Nov 5, 2023
That was mostly because he was incomplete overall. In other words, he wasn't reborn as a full Arbiter/Origin. It's speculation currently but we think he was looking for Ella for the other part to complete his ascension. However, he was killed by Deus before he could accomplish it.
On the "he was looking for Ella" aspect, I may differ with you, but as you pointed out, that's just speculation.

Anyway, that Dead End and the one where the Seventh shows up are my favorites.


Sep 12, 2019
3) Body / Matter -> Energy can create matter.
4) Memory / Structure -> The structure of matter determines it's properties
While your entire post was good and something I´ve pondered myself I zeroed in on the question of the third/fourth specifically. It seems to me that while the rest of the apostles seem have names or portfolios that has concepts that are fairly broad the 3rd/4th do not really. To me they almost seem "lame" in comparison. So I wonder if their names are really only a way to make humans make sense and simplify a much broader concept. After all monsterkind and their "nobility" if you will do not use these names as far as I can tell. Its always "the third/fourth" when they are adressed.

To start with the third its portfolio is very likely some sort of variant of matter and how to change it from one form to the other. On most creatures the easiest way to start out with the ability is to change around yourself. It resists the least and you have an instinctive knowledge on your own matter and status. To understand things well enough that you can change something that isnt you requires much more practise and power that comes in later through evolutions and training. Hence why the trait and the apostle is referred to as "the Body". Its simply the most visible and early way to understand it. And while laws of physics are more of a loose recommendation in later evolutions I´m thinking that the "Law of Mass" applies early on so its easier to use your own body to make changes within a relatively close span of its size. An early example of this could be when the MC tried to make himself bigger and he failed when going to far out of his usualy size.

The fourth is a more tricky thing but to me I reckon that what it represents is not so much memories but rather "matter state" or something like that. (using that word to respresent the structure and form/energy matter is at a specific point in time) I´m no physicist so my speculation could be very off here but it seems to me that memory is simply a frozen earlier timeline matterstate that gets "stored" in some way that we recognize as memories. To me this sort of tracks in the way that early on we could only read the matterstate of present time organic creatures. Trying something even inorganic was much harder and could only be done in very small amounts even after much effort. And earler matterstates contained in memories required evolutions to even start being experimented with, they could be read to a certain extent but not really acted on. Even the reading the matterstate seems to be improved as well with 1st evolution it required we absorb Kennys brain to get some sort of understanding while lately a few drops of blood or other matter is enough. In 5th evolution perhaps a single molecule is enough. The question is how far does the rabbithole go with this understanding. Could you at some future powerlevel turn people or other matter into a previous matterstate? Not perhaps playing with the timeline like some superhumans but simply go "Yeah the matter that makes up your body just turned into when it was sludge at the bottom of the sea in the cambrian era". And combine it with the third having a "yeah Imma go turn into this neutron star 3 feet away from you. Have fun with that gravity".

Anyway thats my rambling speculation.

Shen Long Jiang

New Member
Nov 16, 2023
Loved this game so much that I decided to make an account to join in on the discussion.

After reading many opinions regarding Laurie, I'd like to share my view as well (not that it should outweigh anyone else's):

1. Laurie as a character in the "world" of superhuman:

Laurie was depicted, at first, as a "soldier" of HERO, with a helmet on (together with Del), like it was some sort of "uniform", which sort of was. And as the story went on, the mc began to interact with Laurie more, and more details of Laurie were revealed to us (we didn't even get to see her face at first).

However, through and through, Laurie remained an "average" soldier of HERO, one that is not completely garbage (excuse my language), but also is not extraordinary in any way either, even until her death at the hand of Jared (or ending up in a coma due to her injury).

Through her role as an "average" soldier of HERO, we saw a progression of mindset development. She killled monsters (because she was ordered to), and tracked down Ella (because she was ordered to), and made friends with another soldier, who died at the hands of Jake and Ella. We saw a whole saga of basically "enlisting in HERO as an average soldier". In a sense, we saw the perspective of Laurie, the average soldier, in HERO, but something did change towards the very end (just very slightly) when she confronted herself, and aided Alice to take down Deryl's chimera.

It was at that point in time that Laurie changed from a soldier "following orders", to one that actively fought for Alice, and later Del (it could be argued that she would fight for her dead ally - killed by Jake - as well). In a sense, she developed a "sense of justice", instead of running and doing everything she can to survive, like an "average" soldier.

The character of Laurie sort of represents a perspective from someone lesser, and their struggle to survive in this world, which is quite crucial for storytelling, but her role as the "average" soldier has probably ended, since it would not make sense to keep this storyline going, now that everyone's been familiarized with how HERO operates, at least on the suffice level.

