To be honest, fuck Ella at this point. She's a damn crazy ass predator that's plotting to take me away from my harem. She's undoubtedly hot as fuck but her craziness outshines it too much for her own good. If she was more honest, maybe I would consider putting more faith in her but she likes to play mind games and puppeteer us way too much. People excused it because it "helped us grow" but I'm not very fond of having my life dictated by the whims of a woman who would kill my friends and harem in the process. Plus, I'll be damn if I join her little shitty crew after this update. They're all on my kill list.
Now that she's "dead", I have some breathing room to grow more stronger, build up safety measures and to fuck up her shitty students and that fuck boy Jared. I also have time to seduce Nico and get her to make me a mini ring for teleportation. Ella's going to have to drag me kicking and screaming to her side because I'm not leaving my harem or going willingly without the plot forcing me.
That's also a bit of the fear I have with it all. There's going to have to be a really compelling reason for us to join her side. There's no way the MC would join her with the stuff she did and what he has going for himself. While HERO is definitely not perfect, the benefits are way too good for the MC currently. Outside of The 4th and 3rd needing us together, there's really no reason unless HERO does something unforgivable or Ella traps us somehow.
I'm a bit biased but I think if I had to lower my opinion of her I'd say I "respect" Ella.
The ONLY instance of her trying to "kill our friends/take us away from our harem" is when she lets go of Kenny. You "could" even argue that wasn't her fault because Kenny himself Monsterfied but due to her giving him the power to slaughter everyone I'd say it is her fault.
So what about the other times? There are none, Jake wasn't really our "friend", unless befriending someone you literally just met and barely know anything about counts, that's up to you. But with only a WIFF of power the FIRST thing Jake does is immediately try to fuck you over, your harem, etc. Sure Ella spun the idea into his head, but that's not an excuse. For the smartest guy at the college he sure did the bear fucking minimum to use his god damn brain and be like, "What IS Ella and MC's power?" He never tries to talk to us, never realized Ella needs him so he could use that as leverage, etc.
So then what about what she did to Deryl? So if I have my facts right, Ella needed him ordered by Jake to do whatever she said, in this case it was to combine the Hearts, but Deryl went OUT OF HIS MOTHERFUCKING WAY to BURN US ALIVE, ELECTROCUTE US, and TORTURE US all just to prove a nonsensical childhood rivalry, we killed the god damn mall cops for much less. In all that emotional build up he broke his Order, but then Monsterfied, in which Charlie? kept his loyalty in check to finish the work? But from what I know he also finished the Heart AGES ago and fought against us yet AGAIN as a personal monster nature grudge and to complete his Rebis, he fucking sucks. Oh ya! His independent CLONE is so petty, that he fucking LEAKS OUR IDENTITY so that we get shot up by the cops, putting our friends and loved ones through emotional distress, and forcing us to try and leave everyone we love, that wasn't an Ella order either, that was Deryl being "friend of the fucking year" by NATURE, fuck him. This isn't a Kenny scenario, this is Deryl being a fucking shit "best friend", which he did of his own, knowing volition.
So then what about us? Her being "hard on us" is putting it mildly, as she will literally kill us for being, "too strong" in the beginning of our relationship. Her throwing people at us to kill us is also annoying, but again you could wager she did it to further our progress and she was just looking out for us, for her own gain obviously for her master plan, but looking out none the less. Because, and I'll always die on this hill; her focusing so much on us PROVES that it's a personal interest at least later on, because in the beginning of our relationship she outright kills us as mentioned previously.
As far as S.I.N goes I see a lot of people giving her shit for that cause of this update. What Cole and Jared did to Laurie (or tried to do to you) was PERSONAL. Those fuckers are irredeemable pieces of shit that deserve death and will get it when the time comes. But take Zara or I'd wager even Charlie, or the hoodie kid for example, or even Shen, they all seem agreeable. They have literally done NOTHING to us or the people we care about, in fact Charlie even saved Deryl from Cole's annoying ass behavior, despite only being used as a tool from everyone else (if anyone cares). Zara wanted us to join S.I.N she seemed pretty excited about the prospect, and Shen over here be HATING on Cole, we could DEFINITELY get along. There are a few bad apples to rid of, it's not the whole tree and DEFINITELY not the seed (Ella).
