Ren'Py - Sweet Affection [v0.10.11] [Naughty Attic Gaming]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I usually avoid illusion-based games unless they're particularly good. I assumed the story must be groundbreaking after seeing the changelogs with a lot of text updates, so I gave it a shot because I'm a sucker for good stories.

    The gameplay is straightforward: you have a household and seduce your family, and once you reach a certain level, you repeat activities with them and earn points until the level meter is full. As you progress through the levels, some activities change and your interactions with them become more intense.

    The gameplay concept isn't bad, and I liked it until the writing abruptly changed.

    The story / writing: First and foremost, I believe the game's storywriter has never dated anyone in his life. If you said just a few of those lines in real life, everyone around you would puke and flee, especially the women. It's a disaster. The majority of the MC's approaches are compliments you'd expect to hear from kids who have only recently discovered sex. Not only are these lines horrible, but he repeats them to the same characters over and over.

    A good story requires a foundation, as well as creativity, ideas, and experience. Experience is especially important if you want to share some of it with others. Unfortunately, none of those are in this game. There is no tension, no resolution, and no drama. Everything I've read has been so cheesy; It made me sick.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The text is long, but it has a lot of stamina, and as a non-native English speaker, I spent a day sinicizing the entire game (all the content) and then playing it slowly, and this game made me love and hate
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is just awesome. I had played the old version before it was rebooted, and I liked it back then too. Loads of fun, loads of things to do, loads of fap material. Story is fine even if it's just generic and EXTREMELY Verbose (skip skip skip). Its pretty well written with no engrish and very little grammar errors.

    - lots of content.
    - lots of hot scenes.
    - lots of variety.
    - great renders, great animations.
    - fap fap fap

    - The time system can get annoying as things trigger at specific moments i.e. Saturday at 1pm... so if it's monday 7 am you're pretty much just advancing time to get to saturday to trigger that event.
    - Lots of repetitious things. There a certain things you do over and over and over with slightly increasing "sexual" results. Kinda gets old and some characters have the same repetitious scenes. Basically feels like a reused scene with a different model.
    - Honey select models are ok, but very rigid as to how much you can modify them. i,e the "older" characters dont look older. You're pretty much capped off at having characters look possibly in their 30's. and even then it's a stretch Doesnt work well for characters supposed to be 40+ (i.e a grandmother)

    Overall though. Had lots of fun and has tons of content. 4 stars! Worth playing, but not perfect by all means.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic. One of the better games here. Well ordered story, a lot of characters, little step by little step gameplay. Romantic, sensual and at the same time, lot of sex scenes. I'm always waiting for the next update. Lot of information from DEVS and help trough the game, even with all the stuff avaliable from gallery.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it very much! sexy, and cute too! although incest games are quite... strange, I can feel its tenderness and cuteness too!
    but I'm italian, and i don' like that "translate" very much... have you used google translate?:cautious:
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I've been accompanying this game since the beginning and i gotta say, i am disappointed with the current state of the game . Not only its cheesy but its also uninteresting and dull, there is no pace to this game, everything after while feels repetitive and while the scenes were good some 5 years ago now they are outdated and there is plenty of AVERAGE games with better animation.
    The beginning looked really promising but it has prolonged for too much time and turned into a feeling fest that is laughable in the most.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a great story and great graphics. Some of the side stories seem unnecessary. The regular updates are great and I like the idea that we don't have to wait months for an update. I like the hint system to this game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    If you're here for a family corruption type of game, in the style of previous work of this developer, you'll be dissapointed. At first it's fine, but then the cheesiness in the dialogue plus the absolutely overwhelming amount of it starts becoming unbearable. For the first few levels with the mother and sister things seem to go in the right direction, but roughly by level 5 or so the dev goes full on Hollywood wannabe. There are some fucking scenes that, and I kid you not, I spent entire MINUTES of ctrl pressing. So imagine, a few hundreds of dialogue boxes for a game you are supposed to play to fap. Furthermore, the highest level available by v0.8.7 is very stagnant and pretty much the same as the previous one. The storylines of other characters are lighter and you can actually enjoy some of the later stuff. But the amount of text this has (and by no means good) should be measured in Dragon Ball units of power, because it's like ten billion billions.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1333013

    To the dev... I'm sorry, I want to love this game but the dialogue!! WAAAY too much man! 99% of this is clicking through dialogue. It's the biggest obstacle in this game and adds no value to the gameplay. If the dialogue was reduced by 90% it would be playable. For example, and a very SMALL example might I add:

    I enter the shop, all I want to do is buy some fricking clothes or cosplay for the ladies of the house and I'm forced to talk to the lady at the counter for bloody 5 mins. Just insanity man. If the dev reduced it, and I mean REDUCE REDUCE, I would rate higher but the rewards is not worth the time, and very sadly the negatives outweigh the positive.