If the Laurie character were to be "continued", her being an "average" soldier would be extremely stale (overused I might say), so she would have to develop some sort of "rise to power" and overcome her "average" category; otherwise, there would be no point to her character anymore (as in discontinued, Laurie will probably be sidelined).

2. Laurie's influence on the main cast:

Basically she assisted Alice in her "awakening", or evolution, and fought alongside her. Alice could bring her along for future monster hunting, but I don't see it happening, as she has only ever interacted with Michael, or MC. I mean she didn't even blink when Laurie's neck got busted by Jared.

Laurie was also Del's partner for a long time, which continues living on in Deryl, so there could be something going on there, if Deryl wishes to keep Laurie by his side, which is also unlikely, if I'm being honest.

Laurie struggled with her hatred for Jake (at least before the Rebis Incarnation battle), and probably will carry on her vengeful mindset for Jake long after. Maybe the MC could change her mind, but it wouldn't be easy. Frankly, I don't think Laurie would be able to touch Jake at all, so her unfortunate tragedy probably only serves as a struggle of the "average", more so depicting how "power" basically facilitates everything in this world, and the lack of "power" would mean everything becomes a luxury, even one's own feelings. If Bernardt, for example, was angry at someone, he could probably kill them with a snap of his finger, but Laurie? Her mortal enemy could be in front of her but she would remain powerless.

Lastly, and most importantly, imo, is Laurie's death affecting Deryl. Regardless if she dies or not, Deryl would be putting a huge emphasis on improving his "elixir" ability to "heal", rather than to "destroy" as he has always been using his power to do, to make sure none of his friends would die in front of him (or at least that's how I assumed Deryl's mindset would changed after Laurie's death).

And if you, the player, manage to save Laurie, the MC would learn the "body preservation" technique that Ella used to immune physical damage of Malik, and Deryl would learn the "elixir restoration" technique that basically "healed" Laurie's butchered neck, blood vessels, spine, brain stem, etc. This could be extremely important to the story, or maybe both MC and Deryl would learn these techniques eventually (actually, maybe "saving Laurie" was only a "side effect" of learning these techniques).

In conclusion: Laurie will probably be discontinued, or her appearance would only be few and maybe for comedic purposes only, unless she somehow unlocks some crazy potential and goes monster mode (corruption) and eats Jake, and gains Authority, and somehow eats Michael as well to gain Power, and becomes the final boss...

On a side note, Laurie was a really good character imo, as she represented a different perspective, one that was much needed, and she served that role very well. It was sort of like if you were to be trans-migrated into this "Weird" World (ha!), would you do better than Laurie, without all the information available to you at a click of a button?


Apr 1, 2020
It could, but I have a few objections.
1) Can anyone really claim to have more genetic compatibility than MC who is literally connected to an Arbiter?
Maybe Alice, MC mentioned that Alice was much stronger and had a much higher cap of power than him in lv1.

Also the fact that the 6th deem her so promising he basically went out and tell her to kill his son and become his heir despite her not being the first gen lol.

It all points toward that Alice has near perfect compatibility to her monster parent.

Typing this also reminded me the Alice vs Danica argument I saw here a few months ago and I wanna give my two cents. (idgaf I'm late to the party, just ignore me lol)

I actually think Alice has a pretty decent chance beating Danica despite being a lv2, and Alice is probably one of if not the strongest lv2 in Hero's record:

1. She has near perfect compatibility as a apostle spawn(full trait inherited from a first gen so it still counts) and had shown higher growth than even the Mc at the same lv

2. Power growth in lv2 evo was amp by Clark lv5 power as stated in game

3. Completely demolished a monster that has 100 power in her evolution trace.

4. Skill lv close to Michael

while on the other hand, Danica is probably one of the weakest lv3 even though she got a dangerous power, due to:

1. Low power growth, only has 22 power despite being a lv 2 for almost two years, her growth from lv 3 evo should be nowhere near MC and other apostle spawn.

2. Ridiculously low skill, can you believe she only has 2 skill despite being a professional assassin? It's way less than a retarded Oscar and Klaus lmfao.

3. Being a one trick pony, her one shot move becomes significantly less dangerous if her opponent got intels of her power

So all in all, the power difference between a lv2 Alice and a lv3 Danica maybe highly exaggerated by some. With the massive skills and combat experiences advantages, combined with the fact that Alice got intels on Danica's power thank to MC ,its quite possible that Alice can overcome the disadvantage in raw power and be one of the very few people who could pull off this feat.
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Apr 1, 2020
Wait at least 3-4 months

Where they were better? Sister is no match for MC and Brother has inconvenient powers for MC
They are not better than MC.

Sister power got hard-counter by MC and will get beat decisively one on one.

