Ren'Py - Sweet Affection [v0.10.11] [Naughty Attic Gaming]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 135786

    I'm a game dev myself, so I'll *try* to be as non-moron as possible...

    Well... it's the first time in my gamer life that I've skipped dialogue like crazy. That pretty sums up my impressions with the game.

    That, and the fact that it has some interesting touches I can *see* as a fellow dev. Those details like the diaries scripted text being actually a different font for each girl.

    But... again, the dialogues seem taken from the mind of a virgin 18 year old beta orbiter. Seriously. That bad.

    And by no means I consider myself a professional writer. Hell no. But when you're reading for the hundredth time "Do you really think I'm pretty?!" or "I only want to spend time with you", I can't do other thing that opening AutoClicker.exe and spare me the misery until the next milestone actually happens.

    As for the content amount... again, I know how hard it is to make games by yourself, but I think it's a bit underwhelming considering this game was already in production when I was still doing my previous game. I don't have experience with posing Honey Select models, and I also don't know if this dev is making enough money to make this project his full-time job, but still...

    Anyway, it's by no means a disaster of a game. The models are pretty, the gradual corruption is adequate, and there is attention to detail from a game design PoV.

    If only the dialogue was like... three times less redundant. :-/
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    (Reviewed version 0.6.12)

    You are a young man, living with your affection-starved single mom, and your innocent-but-discovering-her-sexuality sister (there are other characters but they're peripheral and 95% of game time is spent on this main pair). Each character has an hourly schedule in the open world offering opportunities to interact with them in different settings, gaining or losing affection points and pushing the plot forward.

    At first it's a promising game. Utterly derivative, but the characters are well defined, the mechanics cleanly presented and the graphics on the better-than-average end of the Honey Select spectrum.

    And then the grind sets in, and you watch minor variations of the same set of H scenes over and over again with different words on top, crawling through the molasses of the plot, dragging yourself through pages of dialog that you click through faster and faster until you inevitably enable "skip unseen dialog", just so the next corruption level might reward you with 10% more tits.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    + It's well designed.
    + It has oyakodon fantasy, which is well presented.
    + Good images
    + Easy to play
    + Easy to get money
    + Cosplay things
    - It doesn't have much content yet (But has potential)
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok, so, I've had a lot of fun with this game at the beggining, but for the last couple of levels things have just not really made much sense with the way the characters interact with one another.

    I really like what this game is going for, with the slow and restrained aproach to corruption which looks a lot more realistic than other incest stories where both parties just immediately give in and from that point onward they just fuck. It makes sense that it would feel unconfortable, and wonky, and that the characters would be constantly worried about where each other's boundaries are, and that's great. But I'm afraid the game is just not well written enough to support it, and instead of comming across as realistic and emotionally engaging, it is just completely overbearing.

    We get it, the mother has never felt loved in the past, so she needs to be constantly reasured. It's a good character arc to have that character slowly ease into the mentality that she is loved, beautiful and hot but...she has to progress. She can't keep being shocked, in the exact same way, every single time. I've lost count of how many times she has said "No one has ever said that to me", and that's not a line that works multiple times. Someone has said that to her. We have. Multiple times in that day alone. Other similar lines are also repeated constantly. Most damming of which, altough not exactly a line, is "chuckles" or "giggles". Whenever characters aren't completely freaking out about stepping over a boundary, they're giggling in every other line of dialogue. No one talks like that.

    Sister is even worse, because though she suffers from all the same problems, her's are never justified in the story. She didn't have to settle with a guy she didn't love and raise two kids. She hasn't spent years alone, longing for love. Her need for reasurance is only slightly explained by her body image issues, which are once again, not well written enough to come out as endearing. She doesn't like her breasts because...reasons. And her dislike for them isn't reflected in how she dresses, nor does she feel self conscious around her own topless mother no, she only dislikes them when the mc says he likes them, and then she finds thousands of reasons why they're bad. Because then the MC can be "sweet" again.

    "Hot scenes" being interrupted in that way are the rule in the whole game. Every intimate moment is interrupted by the characters shifting their focus to something that happened off screen, years ago. That's actually a great way to paint the image that these characters are not very confortable with the situation they're in, and are trying to ground themselves. It would be good writing, if it wasn't once again overused to shreds. Eventually they have to be comfortable with one another. Their relationship dynamic has already been well estabilished enough that we don't need these moments for it.

    The story is good. It really is, it's a lot more engaging than the mindless fuckfiesta of games like Corruption. But the writing is abysmal, miles below other games with the same approach, like Dating my daughter, Freeloading family, Summertime saga, etc.