    Edit:What I love about this game is the slow corruption and focus on main characters, just please imagine how much fun this game would be if you cutall the pointless dialogue out and leave the bare essential. I'm talking less than 10% of what already exists. Is 10GB of this game just script?.

    TL;DR - I like this game but the 500 trillion dialogue count in this game makes it unplayable. Sorry man.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.8.5 version (also played version 0.5 before, previons name was "Research Into Affection")
    - acceptable cg
    - some animations here
    - in 0.5 mc was simple pervy freak, now mc evolved to kind, polite young man with some perv. evolution...
    - not bad ui
    - good content amount
    - since 0.5 we got world outside home! wow! now mc not grounded/home_arrested.
    - cool ui element "diary" (actualy its "scene guide") but only for 2 npc now
    - ig hints- no w/t needed
    - 12h timesystem... for what reason that madness here?!
    - animations... there only 200-300 animations(i mean- to few aganst 30k-40k cg pics) and half of then for peep/spycams
    - some background elements looks terrible
    - model problems in some cg arms looks like broken
    - again models prodlem- unnatural poses gestures... example? ok, look at mc phone grip, arwww!!!
    - text amount... its real problem, cuz i pressed "SPACE" key several thousands times, so be careful your keyboard can die in that game . minus 1 star for that

    my rating for that game was 3.5, then i used science method- 10 times flip a coin (6 times adler und 4 times löser). result- 4 stars.
    if u dnt ready spend many hours in reading and have no spare keyboard/mouse- avoid that game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Really nice game interface and story.
    Only downside is the artwork, which is Honey Select or something else, and it could either be beefed up a lot, or exchanged with Daz, which solves the issue of American people looking exclusively Japanese. (I mean, honestly, an idea like this deserves better than screencaps from another game).

    Rating: 3 (due to the artwork source being a game and even one with subpar graphics). Would be 4.5-5 if done in Daz.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has decent ui and sandbox mechanics such that it doesn't feel like a chore to navigate. I've only played a bit but it seems like there is a lot of content and the family stuff seems good for incest lovers which is the only reason this isn't a one star.

    What does feel like a chore is the dialogue. I don't need the writing in these games to be amazing but this games writing is particularly bad. Every single man other than the MC is a cartoonishly evil character such that the MC can impress girls just by simply not being a monster. This is a pet peeve I see in a lot of harem games but never to such an egregious degree. The plot for literally every girl is that some evil men are causing all her problems and you have to save the day. The only exception to this is your family which is another reason why the incest content is the only redeeming factor for this game.

    On top of that, the pacing of conversations is just so slow and the MC can't stop jerking himself off about how he's not interested in one night stands and wants a real connection. Meanwhile he's flirting with a dozen girls at once. I think the intention is to let you follow as many or few routes as you want but the issue is that he treats each girl like they are "the one".

    Of course behind this nice guy persona he secretly peeps on his family members in the bath and spies on them using cameras. I actually think you could work with this and make him a two-faced kind of character but the narrative doesn't address this dissonance at all. It seems like were actually supposed to buy that this is a decent person to self insert as despite his creepy gross behavior.

    Also I love slow burn games a lot, but in order for them to work there needs to be constantly building tension. With the family this works because they aren't overtly flirting, part of the reason why the incest category is popular in the first place is because it can facilitate slow burn stories like this and add a lot of tension. However, it doesn't make sense to have this slow pace to such a degree with other characters especially when both sides have expressed romantic interest.

    The dialogues themselves drag tremendously long as well. I think you can get away with making a game more dialogue heavy if the writing is good enough but this is some of the worst I've seen. I feel like the dev needs to go back through and condense a lot of the dialogue or hire a writer and this game will be improved immensely. As well as reducing the white knight attitude of the MC.

    EDIT: One thing I didn't realize when writing this review is that the incest content has like double the length of any of the other routes, but also the dialogue becomes harder and harder to get through as it goes on. Every conversation is the characters talking about how much they love each other and there is very little plot or character traits to break up this monotony. Every interaction is just "I wish I could spend every day with you." or "ahaha I'm teasing you in the most lame unfunny way imaginable." It's excruciating. You will read the same lines over and over and over again, not because scenes repeat, but because the same type of situations keep happening and the characters have very samey conversations that take up way too much time.

    Again, underneath the abysmal writing is a potential hit, but I've probably played hundreds of games on this site and this is the closest I've come to skipping dialogue, I definitely started skimming it quickly.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    First - there will be many mistakes, not my native language.
    Short version - Do NOT waste your time on this *Game*.It is not worth your time.(And you will spend a huge amount if you`ll try to read the text).
    Version 0.8.2

    Gameplay:There is none.You get a fixed amount of events on the time schedule, you click(read) through these events, level up your family and start over.Rinse and repeat until you get to the end of the current build.
    There are side characters , you can click(read) through their events as well.
    Kinetic novel, i would say, No choices though, you can only choose what event to trigger, but NOT what will happen or wont happen in it.
    One-hand game, maybe that is correct.

