Been reading some interesting background on Beowulf, Grendel and his mother. The story Aglaecwif is based on...
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(lotsa text though)
But perhaps worth reading a bit, if you can spare the time and are interested.
The way Grendel is described, it would not surprise me if he was the son of Valravn... It's an accurate fit anyway.
In superhuman of course, in Beowulf they're not related in any way...
Grendel and his mother are moon monsters.... They're
ellorgæstas ‘alien visitors/spirits’ or ‘visitors/spirits from elsewhere’
Hmmm, sounds familiar right?
They're also descendents of Cain, which by itself isn't really that special, Adam and Eve had 3 sons, Cain, Abel and Seth..
Able got killed before he had any offspring, so with just 2 male ancestors everybody should be a descendent of Cain...
Mentioning their legacy probably is translated to being killers, perhaps "Fraticide" or else humans in general, or both..
Both were known to feast on their human victims... (Devouring?) Another good fit with superhuman..
Another thing is Cain's Mark : the
mark of Cain originated in the story of
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in the
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. In the stories, if someone harmed
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, the damage would come back sevenfold. Sounds like a neat power to receive in one of our next evolutions?

This by itself has nothing to do with Aglaecwif though, but it would be some power i would expect, if we ever get the power of the origin...
Either way Aglaecwif seems to be a very good choice to implement into superhuman..
Although "Grendels mother" been casted in better ways....
Aglaecwif is great, no mistake about that but....