    And once you start getting bored of the repetition and start skiping nearly every line of dialogue you're left with nothing. The art isn't good, and there is barely any gameplay. Those two things wouldn't matter if the game was well written, but since it isn't, the game wasn't an enjoyable experience.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Had to adjust my rating here not because any of the stuff below has changed but because the dev continues to embed his animations in a way that is infuriating. Most games use short animations interspersed with still images for sex scenes so the player has some control of how quickly or slowly the scene progresses and this adds some space for the dev to add sexy talk. This game continues to embed a single large video that ends as soon as you hit enter. It's frankly inexcusable and ruins most of the sex scenes.

    Still a nice game for people more concerned with romance and slow burn and less concerned about the actual sex scenes

    Really enjoy this game. Nice tight focus on the three main characters. The corruption does move slowly but that's what the game is trying to do and the gameplay is not complicated or difficult. You know what to do each level/week. Journal entries being tied to the events each corruption level is a nice little touch. Mom and sis are really nice looking models and the H scenes are pretty good.
    Good time to get on board with this game as the corruption is just starting to get good. Play if you like a slow burn incest corruption game that is starting to really burn. Avoid if you are looking to quickly turn your family into sluts.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh my god this game is boring. Nine gig download and the game is just a complete boring grind fest. What is there to hold interest in this game, there is very little story and not a lot in the game at all. Just get affection points and click through the hours trying to follow a book of certain things your supposed to do to get a corruption level, as for the any sex scenes, they last for about 1 second, sticks it in 1 bam immediately goes to the finish. BORING, there are many games that are far superior and actually have a story to it. Graphics and animations are amateur and download size is huge, Not worth the download.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game i have ever played on this site! I am thankful that the dev really take their time to flesh out the story instead of instantly delivering on lewds. If you are a fan of good/long stories I greatly recommend this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're into the slow-burn incremental corruption games, this one is it.

    A lot of corruption games get it wrong by gating content behind incredibly long grinds with no payoff along the way. (Alice Awakening, Bad Brother Saga as two examples.) This game is that concept done right. Its taken a long time to get to this point, in fact I'm pretty sure at one point it was even labeled Abandoned but the game we have now is great.

    The animations are good and the dialogue is pretty impressive, theres the occasional typo but its easy to forgive considering the sheer volume of it all.

    The gameplay is repetitive, but surprisingly its to the games benefit. Everyday has the same schedule with activities the girls do around the house, but the more you play the further the characters descend into voyeurism. With a unique scene for each stage of the day for every corruption level, its exciting when you go to see how a particular activity has evolved each levelup.

    I just can't express how jam packed full of content this game is. Even the early scenes before any major corruption is great. It's back to back erotic scene after erotic scene and I can't recommend it enough.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game could be good but instead it's fucking terrible to get that patreon money.
    Get ready to do the exact same thing over and over and over. Your reward is getting to eat out or finger one of the girls lmao. "Wow, your "special place" smells and taste like heaven." No dude has ever said this and if they did they were fucking lying. "MC I love you with all my heart!" "No, I love you with all my heart!" Fuck off.
    MC and girl will masturbate together then be shy about kissing with tongue.
    This game was written by a 16 year old or someone who has never had sex.
    I tried my best but after a few weeks in the game I couldn't take it anymore.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 894997

    The game is just so repetitive.
    And i dont even mean in a grindy see the same scene way.
    Because the lvling system with affection fill to max, before you've seen all the scenes each lvl.
    The issue is that EVERY SINGLE INTERACTION is the same, with just different text.
    Its just the MC telling how much he adores his mom/sis, how they are afraid to be direct with each other, and the same "teasing" every time.
    There is just SO much text, of the SAME discussion over and over, that if not for the checkbox system on scenes already scene, you wouldn't know if you actually are having a fresh scene or the same discussion you've already had 100 times.
    There is so much droning on and on with crap loads of text.

    Renders, scenes and expressions are good.
    But having the same interaction with different words over and over just gets super boring after a while.
    And there is soooo much text also.
    If the text at least where engaging its fine, but its not.
    Its just draged out to the max about the same topic and discussion each time.

    Every single scene have the same setup:
    Mc enters area, and 9/10 the mom/sis is in a state of undress or touching them self's.
    MC stares, and then the interaction about how much he loves their bodies start, and how that makes him/them feel.
    But it doesn't end there, it just keeps going on and on and on and on and on about the same thing,
    Then one of them is afraid they stepped over a line, so they say they are sorry.
    MC/Mom/sis says its okay, and all is well, then one of them is afraid of asking if they can be naughty with the other person.
    But its always okay, so the naughty part proceeds.

