Hey NameNo003, what are we going to do today? - My corruption side said
I don't know, got any idea?
The forum has gone a bit too peaceful lately, it weakens me you hear? I say we throw out a war, let them destroy each other while we sitting here and enjoy the show.
Good thinking! But what kind of war?
How about you generate their waifus and make them start a waifu war? Again?
That's very clever.
- - -
Gentlemans, as my corruption side said, I arrive again to bring you the 5 human girls on the MC's harem list. Which girl is your best girl? Let's decide it later! For now, enjoy!
Again, feel free to show your opinions! Next time, I'm going to update some character remade. Let see if they can shake your ranking in these pics? Stay tuned!
You son ofva bitch...you knew EXACTLY what you were doin, I agree tho it's been a bit too peaceful. Normally I'd make a cope theory and piss
DrakoGhoul off right about now but alas, I'll have to settle for this so here we go.
Hmmm well this one around wasn't bad at all. Based ON THE AI, I'd rank them this way:
1. Liz
-Hands down the best looking one here from every aspect. You added the the strip of hair with a glow that was nice, along with the green pants twist and her signature white top.
2. Emily
-Controversial I know but suck my cock and balls about it. Strong mommy Raven vibes obviously, but the guitar and laid back goth hoodie design are a perfect combo. The tats are a welcomed addition to this version as well.
3. Christine
-Another probably controversial take but alas, suck on them. Her design is simple, yet fine tuned at in her head features. The freckles are stellar, the little red hair tips, the choker, and those crazy eyes are ALL the things I love about Christine and more. I may be biased, she's up there in general for my favorite waifus.
4. Amber
-So her design actually reminds me of someone who would be a main character in a show like Arcane. But while I do love all of the little details from her hair put up and blue sectioned, or the underwear riding on her fantastic figure; it just doesn't give me strong "Amber" vibes, but more so a complex new character.
5. Brianna
-Calm your fucking tits people I swear to god. I think for me this one almost has too MUCH purple.The outfit, the hair, the earrings, the neon sign in the background, I dunno. Don't get me wrong, purple is my 2nd favorite color, but the over saturation in this one kills it for ME. Another thing is her facial structure has her cheeks hollowed in which almost makes her look older, doesn't rub me the right way. All of it still LOOKS good don't get me wrong, just doesn't click with me PERSONALLY.
Not bad sport, I dig all the effort put into the finer details. I look forward to seeing more either waifus or characters in general. Primarily Demi, Zach, Bernhardt, and Nyx; but I'll settle with whatever you're passionate doing at the time you corrupt fuck.
Bonus: For those that may know; is it just me or does this Liz give off Sissi vibes? If you do know you're a childhood OG.