Jess and Tess get turned next. Then Jess will fight Jared.
Joking, though I really hope there will be a path where Jake fights Jared if the MC left him alive. Now that would be proper revenge.
Hell, let Mia and Emily get in on the action as well. Have them all curbstomp him in the dirt. MC pretty much bullied Jared the entire time so it would just be another day, another W for him.
I come back and strike again, gentlemans! For the last two posts I have never expected this turns out to be that welcomed. I really enjoy generating the kind of things. All your opinions are appreciated and I will try my best to satisfy your hunger for waifus and husbandos to be generated.
This time, I bring you the bosses of each amazing Arc in game! Which one is your favourite? Share your thoughts!!
Holy shit, I can't dude. I can't! Danica is officially my number 1 from these now. She's so fucking hot. I might need to take a break and get back to you on the others.
The whole Angelina story always reminded me of this scene:
I'm dreading the day she finally evolves. Out of all characters Angelina probably has the best chance of "killing" the MC. Can you imagine how she would look at her 5th evolution?
According to the walkthrough in the OP choosing "Tentacle Masturbation" after training on day 1 is a big no no, but wtf: WHY? Looks just like bullshit, because I can't seem to find any provided explanation; the only thing the choice seems to have an impact on is in the caferia, with MC blushing at Emily.
I need answers
Edit: welp MC actually blushes whether you choose to masturbate or not.
I come back and strike again, gentlemans! For the last two posts I have never expected this turns out to be that welcomed. I really enjoy generating the kind of things. All your opinions are appreciated and I will try my best to satisfy your hunger for waifus and husbandos to be generated.
This time, I bring you the bosses of each amazing Arc in game! Which one is your favourite? Share your thoughts!!
Alright, I'm back again. Danica my favorite, obviously. Followed by Klaus, Oscar and then Kenny. Klaus look is very fitting for his pretty boy attitude. Oscar and Kenny look like beast. I wasn't really feeling Jake's personally.
In order, once again, based off of the 15 pics posted.
1. Danica
2. Alice
3. Malik
4. MC
5. Nico
6. Alexis
7. Klaus
8. Oscar
9. Ella
10. Kenny
11. Clark
12. Deus
13. Michael
14. Jake
15. Deryl
Since I'm officially in the mood now, I guess I'll go update my saves. I've stalled long enough. I'm also getting behind on recent game updates so I'll finish this all up first. Probably will take me majority of today to finish. I'll post my end of update stats for all of my playthroughs when I get done.
Choice 1
Note: Choose ‘i’ to do both.
i. Specific Areas [Arms++]
ii. Whole Body [Transf++]
1. If you do not masturbate, you will get choice ‘i’ if you did not choose it specifically.
It's kinda confusing.... but training specific areas will give [Arms++] and next [Transf++]
while training whole body will give [Transf++] and either [Arms++] or masturbate...
So choosing ii and masturbating is a no, you'll mis the increase for Arms...
Picking i however seems to give both and you stil can masturbate...
Choice 1
Note: Choose ‘i’ to do both.
i. Specific Areas [Arms++]
ii. Whole Body [Transf++]
1. If you do not masturbate, you will get choice ‘i’ if you did not choose it specifically.
It's kinda confusing.... but training specific areas will give [Arms++] and next [Transf++]
while training whole body will give [Transf++] and either [Arms++] or masturbate...
So choosing ii and masturbating is a no, you'll mis the increase for Arms...
Picking i however seems to give both and you stil can masturbate...
Welp, that doesn't make much sense xD In either case you train both, albeit in different order and there's no choice to masturbate if training the whole body first... I appreciate the help though, thanks.
Quick question: where do you find that stuff [Arms++], etc.?
I come back and strike again, gentlemans! For the last two posts I have never expected this turns out to be that welcomed. I really enjoy generating the kind of things. All your opinions are appreciated and I will try my best to satisfy your hunger for waifus and husbandos to be generated.
This time, I bring you the bosses of each amazing Arc in game! Which one is your favourite? Share your thoughts!!
Welp, that doesn't make much sense xD In either case you train both, albeit in different order and there's no choice to masturbate if training the whole body first... I appreciate the help though, thanks.
Quick question: where do you find that stuff [Arms++], etc.?
Superhuman's game scripts are not compressed and thus you can just open and read them with any text editor. Ren'py engine runs a slightly modified version of python if anyone is wondering, btw.
I actually disagree. Jared missed the MC on his first attempt at sneak attacking him. That says one of two things. Either he's not as good as he claims or he's actually terrified of the MC and purposely missed. Yes, I know he fired another one after we fixed Laurie but that was most likely him thinking we ran out of power fixing her there. You'll noticed he doesn't attack twice if Laurie dies. That says all we need to know about him really. The only thing that saved Jared was his plot armor and Charlie.
