Suppression: Wild Oats - It's an advanced suppression that will keep a character only sexually interested in you(or in the case of Sexbots, They'll be much more discrete). There is however a caveat. If fear or anger get too high, it will break, because loyalty is a fickle bitch. Further more the amount of Control needed to keep a character loyal to this level limits the amount of control you can have on a character.Noticed that a 0.16.65 test version got released just about 2 days ago anyone know what the changes are?
Larson's 3rd Professional Favor - Now when you ask Larson to help you clean up your record a bit, she can actually remove your oldest school related demerit.
Low Health Repercussion - If you're at 0 health when time advances, you become bedridden, and be unable to leave your room until you regain your health back to 40. In the future there will be methods of manipulating this state, but for'll have to rely on good ol fashion rest actions giving you dinky amounts of health every rest action. On the upside you will still be allowed to use your phone ^_^
Improving IDP training - Every 3rd IDP training now grants 3 resistance rather than the usual 1 as you have a breakthrough. This should help a bit with the massive willpower sink that is your relatives living with you