    This IS EVERY scene.

    Also calling this game corruption is a huge stretch tbh, cos there really is no corruption.
    And there is no real story to this game either.
    Because of the way the scene system works, 7/10 the sis/mom/mc will mention something in one scene, that you have not actually seen yet.
    So there is no red line trough the game, a lot get super confusing.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like Research into affection more than I ended up doing so, but at the very least, I know what it is that caused me to dislike it, and it's possible that you may feel differently.

    The characters are interesting, if not a little one-dimensional. The two main love interests, the mother and sister of the main character, are all that I will discuss here, as thus far only one other girl is able to be raised beyond level one. The renders are fine, and the poses and camera placement are pretty good for a honey select title.

    The sister is fun-loving and likes pranks. The mother is really nervous about having an inappropriate relationship with her son. Both of them love the Main Character, in a familial way to begin with, and eventually more romantically. (Which basically means that eventually they will get over you walking in on them in the toilet and don't immediately tell you to get out.)

    The game interface is mostly clear. A menu bar has some shortcuts and access to the diary, and the primary interface is just clicking on a location where a girl is having an activity too join them or talk with them.

    The implication that you will need to balance time on working on your patreon and seducing your family is interesting, but misleading. The only uses for your funds is buying outfits, going on dates, and installing spy cameras, but the cameras are optional, (and mostly pointless) and the dates and buying outfits are just momentary hurdles to progression.


    The diary system as a checklist has promise -

    The diary entries were interesting, and after each scene was viewed for the first time, the inner thoughts of your mother or sister would be conveniently written out for you to find in their journals. These were occasionally interesting, but almost never surprising, as they only wrote about the scene you just had, and mostly along the lines of "OMG, you will never believe what we just did..."

    The graphics are pretty good -

    Hey, look. Animations. And they don't totally suck. The videos of most of the lewd acts are fine, once you get to them, and better than the still frames that a lot of lewd games favor.


    This game is repetitive -

    To progress in the game, you will need to grind out stats with your mom and sister to make them affectionate towards you. 5% affection per act (with a few exceptions) means that it will take about 20 actions to get them to 100% which unlocks the ability to buy them a dress and take them out on the weekend. Some activities get progress for both of them, but mostly, that will be 20 acts per girl. (You can fast forward through content you have seen as per usual renpy rules.) After you go on a date, which required you to max out their affection, you are frequently rewarded with a large bunch of affection, which is all lost. Then, after you take each on a date, the three of you watch a movie together, and you reset to 0 affection at the next level. This just seems asinine from a game perspective. Spend time to make them love you, date them for a reward that is useless, and then remove ALL progress for the next arbitrary hurdle.

    This game is repetitive -

    That same diary system that tells you which scenes you have seen, can be used to find the scenes you miss. If you decide that you want to see them all and have them checked off in the diary, you will need to progress through around three game weeks for every week of story progression. So every week of new scenes, takes about a month in game. Every day activities like going to school and going to work can have all the content viewed in 2 days. but for the weekend, 8 activities will be packed into the 10 o'clock slot. (to be fair, only 4 activities count in the diary) But on top of the optional morning activities, 2 extra options are required for progression. 6 of them are either barging in, peeping, or knocking to get a scene. A few other weekend scenes will change, but they can mostly be viewed in only a single weekend. What this means is that in order to fill out the diary that the game keeps like a checklist, you will go through one game week and see the vast majority of available scenes in about 2 game days. Another 4 game days will let you unlock the diary options for the morning routine. (you can barge in, peek or knock while mom and sis are in the bathroom or shower) But because the weekend 10 am slot has those same peek-open-knock options, as well as an option to invite out on a date that evening at 5, and you can only do two actions out of 8 each week. What this means is, with less than 1% new content after the first week, each game level will take you about a month of gameplay to not skip a scene.

    This game is repetitive -

    Not only will you see many scenes repeatedly, but all the scenes blend together into a banal conversation "Tell me what you want." "I want to go slow." "OK, we will progress slowly." for the entirety of gameplay. While the sex acts and lewd scenes do progress, there is no variety to the conversation they will have about what they are doing. The MC tells mom he loves her tits early and keeps telling her in every scene where she is topless. He tells you that he can't believe how comfortable his mom and sister are getting with him every time either shows him anything. He tells his sister he will get even for her latest teasing every time she opens her mouth. The fact that EVERY sex act you had to grind to unlock is met with at least FOUR scenes with dialogue like
    Her:"You know that thing we did before? I liked that"
    You: "We can do that again"
    removes any interest that a hot steamy scene could possibly have. And while I could have complained about the writing here instead of making the repetitive joke, the fact that SO much of the conversations sound like they were copy-pasted from conversations that you JUST had is really a crime.

