Maybe I'm just remembering it wrong, I thought when you told her you can turn into animals it just ends with a few lines.
Maybe the scene got fleshed out by the time I got around to it?
Also, as a reminder when Jake tries to suggest something to you but he keels over causing Mia to look after him and cancel your study session? He says his head is throbbing with a severe migraine. That's what I think happened to Mia.
Sorta, yes.
I was just saying that I think the specific mechanics of it are a bit different based on the in game explanation on how mental clashes work.
Mental clashes are explained in game. There is a scene the player sees (but the MC does not see in character) of Jake training with Ella where she warns him to not try to use his powers on her or he will die regardless of her own intent.
She explained to him that when he tries to use his powers on a superhuman than their own power will automatically fight back instinctively even if the superhuman consents, barring exceptional circumstances. And in such a clash her energy will kill him due to her greater strength. With subtlety and the ability to detect the intrusion counting as well, not just the different in level.
When he tries to use his powers on the MC after the MC undergoes an evolution he gets a severe headach due to that automatic clash of powers. And that was when he was being subtle about it.
BTW I think the last update is trying to setup a cleaner handling for the Jake situation where the multiple branching in that relationship is simplified. I believe that depending on how you have been developing the relationship thus far there would be two paths to choose from:
A. You kill him. Potentially eat him too.
B. Jake realizes he completely blew it with Mia. He undergoes a redemption arc that involves him being booted from the love triangle but with potential to make amends... but even so will never regain the trust lost.
I think all other branches have really been killed off here. And B might not be an option either as it might just always go towards you killing him