I'm thinking about it a bit more since (again correct me if I'm wrong) but Ella does state at one point or another the MC will join her rather he wants to or not.
Perhaps that was what she was referencing (bad end arbiter) since she's needed, perhaps she just holds a piece that the Arbiter needs?
Although hear me out on some fucking conspiracy theory nonsense...what if it wasn't Ella he was looking for:
Arbiter MC thinks this:
View attachment 2797887
In reference to Ella and Nico (both are 'perfect spawn' in his eyes so are they both equal to him in value for his needs?
Although Weird puts greater emphasis on Ella in this scene as Arbiter MC thinks this:
View attachment 2797888
Now my conspiracy theorist thoughts make me instantly think of misdirection here (idk why but it'd be a funny curveball that Nico was actually what he was after).
He always says "Her" although this could just be because Arbiter hasn't properly yoink'd all of MC's memories by this point and all he has is a familiarity with the people there (specifically Ella) since its more or less obvious MC knew Ella for quite a while (I wonder if Deryl was nearby he'd feel the same familiarity to him? Who knows)
But whosen I'll concede in regards to Ella being harder to manipulate.
Now this line here gives me hope that the MC will consume Ella or take whatever it is she has...Arbiter wants whatever she has (or her in general) so consuming her or rather 'sacrificing her' and whomever else he needs is something Arbiter has already asked the MC to do anyway.
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