The "seeing" ability I was referring to is that Ella seems to know information she doesn't suppose to as if she existed in different places at the same time, this "seeing" ability was hinted by Jake and Ella herself a few time.Ella's seeing ability comes from her eyes. Just like the MC felt his power in his spine, focused on the base with his tails and on at the base of his skull, which likely enhances his memory echo, Ella's power is focused in her eyes.
She has the ability to look at somebody and see how physically and mentally compatible they are with a monster infection, and which monster would be best for them, and she can see power levels of superhumans like SIN's goggles did.
Ella also doesn't have any mind control powers to force MC to act at the orphanage. The MC getting forced to help with the kids is more likely related to his time at the clinic after his mom died and his lost memories of Ella from his childhood.
About the orphanage scene, I think the wording made it pretty clear that it's due to outside force more than MC's.
Also the fact that if MC chose not to intervene, Ella's point to MC will decrease by 1 basically confirm that.
I mean, why would her point to MC decrease when MC just "chose to" save the kids ?
The only explanation is that she knew MC actually didn't want to intervene and had to force MC to do it herself.

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