Those hospital flashbacks were so bad and out of place that it was one of the few moments when the game cut my immersion.
Same, I was like how can you ask me to try and feel or care about her like this when put into context of the previous shit she's done to us, and then try to handwave it like oh, I was just pretending to not remember and the MC has amnesia. Really broke emersion for me.
"Also, Ella has revealed a soft spot for the MC multiple times even before the doll is woken up. It's just that she's much more antagonistic, so you're only remembering the negative shit she does."
"Something WW seemingly tried to rectify later on with memory callbacks and a few in-person scenes."
I would prefer if WW went back and just retcon or changed it to better represent that than this soft inconsistant approach.
You realise the MC can't die from getting his head cut off, right? He's literally done it to himself, when he was escaping Klaus.
The dead end where Ella actually kills him - because he killed Christie - has her consuming his brain with her tentacles, I believe.
Do I have to say "we/us humans..." to signal to you that I am indeed human and not an alien or robot posing as a human?
Okay that is not true, first off we weren't ready and weaker than later on when we did cut off our head.
Secondly if we choose the wrong option from where we regrow from we die from cutting off our own head. Dead end right there.
Thirdly, Ella doesn't exactly cut off our head, we assume so. Checking the ending, she SPLATTERS us apparently and most importantly, we get Dead End #6, no ifs or buts, A official dead end. Back to main screen. Reload, try again.
Side note: I would also like to point out we don't die by Ella's hand when she kidnaps us to go see Mother. Rather its some other monster god that kills Mother, presumably Ella, then us.
PS. I think you missed the joke and a chance to joke about being "Superhuman" at the end there.
100% always hate Ella. She gets worse in my book after discovering she knew the mc as kids.
I'ma level with ya bro. I don't really hate Ella. Shes the crazy bitch you don't stick your dick in. But honestly we've all likely tried, and I have personally tried to go back for seconds (and 3rd, & etc.).
Its more of a love-hate rollercoaster thing, even if we know better than to be tempted by those bit titty goth tits.
Also worth mentioning, she's not the only one experimenting on kids. For what its worth, she's more selective and people she chooses have a much higher success and survival rate.
But besides that, she's proven to be one of the more interesting characters and has the brutal will to see her desires and ambitions to fruition. Keep in mind what she's up against. People who quite easily and nearly singlehandedly killed millions and conquered the entire planet. You don't have much room for luxury beliefs when fighting against that kind of power or the other powers than are strong enough to contest the conquerors.