is the contradiction of everything she thinks about herself. She falls in love, gets motivated to swim, finds sex fun and meaningful etc etc.

While Alice and Emily are good characters in general. But in terms of an actual love interest. Liz's development and story blows theirs out of the water. Amber is just meh all around, don't really find her story compelling.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Well i gues im one of the few who doesn't care about Liz's flashback. NTR route already damaged her in my opinion and her sister seems better to me. Girls who randomly sleep around in these games , i can't see them as LIs but side chicks.(This also happens when there is a game that contains lesbian fuck fest but this is off topic i guess?) This is how i started to see her in the beginning of the game. After her romance path i started to like her but not that much.
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I mean after playing her romance path, she becomes better and becomes real LI instead of being just a side chick to me but still because of those two thing i wrote, she is not at the top of my list. Obv she's a good character but im comparing her to other girls. Alice/Amber still number 1 for me. (Alice seems 1. and Amber 2. but anyway)
So summary, Liz did very bad start in my opinion and because of that i don't see her at the top of my list.

Also i just realised i can't see "harem" when i look at tags so do we have to choose one girl in the finale i wonder.
I have to agree that her routes are so polarizing that it can completely destroy the character in the player's eye. I literally ignore the existence of the NTR route, it's like I'm talking about some other game when I refer to it.

By the way, both Amber and Liz fuck other people. Liz is way more candid about it but it's not like Amber is some virgin. It's just that since she is more emotional and very reasonable, people are willing to believe that she cared more about finding a good guy than just having sex with random idiots.

As for the harem tag, I think the reason it's missing is because MC keeps seperate relationships with each of the girls and some of the are strictly casual. Chances are that in the endings, MC will retain most of the relationships but not all. For example, if he gets into a relationship with HERO girls (Alexis, Nico), it's unlikely that they will accept Ella. If he gets into a relationship with Ella, it's probable that Emily and Christie will join as well. It's also possible that the game will transcent the notion. If MC becomes the "ultimate being", getting girls will be the least of his worries.

The harem idea is heavily teased in the game and aside from the tag missing, we really don't have any indication that MC will have to choose, aside from character incompatibilities, and assuming that all of the competing characters will survive by the endgame.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Purely from my Murderhobo perspective, Liz is boring and she deserves to be alone and "empty". Maybe I'm twisted like that but I felt nothing but bliss at rejecting her and basically brushing off her comment at the end of the update. She rejected the MC, so he moved on and doesn't want to be with her now that he "improved" himself. She had her chance, she refused and that's the end of that. I'm that cold and straightforward about it on that playthrough. I'm not going to be hung up on her. Sure she had her reasons and that's completely fine, but my MC long since moved on and doesn't really care.

People can champion the NTR route for her being great or even consider her story the greatest of any Love Interest but she's bland in my eyes. And that's not because the writing is bad or anything. It's because I didn't care for her route, compared to Alice and others. You can do all of the great storytelling you want but if I don't have much interest in the character, it'll amount to nothing at the end. If I didn't care too much for normal Liz, then what makes anyone think it'll change for NTR Liz?

For additional context, I'm saying that I'm not in love with her like the former MC. Sure, I'll help her but I don't really feel all that strongly about her. The NTR stuff does nothing for me because I'm not into her like that, so it wouldn't really do much but annoy me that I have to sit through it. My MC wouldn't subject himself to being a cuck anyway. He's in a clear position of power. That's why the Liz NTR doesn't work for me. I would just kill them and move on from her altogether.

That's also why I thought the NTR being solely geared towards Liz was bizarre. Ella having the NTR content would've made a lot more sense because you can't stop her from sleeping with other men or her shapeshifting into you and fucking your women, once you're locked into it. Maybe it's a power dynamic thing for me, on top of not being that into Liz? MC is always in the position of power when it comes to Liz route. He doesn't have to subject himself to it, unless you play into it from the start. With Ella, that changes drastically. She's in the position of power and the MC quite literally can't do anything about it.

Anyway, the chance for that has long passed. It would've only worked in the early game, as it takes a lot of build up. Most players nowadays aren't all that attached to Ella, romantically. Current MC is also not stupid enough to just believe in her blindly. So if it happened now from future content going forward, most wouldn't care and majority will feel vindicated in their choice of not being with her.

When I think about it, Liz isn't even in my top ten anymore. Even if you exclude monsters from it, she's dropped considerably over the years. Even though she's currently 7th, Ella will always be in my top ten. Her position might fluctuate a lot but she'll never drop below 10.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Yeah, Liz requires a lot of faith and careful observation on the player's part, and that's applicable only if the player likes her attitude/stance, can get over her turning him down, is fine with her having casual sex with others etc.