Also, I doubt Jared can cover the gap between them to be a genuine threat, outside of plot making him one. Even if he could speed his way to level 3, we learned this update that true sons and daughters, with both of their Twin Apostle traits are naturally stronger than others. The MC is also rapidly outpacing Cole and them, even though they're exceptional as well from being turned at ages under 16. Unless Jared is also an Apostle Spawn or closely descendant from one, he won't stand a chance with the way the MC is rapidly growing.
If anything, I think Deryl will end up fighting Jared. He still hasn't really got revenge for Jared punching him that time and he took Laurie's injury/death more personal than the MC. MC would most likely be throwing down with Cole and the rest of Ella's Lieutenants. At least that's how I feel it would go down.
The main reason why I assumed he at least trained about in the other variant (Laurie lives) is because his aim was very precise (landing on her throat) now that attack could of been directly for the head and deviated for a bit but god damn was that a clean hit).
This scene here in the (Laurie lives) variant also made me believe Jared's task was more or less to pick off MC and Co from afar, going after the weakest link first (Laurie):
But yeah you're more than likely right about him but I'd still be on guard around him anyway getting cocky in this game has had a few dead ends and I rather not get fucked over by him of all people.
To make it a bit easier, this file is a compilation of all the story related .rpy files, sorted by day. The side events we can choose from the morning/afternoon menus are at the bottom.
This way you can easily just search for whatever you want without needing to know the exact file.
protip: You can use powershell or linux terminal to do more advanced searches using regular expressions.
You will need to navigate to the directory this file is:
The command to change directory in terminal is "cd". Just copy the directory path, and type
cd "yourpathhere"
"." is a wildcard character
* means find as many of those as you can if they exist
so you can type those commands in the terminals
so if you want to find all lines where Ella talks about evolutions, you can type
The main reason why I assumed he at least trained about in the other variant (Laurie lives) is because his aim was very precise (landing on her throat) now that attack could of been directly for the head and deviated for a bit but god damn was that a clean hit).
This scene here in the (Laurie lives) variant also made me believe Jared's task was more or less to pick off MC and Co from afar, going after the weakest link first (Laurie):
But yeah you're more than likely right about him but I'd still be on guard around him anyway getting cocky in this game has had a few dead ends and I rather not get fucked over by him of all people.
My thing about it was that he claimed that we were lucky that he missed when in reality, he never intended to hit us. In both scenarios, he claimed that the MC was definitely his first target but he somehow hits Laurie. That's why I said it meant one of two things. Either his aim was actually trash and he somehow hit Laurie in the neck. Or, he was actually scared to attack the MC but pretended like he was always the target when that wasn't the case. The MC is huge compared to the others, the chance of you missing him but hitting the smaller target in Laurie is slim to none, especially since he hit him the 2nd time around.
The only time he has the courage to actually attack the MC is after we used our power to fix Laurie. If Laurie dies, he does nothing afterwards but trash talks. The MC isn't the weakest amongst Laurie, Deryl and Alice. So after hitting Laurie, why would he suddenly attack the MC and not Alice, for example? She's the 2nd weakest there. That's why I think he never intended to attack the MC first and only tried it when he thought he used up his power. Because, without us saving Laurie, he doesn't dare try to attack anymore.
Me personally, I think Jared's suffering from PTSD because of all the bullying the MC did to him. Like you said, his goal was probably to target the weak links of the group but he's boasting about how we're lucky he missed when he probably was scared to attack the MC in the first place.
I'm honestly not worried about him, personally. I feel like it would go against the established rules for us to worry about a Level 1 to Level 2 at most character. We're Level 3 now, we have that power. I don't think it should be trivialized by weaker characters being the exception to the rule. The gap has been fully formed and he should be insignificant to us. That's not being cocky or arrogant. That's being realistic about the growth we had and the gap that's been solidified by crossing that huge threshold. So unless he brute forced his way to level 3 somehow, the MC shouldn't really have to worry about him, in my opinion.
I just broke his arm after beating his ass. I didn't let him stick his dick in me. FMC's pussy is strictly for tentacles and maybe Ella. I refuse to let him fuck me just so I can break his dick. I'm not about to let him form some weird mental obsession with trying to get my booty for revenge when he turns into a monster. Selfcest and Ella only for my FMC, thank you very much.
It's in the walkthrough pdf, but you can see it in the scripts too, superhuman/game/scripts.
That one is the first training, so "eventstraining". It's just notepad files so easy to read...
Its not really an eye fetish, just idk its like lightning in a bottle with the way the artist drew their gaze paired with the almost pre-destined soundtrack. Its honestly a synergy I haven't seen in any other project on this entire site.