    The game is really fond of making you repeat scenes you had watched before, making you repeat every conversation you have at least four times, and making you repeat all of the things you just did with one of your family members with the other one. I could complain more, but I feel I would just be repeating myself.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Where to start with this game, the visuals are fantastic with the HQ version. I like all of the models that I've run in to in this latest version, especially happy with the mother character. There is tons of story for the main characters, the mother and sister have so much you can do as their corruption increases. On to the bad pieces unfortunately, which really isn't all that many to be honest. First thing is the way you corrupt them, it's the same exact process for every corruption level, only you get a few different scenes per level. Get's quite repetitive after a while, especially since there's quite a bit of story and dialog to go through. Which brings me to the second thing that I disliked, with everything that's been put in to this game so far you would think that there's some sort of penetration, but there is absolutely none with the main characters. Lots of teasing, touching, fingering, etc.....but not one ounce of penetration. Just seems like a waste considering how much is already in the game, like trying to milk it out of patreon like Mr. Dots with DmD.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    • Decent writing and english
      Though the MC keeps repeating some phrases all of the time: "I won't lie", but some people talk like that.

    • Decent models

    • Mother and daughter look alike and are both cute/good looking

    • Sneaking with sister behind mothers back. Sneaking with mother behind sisters back.
    • No choices affect the story
      Player input is confined to deciding who to talk to and when, as well as clicking on the right things on the screen and choosing the right answers in some conversations. But the story itself doesn't change based on player input. That would be ok if there was decent gameplay, but that isn't the case here.

    • Major inconsistencies in MC personality
      The dev can't decide if the MC is a creepy asshole or a moralizing white knight. On one hand, his stated goal/mission is to corrupt women (and his own mother and sister no less) just in order to get experience to write an erotic game to make money. And he creeps on his mother and sister and peeks on them while in the shower, on the toilet and so on, he reads their diaries, he cracks their computers to rife through their personal stuff, he installs spycams to spy on them and so forth. On the other hand, he constantly white knights as soon as he meets a woman, he is extremely careful not overstep any boundary or do anything the woman is not absolutely comfortable with, he moralizes about the world and his approach to corruption seems to be to service the women he meet rather than to try to get any pleasure for himself.

    • To much reading
      To many pointless and banal conversations about nothing, that doesn't really advance the story (or explain how the MC manages to seduce/corrupt the women around him) but are there just to fill out the game with content for the grind that the player have to go through in order to get to the next stage.

    • Grind
      In order to get to the next stage with any women, they need to be "leveled up" and "leveling up" requires a number of conversations and/or scenes to be played through. Maybe this will get better with time, but as of now, that also means having the same conversation over and over again with some characters as there isn't enough conversations/scenes to fill up the "level up" meter without having to do repeats.

    • MC blue balling himself
      Despite having corruption as an ultimate goal and knowing (for quite some time) that both mother and sister are lusting for him heavily, the MC still takes things extremely slow and puts off actually fucking both of them. Why? If there is some sort of underlying grand plan (get them so enamoured with him so that he can get them to do the most depraved shit imaginable?), it isn't explained and it feels more like the Dev just want to put off having the MC reach his goal of corrupting both mother and sister enough so that they agree to let him fuck them.

    • Corrupting how?
      The MC:s main strategy for corruption seems to be to be nice and deferential and to project an aura of white knight, upstanding moral citizen and understanding shoulder to cry on. And in the game it seems to work, as the women do fall for him. In the real world however, women (as well as men) don't get sexually aroused by niceness and it's not a very efficient tool for corruption or even seduction and it most certainly won't get a mother to lust for her son or a sister to lust for her brother (might give boyfriend material points though, but that's not what corruption is about).

    • Botched incest slow burn corruption
      Incest is a dish best served slow burn, because A) realism and B) much of the allure of incest lies in the extreme taboo that it entails and that lends itself very well to slow but damning corruption that turns an upstanding and respected mother or a virginal and innocent sister to a slavering sexfiend that just can't resist her own flesh and blood, consequences be damned. But in this game, both mother and sister starts lusting after the son/brother quite early on for no apparant reason and much of the taboo is flushed down the toilet. The slow burn is still kept, but has nothing to do with the need to corrupt/seduce in order to overcome the incest-taboo and everything to do with the MC:s white knighting and blue balling of himself (se above).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    man, I'm just going to be honest, this game does not get nearly enough love. I mean its a Ren'py corruption game with a fuck ton of content and extremely sex renders, what's there not to love.

    highly recommend especially if your a fan of corruption
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.6.7]
    Not sure why it took me this long to write a review. This is my favorite game on this website.

