Sex Tags.
I have added the tag of "Sex Toys" because the mom uses one almost every night.
I have added the tag of "masturbation" the sister really goes after it.
None sex tags added.
Point & Click.
Simulator, the mom goes to work, the sister goes to school with both locations being added later in the game so MC can visit them and MC works at a computer creating a VN game.
I think its going to have a "School Setting" but until its in game is when I will add the tag.
U menya odnogo poyavleniye babushki vesit igru?
Please use English, this is an English speaking board.
Пожалуйста, используйте английский, это англоязычная доска.
(Pozhaluysta, ispol'zuyte angliyskiy, eto angloyazychnaya doska.)
"""U menya odnogo poyavleniye babushki vesit igru?"""
Will it have a grandmother, no but it does have an aunt.
Будет ли у него бабушка, нет, но у нее есть тетя.
(Budet li u nego babushka, net, no u neye yest' tetya.)