Ren'Py - Completed - SuperPowered [v0.45.02] [Night City Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Engaging and deep, lots of hawt seks, nice models. Really just a solid game both from a fap material and gameplay perspective. What bugs there are seem to be getting worked out step by step as the iterations progress. Looking forward to more interactions with the government and maybe some adversaries.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Been playing this since back in the day when it was a RAGS game.

    Probably my favorite Ren'py game. It can get grindy, but the grind is remarkably tolerable - and the models and writing are fantastic. It's not often I find a porn game that feels like it has a story to tell with actual characters rather than just going "hit button to fuck," so I treasure the ones I do find.

    Good shit! Keep it coming!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Gave it 4 stars only cause the superhero Genre, in this type of game isn't overly done, it's different, since all the other games all seem to be the same one over and over again, and actually having the ability to build stats and get powers makes it a unique game and idea, decent plot and story, need some minor work.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is developed very slowly and very long, the developer simply delays
    over the 2 years of development in the game did not appear any superhero, although it seems to be its feature
    now it's a poor schoolboy simulator
    There is a terrible, monstrous grind in the game
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This almost rates 5 stars, as is. I love what you have done with this game. The only down side, is spelling mistakes. The one thing that made this 4 stars is the continuing development. Please, keep up the development. I have a few suggestions for further down, but I will make those small and easily done. One thing, I am not 100% how it can be implemented, is a change of season, as what the girls wear. Make it appropriate to each season/holiday. But then you don't really have to change much, just a little color, or something.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    An actual porn game. Whereas most "games" on this site are either visual novels, walking simulators, or grind-to-see-the-next-porn-scene, SuperPowered has actual complex systems in play. While it may lack certain modern amenities in those other "games" (eg: animation), it would have to sacrifice a considerable amount to offer them (or have a much larger budget).

    The beginning grind in the unmodded base game is a bit much, but it opens up beautifully after that. (And with the correct power purchase, it can be dramatically shortened.)
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The premise makes it sound like it would be a good game, but it isn't at all. Maybe it was the lack of music or something, but the writing was so boring, unlike other games I've played on this site. There's also way too many 'not available' yet girls for a thread that's been around for 2 years. Has the fault of games like Chloe 18 where the free interactions feel soulless, and just a boring clickfest of nothing happening, even though I played with mods. That one moderator in one of the mod threads, who absolutely hates this game, I understand why they do.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 379289

    Great gameplay and stories with good looking female models but bad graphic quality. It seems focus is more on having a whole lot of scenes rather than making the individual scenes good. Unfortuntely, having an overly thin kid with a weirdly long penis as MC makes them practically unwatchable.

    Look at the pics to the post. If you're not bothered by the MC design, then the game is definitely worth a try.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Although the quality of artwork is about 5/10 the quantity is far too low 2/10 and the storyline is okay at best 4.5/10 which makes the scenes hard to enjoy furthermore there is no scene replay even with mods some events are hard to trigger which makes going back and re-watching some very difficult, annoying and tedious and with the number of bugs that I've come across it makes the game quite unenjoyable
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Lack of content, weak story and very grindy(repetitive) you can be bored easy in this stage it's not worth to spend time with this game not in this stage.
    Relationship with relative members if you expect some romantic build up relationship you will be dissapointed not exist in this game, and with girls from school it's to poor developed.
    Yea you can control characters with powers and make them ultimate sluts, and they fuck everything and anything move, but I like obsessed option.
    The MC look like a idiot teenager who don't give shit about relationship, it's to generic I see this type of mc on many games.
    No have animation scenes and sex images are really short.(you can't fap)
    GUI look awful and poor creative and it's not helping much.
    This game it's overrated in this stage the game don't deserved more than 2 stars.
    It can be good game if he know how to do it, but what I have seen so far I don't expect much in the future for this game, don't forget this game have aleardy 2 years.
    Baal7734 with almost $6,000 per month you deliver mediocre game and slow developing. I feel sorry for patreons who support you.
    If you don't know anything about build up relationship and how to make a good story hire writers for it.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Darting run

    I am giving review at the point the game reaches its 28.05 version. The art is cute and that how it attracts players. The game goes quite smoothly regardless few bugs and crashes along the way (not that many).

    The only thing annoys me a bit is the MC is a huge bastard. I would love future stories having something to deal with that. I will keep checking change log for that.