    The game is not about quick sex. The MC and the other characters are not dogs in heat wanting to hump everything that moves.

    The relationship between the MC and the characters is very well written in my opinion. The MC is respectful and truly cares about the other characters. Like the title says, it is about affection.

    I really enjoy the intensity and the intimacy of the different scenes. There is no actual sex (penetration) as of yet but there is oral sex, grinding, boob-jobs and so on. However, the teasing and the scenes are really hot. There is a huge amount of content if you read and see everything.

    The game also has a diary in which you can see the thoughts of the different characters and I really enjoy this. It offers you their perspective on what is going on.

    Great work JD and Boomatica! Impressive work. Keep it up

    TL;DR - Slow burn game but beautifully written. The scenes are really intimate, loving and hot which makes the game really great and realistic in my opinion.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been a fan of this series since Research into Corruption. This game is very refined, probably one of the best built-games I've played so far in regards to how the game guides you with a seamless interface.

    The good:
    The leveling up, by gaining affection is interesting. Common relations usually don't turn the way it went like in this game. However, in real life, there are cities in America that do exactly what is happening in this game. So, in a sense, it is true to life, but also a fantasy for everyone else.

    The bad-ish?
    I like how the ladies show affection towards the MC, but in my opinion affection should go both ways. Yes, when there is love, rational thinking goes down, but when playing the game with rationality this did prickle my thoughts.

    All in all, I really enjoy this game. I enjoy it so much that both this and RIA are permanently on all my devices as I love replaying them.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't do rewievs but this game makes me upset.
    After nearly two years of developement there is still barely any content. When you wander around the game there is way too many "not availabe in this update" like texts that quickly makes the game boring, and it feels like there is nothing to do. Oh wait... there is something, because there is that huge pointless grind with each character where you have to repeat the same events over and over again, but for what? To get some mediocre scenes? All you get is some teasing of "what will you get after a decade if the dev won't get bored and abandon the game".
    -Bland story
    -Bland images
    -Huge grind for so little

    After two years I would expect more.

    This game is a waste of time at the moment. Maybe after two more years...
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The graphics are cute and game mechanics are pretty good, but the story and the way it progresses is very hard to believe, and because of that, hard to get into it and enjoy.

    You get a mom and a sister. Coincidentally, the mom is super lonesome sexually and the sister is secretely wanting your dick too, and has zero interest in any other boys. Why you ask? She answers it in her diary: "in school we learned about the word Taboo, incest and I couldn't stop thinking about my brother ever since then". Okayyyy.... This girl is supposed to be going to a college, btw. Learning words? Okayyy... Moving on. You get a busty neighbour who coincidentally is an exhibitionist with zero shame, she has a daughter who coincidentally is uncontrollably thirsty for your cock after 20 mins of knowing you...

    You get the picture. It's just really hard to get into it, because of that reason. It doesn't hook you into the fantasy, since the fantasy is so poorly thought out and entirely flimsy whimsy, doesn't even try to be believable or relatable. It's sex phantasmagoria all the way.

    BTW if you were looking for corruption, this game is probably a hard pass for you, since the author's idea of corrupting mom is telling her how amazing and wonderful she is repeatedly, which magically melts all her defenses over time and turns her into a lewd cougar. Super, super vanilla and no power play aspects in this game whatsoever that I could discover. You're gonna be the Good Guy (tm) always and get no choice about it.

    It has cute scenes though, a nice sandbox type framework, and there's some basic grinding to be had if you like that aspect.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The artwork is superb and the story is somewhat believable.

    I didn't rate it higher for two reasons:
    1) The endless repetition of the MC telling his mother and sister how incredible they are. There are seemingly endless chains of the same dialogue, day after day, which gets old.
    2) Grind. I know developers put the grind in there to make up for a lack of content, but some games go overboard. I do appreciate the diary, which helps.

    Other than those two items, I like the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    RIA is awesome. One of my top two game played.
    While there is a bit of churn, it takes time to tear down walls of resistance so I'm not troubled by that in this game.
    I'm really looking forward to the next couple of updates (one just came out, but i haven't seen it yet) with some "background content" added.
    I would love to see it easier to view M and S diary updates related to new interactions.