Hey I want some of you guys honest opinion on a question I'm been thinking for a while. Should we stay with hero for the long hall or should we go and start our own group if WW gives us that choice in the future? cause S.I.N has people we hate and is just about done H.E.R.O while they are protecting they are doing shady and messed up stuff in the shadows with us as the face helping quell civil unrest for them. With our journey so far into this we have seen that there are good guys in H.E.R.O there are people who will use any means to get the job done or simple don't care happens to to those around them there will come a time where they will cross a line and we may have to make a decision on who we should side with
You will cause civil unrest no matter the choices. It's just how the game is set up.
If you stay with HERO, the civil unrest remains as it is.
If you join SIN (hypothetically), a public figure joins a criminal organization, causing unrest.
If you go your own way, HERO will probably come after your ass and it won't be a war of shadows, so public unrest increases.
My personal opinion is that owe still haven't seen all the factions. This "institute" will probably make their entrance in the not so distant future.
Additionally I think that the choice of pro-HERO vs anti-HERO, if the choice is ever given to us, lies in how you feel about co-existing with monsters. MC is supposed to be some sort of inheritor and there are monsters which are/will be subservient to him, and cognizant enough to be able to coexist in a somewhat civilized way. I don't see any way for HERO to accept co-existence with monsters.