Basically she is one of the hardest girls to like. So the NTR is completely pointless because to make an actual emotional connection, the player needs to choose the romance path and see it to the end, observing her development. Otherwise she's just some slut who fucks her sponsor. A submission/training route would work way better for her.
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Dec 1, 2022
Doesn't she initially only sleep with the Fat dude to get Amber a chance to compete in swimming? Also don't think it matters what she does before a relationship, especially in the NTR route where the drug seems to have perma fucked with her libido.
Yes but for me that doesn't makes it better. If she is willing to sleep with fat dude even for Amber, she shoudn't introduce MC as her boyfriend or even she shouldn't ask MC to come along. If she did however, she should respect MC and refuse fat dude's deal. About "it doesn't matter what she does before a relationship", normally i agree but about this one she introduced mc as her boyfriend, so it matters to me. She wanted MC act like her bf, then she was going to humiliate him. And guess who doesn't like humiliation? (Yep,thats me)

The way I see it, NTR Liz is the confirmation of everything she thought about herself. Its a pretty sad storyline when you know it just takes a noncuck MC to actually push her to become someone so much better and loving. But I guess heart break and tragedy is synonymous with NTR
Sure if you got to know her real self you can like her. This also applies for most of the bad characters who doesn't have anyone to make them better or becomes good in the end. Talking about the game, MC is the person who makes Liz's life better and meaningful. Once you look for the big picture it seems beautiful but while you're painting/drawing that picture there are some mistakes about it (in my opinion) and some other pictures that we paint/draw doesn't have that kind of mistakes. So this picture isn't my favorite even if i like it in the end.

While Alice and Emily are good characters in general. But in terms of an actual love interest. Liz's development and story blows theirs out of the water. Amber is just meh all around, don't really find her story compelling.
I agree about Liz's story better than Amber's and the others for that matter. What i said is in my opinion Amber is better LI than Liz.

By the way, both Amber and Liz fuck other people. Liz is way more candid about it but it's not like Amber is some virgin.
Well i know. I didn't think about Amber sleeping around tho so perhaps once i start over i'll focus on her. Actually i can write a bit more text about the difference these two but this text is already long i think so im gonna post like this.

I'm a bit close to DrakoGhoul's opinion but im not gonna continue to writing because i feel like someone gonna say im not reading that wall of text. (With the quotes i think this looks long)
Edit: Perhaps not that long.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
TL;DR has to be one of the dumbest fuckin things ever invented. If you're going to respond to something in full earnestly, read what the fuck you are talking about.
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Sep 15, 2020
Ahh... The excitement and worry over the uncertainty of whether or not the update will be this month or the next.
I do hope WeirdWorld is doing well. This story is certainly exquisite, and fortunate enough to earn the recognition of others.
As always, the pain of waiting continues.


May 1, 2018
Ahh... The excitement and worry over the uncertainty of whether or not the update will be this month or the next.
I do hope WeirdWorld is doing well. This story is certainly exquisite, and fortunate enough to earn the recognition of others.
As always, the pain of waiting continues.
View attachment 2957871
We must embrace this pain of waiting, savour it, enjoy it, until we can't find the difference between pleasure and suffering.


Mar 25, 2018
vn took me 5 days to finish, hopefully next update is good, hated liz story only thing, weirdest character by far, if she not ntr'ing you she talking bout ntr'ing u (seriously) nd then u sleep fucking her in the non ntr route bruw is deranged x.x dedazz would rather romance nikki

not gonna lie saw the newest scene where she passing out/ nodding off whatever at the dance about to reject mc cuz he short n gay nd i had to skip that shit is unbearable n disgusting idk who in the right mc or liz (im guessing mc) idc tho hardcore beta cuck vibes

kinda wanna go drop a couple hundred on dev head vote for continue main story or alice route, it playing like a vn parasyte/ mha/ tenjou tenge crossover is so fire i stopped jerking off halfway through and just started treating it like an anime cuz i kept getting hit with badass 30min fight cinematics
Mar 24, 2020
vn took me 5 days to finish, hopefully next update is good, hated liz story only thing, weirdest character by far, if she not ntr'ing you she talking bout ntr'ing u (seriously) nd then u sleep fucking her in the non ntr route bruw is deranged x.x dedazz would rather romance nikki

not gonna lie saw the newest scene where she passing out/ nodding off whatever at the dance about to reject mc cuz he short n gay nd i had to skip that shit is unbearable n disgusting idk who in the right mc or liz (im guessing mc) idc tho hardcore beta cuck vibes

kinda wanna go drop a couple hundred on dev head vote for continue main story or alice route, it playing like a vn parasyte/ mha/ tenjou tenge crossover is so fire i stopped jerking off halfway through and just started treating it like an anime cuz i kept getting hit with badass 30min fight cinematics
I failed to understand half of that.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2019
vn took me 5 days to finish, hopefully next update is good, hated liz story only thing, weirdest character by far, if she not ntr'ing you she talking bout ntr'ing u (seriously) nd then u sleep fucking her in the non ntr route bruw is deranged x.x dedazz would rather romance nikki

not gonna lie saw the newest scene where she passing out/ nodding off whatever at the dance about to reject mc cuz he short n gay nd i had to skip that shit is unbearable n disgusting idk who in the right mc or liz (im guessing mc) idc tho hardcore beta cuck vibes

kinda wanna go drop a couple hundred on dev head vote for continue main story or alice route, it playing like a vn parasyte/ mha/ tenjou tenge crossover is so fire i stopped jerking off halfway through and just started treating it like an anime cuz i kept getting hit with badass 30min fight cinematics
Please I beg you to use a comprehensible language next time.
Btw by what I guessed of your post I understood that you don't like the character of liz and her story, especially the NTR route, but I also kinda read that you skipped or didn't really care about the last scene of the last update with liz and here you lost me 'cause I don't understand why.
Please if you could kindly explain in a more understandable way I think that we all could answer you
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Oct 14, 2019
On the note about the last update with liz. Does anyone know what song was use during her flashback with the mc where he confess to her?
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