    Graphics: Average HS graphics, cant complain or praise.

    Story: Oh man, that is where the most problems are.
    I can`t fully express my frustration with the text in this game, because this is not my native language..but boy oh boy, this is the most cringiest ,annoying, timewasting, enraging, facepalming,time consuming, irrelevant, insanity definitive piece of..of...script.
    If you read first 3 affection levels - you have seen all that this game has to offer in case of storytelling.
    First problem - repetition.Context is changing, circumstances are changing - but you(MC) are saying almost the exact same things, over and over and over again.
    Second problem - it is NOT ineresting to read.I can justify any amount of text, but it needs to be INTERESTING!This is not the case!
    Exscluding some talks about a past, almost every dialog is same ol same ol!
    From the most succesful compliment of all times: Her eyes are so green!
    To an endless fight for honesty about MC MEANING what he is saying.
    Yes, for the love of God, when you have been told that your are beatiful for the millionth time -YES!HE FUCKING MEANS IT!
    If you will play(please dont), here is the list of the things you will see almost every dialog:
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    And thats it!Thats the whole story!You sweetalking(literally) your way into the panties of your family!Playing all loving white-knightly yes man.

    Problem is - you are not.You place web-cams all over your home to spy on your family.You are snooping around their rooms, personal stuff and diaries.
    You intentionally barging in on them in the toilet\bath and their rooms when they are inside.
    This plot was working for the time,when game was named *Research into corruption*.But now it is what it is.

    Content: It is there, but the amount of text you have to read(or skip) is just not worth it.Nothing above average.95% of the game is - text.Long read before naughty scene, long read after.

    Summary: Goal of the game is simple - slowburn based only on affectionate relationships.And its not working at all.Characters are not developing, they are getting used to your actions.You take advantage of your NOTmom, who lived past 21 years without any form of contact, and a half- stupid NOTsister in her puberty years, when hormones becomes your brain.
    Not interesting to play - because there is no gameplay.
    Not interesting to read- because same topics with same words.
    Not interesting to fap - because by the time you get to the good stuff, either your Ctrl will broke, or you will loose your patience.
    This is the second time i play this game, and there wont be the third.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game and it has it's moments but the sheer amount of words is way too much. They have repetitive conversations about the same things almost every time they start sexy times. By the time I got to home-base with the mom I was out of patience. Get rid of at least half of the dialogue as a start. It's almost weird too that the sis is ok with anal before pussy sex. Women don't see anal as sex light so it just feels silly. It's one of those odd things in the game that doesn't help like when they slip in the pool and act like they fell ten feet onto concrete. A few tweaks would help this game a lot.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    could literally be 5 stars if it wasn't so wordy lmao, the build up is good but i swear you could take out around 50% of it and it would still be more than enough and you wouldn't lose anything valuable. mom and sister are good and once u do get the sex scenes they are fantastic, but its a massive grind to get there.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all game is great and there are some amount of grind but its fairly easy(money and affection)Grinding for affection points are not chore because you still interact with the characters and see some nice scenes and money is fairly easy(you dont need the work hard for it).I would say game has a nice story and there are many conversation fillers but if you want to read,enjoy the dialogues this game is for you.Scenes are hot and i find the girls amazing if you get in the story,interactions with the household is hot.Overall i really love this game,cant wait for future updates
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game, but the dialogue... is not so good. Relationship between character also don't very change, which is confusing given how far you go with them, but they still treat you same as at start of game. Overall, still fun to play, but would really be nice if dialogue could be improved.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice game. Sister is a very fun character and hot, I really love her. Renders are pretty good, writing is also decent.

    Personally wish it was less of harem but won't subtract any points for that, good luck to dev keep working on it.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    It is funny but some mechanics aren't as fun as you expect. Poor drawings and poor animations describe it better, but I find it a good beginning for a developer who's grinding for some experience on developing porn games.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Dialog may be overwhelming, but it's good content with lots of relationship building and a few nuances. The level 6 movie date to get to level 7 relationship with the two women of the household may have a lot of words, dialog and filler sentences, but it makes for a great build-up on how the progress of the relationship between them has grown, the diary content is adds more context on the minds inside them but it's a bit tedious when it comes to completing all the diary notes since the weekend only events can only completed in 2-3 separate weekends which takes up a lot of time, the patreon income mechanic becomes obsolete once you get to $50+ subscribers then the amount of money becomes useless at some or an early point in the game since there's only two women you can spent money on dresses, costumes, lingerie and a trip to the spa, otherwise with all these flaws it still makes for a great story and interesting game. (Sucks that to give something a rating F95 requires you to give a 200 word essay, like ain't no one got time for that, but here I am).