This update was fire as hell. This is about to be a long ass comment so get ready. Where do i even start with this one? Oh, The Danica scene! The Dev had to have made that scene for me. I'm probably the only one who simped for her in that fight and chose to spare her. The MC explaining to her why he spared her had me dying. The Dev knows I'm trying to build my superhuman waifu harem. She also seemed down for it to during that scene. Speaking of, that crazy hot chick stole my new woman before i could finish seducing her. Damn you, Xanthe! I hope she isn't dead as the MC didn't actually kill her. At least on the spared route. I wonder if it's different if you didn't flirt and chose the kill prior.
This update may have addressed what i asked a few days about the monsters origin. The Moon? I'm glad they may not have been man made. Though it seems there's only 12 original beings in total with only the first 6 being alive. These are the uber powerful ones I'm assuming. I'm guessing Danica's "parent" and the one on Ella's bad end might be apart of those last 6 including the Fairy. The 4th is someone we already met but it's a mystery. After this update i think it really might be Ella. The only question is how since she was originally human. That's the only reason I'm still not sure. Also the Bronze/Brown monster from the start is our monster "mommy". I'm guess it'd change if you chose the black one in the beginning.
Lets get to Jake and Ella stuff from this update. We'll start with Jake. Now that he's finally touched everyone else's bottom line, do you all now agree that he shouldn't be redeemed. He's been completely irredeemable for me the minute he tried to use his powers on me the first time. After what he did to our bestfriend this update and even
Mia? He's most definitely dying and I'm going to make it as painful as possible. As for Ella, I'm not going to kill her. Jake is the one who made his bed on this one. He never refused her so he's going to suffer the consequences. Ella will get hers in another form.
To close on this great update. My harem is starting to form. It was funny that the MC kept mentioning it throughout this update. Oh yeah the Amber thing! I called it. I knew she was the camgirl. There was too many clues. The MC was horrified when he learned he was beating off to her the whole time. Alice becoming our girlfriend is nice too. Ella.... She's still too powerful. She darkened the skies, really? I'm still not going to back down! She will submit to me. That bad end at the beach bathroom was dirty. Why was she even there in the first place? She's way too powerful and she stole my Danica! I guess I'm going to have to keep chasing power like a lunatic.
My stats at the end are the following:
Power - 36
Skill - 6
Corruption - 6