    I will be generous cuz the dev is responsive to feedbacks (like the time some fans including myself disliking Nikki as her sexual tendency). 4 stars.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Saunt Casanova

    way too much grind, especially for a game that's not finished.

    it is often unclear what trigger or timed action is next.

    too many crashes, even for a game that's in dev.

    the only options you should be able to take during "character creation" are having:
    a sister
    a giant cock

    choices don't matter (yet), contrary to what the developer says... unless you choose to be evil (or just bad) in which case the game ends, without much warning... and we're talking dozens and dozens of hours invested in grinding...

    THREE stars because it has potential... just drop the resources requirements to progress, increase resource generation, and increase the random events (significantly). Also make it clear what the next step is to push the storyline... again, the game is so grindy, that it can be difficult remembering where the story is going.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun and expansive with plenty of women with numerous scenes and stories of their own, if a bit grindy and not nearly complete. When more story content is added and there is more variety in actions available the grindiness will probably bother me less.

    The main character is a bit scrawny and a bit dense, but he's likable. It would be nice if you could buff up a bit so you don't look anorexic, but he's more than acceptable as a character. The women cover a decent range of fetishes and tastes. The principle is definitely too old for me, but to each his own.

    I'm really looking forward to see more work put into it over time. I'll probably pick patreon back up for it after I get out of this funk I've dug myself into.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm torn about the rating. On one side I want to be generous, because this game tries to be something interesting.
    The models are not top notch, but they are cute. The sex scenes are there and there are some. The RPG system is something I like and one can see the work the author put in it.

    But then... the game is unplayable without a mod to make it less grindy, and it remains grindy even with the mods!

    I started to use the full cheats from the mods, modifying every single girl stat with the slider control and giving me all the powers, just to get to the sex scenes. The dialogues are poor.
    The girls' personalities are nothing to be remembered.
    And I didn't get not even slightly excited about controlling them. I suspect a lot of content is still there, to be explored, somewhere (I think I reached all the 1-1 sex scenes but not the gangbang ones, for example), but I got too bored to try to reach it. Which tells something.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. Average UI. grindy as hell but mod can solve some of it. all physical combat are useless. Hard as first play but better later. Very bad MC look. Some choice can be obviosly better than other
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the Sand-box aspect of the game, it gives the player the freedom that not all games have.
    I also like that the developer is actually doing something different and is always adding good content and not milking the game's progression to eternity.
    The game might be too grindy but with 1 mod you solve most of the issues, but I do appreciate that you have a lot of shit to do before getting to the good stuff, it feels more rewarding in a way.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are poor but the writing is worse. I think that this game has potential to be good if there is a complete UI overhaul as well as new renders, but with what it is - this is a disappointing game.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all, forget playing the game without any mods. The game is grindy as hell and if you want to enjoy it then do yourself a favor and install some of the awesome mods. But even with mods it is a serious grind and one of the few games where I considered using cheats.
    With that being said, the game does have it interesting aspects and provides lots of freedom on what you can do. If you don't mind the grind and want to invest many hours of game time you may find a very nice game here. But if you found games like big brother grindy then forget about this one!

    - Lots of freedom, you can do whatever you want with whomever you want
    - Interesting game world
    - Beautiful female characters
    - Nice sex scenes
    - Every girl has their own routines and scenes
    - Complex stat system (almost RPG like)
    - You have superpowers to force people into doing what you want
    - Lots of content

    - Bad UI, but you get used to it and it does have tooltips (which helps a lot)
    - Very, very, very repetitive
    - Male main character is ugly
    - No animated scenes
    - Sex scenes are really short and take long to get
    - Some scenes have very bad lighting
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good, has lots of potential. Stands out from all the "clone" novels in that there are RPG elements, and a large cast of characters. Does need more story line work and speed up character development some, but expect that in the future as the rest of the abilities are implemented.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has a potential story and system but it has too many major flaws namely:

    The grind/slow pace is just 2 much, its the usual trappings of someone that develops the game having in mind the ppl that play every update and as a result uve got this obtuse grind when u see the game as a whole.

    Obtuse system where u have to play with the help of notes to remind the likes and dislikes of a character (given the high number of characters, at least 10 from what i played).

    Lackluster graphics / models and the scenes itself also leave much to desire.

    How to improve the game:

    Fix the ridiculous grind, theres many levels to change here due to the system he implemented namely:

    Instead of click 4 times a character to get 8 favor one option... or give at least double the points of what u give for stats like favor, love, lust, classes u take.

    Stats that u can rarely increase or decrease like inhibition for mom should be at least 5 times what it is. (havent played the game all the way so dont know if theres an alternative to the weekly option).

    School influence should be given in weekly basis, once per month its just ridiculously slow..