While she is a dickish, manipulative, sensei; the reason I say I respect her is because she is one of the few realistic and "honest" people in this game. Sure she doesn't tell us everything but she doesn't need or have to, we can't make her; what's the point of being strong if you bend over for everyone? Other than that, she's honest about her spending people after you (ONLY Jake and Kenny), and she's honest on how we'll eventually have to fight (I'd assume for worthiness?) at the end of our training, and that if we win we could do whatever we want with her, even saying she'll still root for us which I wager is deeper than we think but more on that later. She invites you for dinner with her personal life, parties with you and her friends for a concert, goes to the beach with you, gives you tips, offers to help with Klaus, being sad that we Monsterifed (SUS for someone that doesn't care), etc. etc.
I think towards the middle of our relationship there is some form of change of heart in there, but I find that odd due to the latest info drop about Ella.
Okay so the ONLY thing I find odd about Ella is her killing us early on if we get too strong or rather we reveal our deeper connection to the 3rd. But that's when we show her our jelly fish move right? Yet earlier if you show her the move and even surprise her in the fight (Michael Power point) she invites you to see the 3rd and engage more in her plans... it's a wee bit odd because we don't have all the facts, but I wager it's because of WHAT we said rather than showed (i.e how we entered the Jellyfish's memories to gain the power). But then, how does Ella get her animal moves? Is it just from constant DNA adjustment and experimentation? Yet she has moments where she talks with the 3rd, so I don't know about that.
Back to my point; in the latest update it's revealed that Ella KNEW us almost personally in the past BEFORE we meet her at the beginning of the game. Now whether or not she means it as just scouting out her next Superhuman victim or that she met us as an orphan during our month gap of running away is up for debate. But if the latter IS true, as the dialogue seems to dictate, then it would make no sense as to why she would kill us so early on if we were already a personal investment like she's shown we are now. My only theory is that our relationship is only solidified AFTER she realizes she wasn't worthy upon her 5th Evolution, and that it was up to us to complete whatever mission she's after. Now I do find that ALSO odd because she says she'd still be routing for us when we eventually fight, it almost strikes me as someone who's pursuing something they don't actually want to, but can't stop themselves from doing.
Long story short, I respect her at the very least for being someone straight to the point, trying to mentor you (in her own twisted way) when she CLEARLY can just replace you, and love her at most for her clear interest in us, and crazy unpredictable, always keeping the game interesting nature. Personally she is NEVER a nuisance, she gave you powers for god's sake. BUT if I were to put myself in the MC's shoes, I'd only hold a slight grudge against her from the initial Kenny incident.
I'm more mad at H.E.R.O forcing us to join their lab rat slave labor cult that if I didn't join they'd launch me into space. Disrespectful members like Nicolette or whiny Alexis, sociopathic Nyx, or narcissist Lucius, Omni-Homelander fuckin Bernhardt, or cocky Gernard or whatever the fuck his name is, no emotion Tiffany, or psycho CLEARLY EVIL END GAME MASTERMIND Xanthe, or scummy rich Dexter, oh so friendly BLAST YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE despite KNOWING we can't hurt him Clark, the list goes on, at least we know Ella to some extent, and her group of misfits are interesting save for Cole and Jared. H.E.R.O meanwhile forcing Alice to practically kill herself to break a barrier so they could commit the biggest massacre of human soldiers to save their own kind and then try to justify it on national television. Valravn was also a MUCH harder fight, and we didn't even fucking Evolve, so screw them and their work loads to "save humanity". Oh but ya they help us, with...oh wait that's right, NOTHING, they have literally done NOTHING for us, except put us in arguably more life threatening scenarios, and gave us a mantis spear and spider webs, congratu-fucking-lations H.E.R.O lovers, you've made a LOT of progress with them in the last month dozing off to Danica dream porn. Hell, one trip to Ella's house and we meet a monster that gave us a bigger lore/info drop than all of H.E.R.O's big brain book drops put together. They wouldn't bat an eye if you died, and would much rather just replace you with a loyal dog to their cause or use your friends to further their agenda. I see a lot of people support Xanthe as trustworthy, when it's probably taking every fiber of his being not to make you a god damn test subject as a SHAPESHIFTER (it's like his wet dream), Bernhardt when he's not seeing humans lesser beings, he's just regarding you as a loyal dog to the mission of Superhuman supremacy. Nicolette only sees you as capable of you aren't simping for her attention via being strong (despite being fucking pathetic against Ella DESIPTE BEING CHARGED UP BY CLARK AND TEAMING UP SITH A LVL 4 AND 3). Tiffany only using those around her like tools with no room for even her own sister as anyone important, Nyx would rather murder people to increase her powers than play good cop. They fuckin suck.
I dunno unless Ella takes a fucking gun to the head of Laurie, Amber, Liz, Emily, Christine, Demi, Angelina, Claudia, Alice, or Michael herself, or quite literally tortured us; I do not fucking care what she does, and welcome the extra help or content she provides.