While brother power is deadly to any other but is much less effective to MC's regeneration and every hit just made him closer to getting his weakness figured out, not to mention he has big mobility disadvantage against MC as he can't fly.

One on one, I would say MC beat them 9/10. One on two, MC could still fight somewhat evenly and it will be a protracted fight as shown in the game.

But it doesn't matter after all because of the existence of Shen, even MC had deryl help to gang up on him it will be a difficult fight, not to mention the twins.


Apr 1, 2020
I don't think Deryl would just got one tap like that, everyone is working hard after the battle of diamond. Just like MC was working on his memory ability, deryl must had been cooking something. He will be back next update we don't need to worry.

Btw this is the first game I can't resist to join the discussion after I created this account for 3 years.
The plot of this game is just amazing and outright addictive, good job WW.


Apr 1, 2020
Wasn't it said in dead end that Deus is not a spawn but just a human?

Meanwhile, do we know what Ellas' power of knowing (or seeing?) shit come from? Doesn't seem like something that could come from 3rd.
Deus got power, when Deus gave the heart back to Valravn, it mentioned that Deus's power is like a drop of water in ocean(different words but had similar meaning) compare to other lv5.

So maybe Deus got so little power that lv5 MC mistook him as human. But that doesn't explain how Deus beat the lv5 MC tho, I suspect Deus's power work completely differently than other sups, for all we know he might be a lv1 or not your ordinary superhuman at all, there is some serious fuckery going on with him.

For Ella's seeing ability, I think she just put her 'eyes' and 'ears' on her pets using the power she taught us in this update.

During the orphanage scene, I already suspect that she has means to remotely control her power, as it was shown that MC would get forced to fight back the hobo if he chose not to intervene despite Ella not in the vicinity, and this update just prove that.
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Nov 23, 2020
Deus got power, when Deus gave the heart back to Valravn, it mentioned that Deus's power is like a drop of water in ocean(different words but had similar meaning) compare to other lv5.

So maybe Deus got so little power that lv5 MC mistook him as human. But that doesn't explain how Deus beat the lv5 MC tho, I suspect Deus's power work completely differently than other sups, for all we know he might be a lv1 or not your ordinary superhuman at all, there is some serious fuckery going on with him.

For Ella's seeing ability, I think she just put her 'eyes' and 'ears' on her pets using the power she taught us in this update.

During the orphanage scene, I already suspect that she has means to remotely control her power, as it was shown that MC would get forced to fight back the hobo if he chose not to intervene despite Ella not in the vicinity, and this update just prove that.
Ella's seeing ability comes from her eyes. Just like the MC felt his power in his spine, focused on the base with his tails and on at the base of his skull, which likely enhances his memory echo, Ella's power is focused in her eyes.
She has the ability to look at somebody and see how physically and mentally compatible they are with a monster infection, and which monster would be best for them, and she can see power levels of superhumans like SIN's goggles did.
Ella also doesn't have any mind control powers to force MC to act at the orphanage. The MC getting forced to help with the kids is more likely related to his time at the clinic after his mom died and his lost memories of Ella from his childhood.
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Mar 22, 2020
Updated Android port. Nothing too fancy but let me know if you have any issues.

Version: 0.97 + Gallery unlock by Zeanrith

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
How can I open these closed scenes?
First pic
6th slot:
In the latest update you have to solve the murder mystery correctly. (Keep the blade, Take piece of brains, Ask Brianna for Help, Catch the landlord's lie). If you have an active romance with Brianna you will get the scene.

Second pic
1st slot:
Futa version of FMC content

2nd slot:
Go to the fraternity party as female, only available if you prioritize the cheerleader route. Tess will invite you in a room.

3rd slot:
Go to the fraternity party as female (futa version), only available if you prioritize the cheerleader route. Tess will invite you in a room.

6th slot:
Futa version of FMC content

Third pic
Both pics are Demi's trap route. Demi's gender depends on player's choice. When first meeting Demi chose "Boy?".

Fourth pic
Second row: I don't know that one, haven't unlocked it myself.

Third row: During MC's time in prison, if his relationship score with Jake is low, he will force MC to shoot himself. MC will go to the morgue to do his experiments and you can choose to tittyfuck the test corpse.

Fifth pic:
First row: The finalle of Liz's NTR route. Odd that you haven't yet unlocked it, I don't think it has any requirements.

Second row: I don't know that one.

Sixth pic:
Haven't unlocked these myself but they look like SIN Infiltration content.


Aug 10, 2018
I think the war in Eastern Europe can provide the creators with much material ideas for fighting. War in Middle East also. And the coming war in Asia is a hugh pool of footages and statistics for creative minds.
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