Do we have any girl that hasn't shown acceptance with sharing mc in some way or another.-I wonder if Emily's conversation with the MC towards the end is foreshadowing mayhem within the harem soon enough. Who it would be, I would have to take a swing at Emily and Alice.
Alice had that threesome with tess and if tess worlds are correct, she's not only ok with it, but is actively into it. Tess is pretty obvious. Jess also had a threesome with tess.
Emily seems okay from her words during the confession, plus her foursome with Christie and ella. Liz and Amber had a threesome and Amber didn't seem especially upset that mc slept with her friend.
Clover and the small white haired one are actively sharing mc. (Her/his name just doesn't come to mind currently).
Angelina seems the only one who hasn't participated in some kind of threesome, but you can tell her that you have a girlfriend and she's okay with it.
So I don't really see any huge drama coming up.
Maybe Amber could be temporarily upset that she's sharing mc with more girls than just Liz. But other than that I don't see much drama.
Alice has the whole thing where she thinks she's a bad girlfriend, so maybe there could be some sort of development where it turns out she was only pretending to be OK with it during the tess threesome to be a 'good girlfriend' and was actually jealous the whole time, but I severely doubt that's going to happen.